
"The tower appears "

It was now 2042 and the world has almost been destroyed. The oceans once so great and blue have almost dried up. The grass and trees that once fillled the earth with green has almost all been chopped down .The animals are all either extinct or breed in harsh environments with artificial food and water just for our eating. The air is so polluted that we adapted to breathe it in.The people have over taken the earth with all their ambitions desires and greed. Some of us still believe the earth can go back , I used to but now it's only a whisp of a dream .

I'm Isabella Ann decarlo just a normal girl that still has memories of playing in endless green just outside my backdoor. Which now seems to have been turned into tall metal condo building thanks to one rich guy in a sea of millions just making money off people's sufferings. Soon though that will all change when a natural phenomenon seems to appear out off the blue literally. A tower made of an unknown substance surfaced out the only sliver of ocean water we still seem to have. In the very center of the equator a black metallic tower appears . three days later half of the world population disappeared never to be seen again , me included if you wsnt to know where we disappeared to well


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