
The Touch of Hades

[Mature Content] Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of the underworld. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.” AN-:) IF YOU WANT TO REACH OUT TO THE AUTHOR OR TALK ABOUT THE BOOK (give ideas and whatnot) HERE’S MY DISCORD SERVER NAME ryia6993 LITTLE SPOILER ALERT AS YOU CONTINUE READING I'm going to drop a few hints. Maybe it will help maybe it won't. 1. Before Aurora met Hades she didn't give a fuck about anyone. 2. She did (started caring ) when she met Hades and it made her look somewhat ‘cliche’ wanting his attention and whatnot. 3. Apparently, it was a way to tame her. The bond. 4. She recollects herself but in Hades enemy's hands. 5. There happens to be a ‘Reverse Harem’ Hope this helps when you start reading.

Ty_sonm · แฟนตาซี
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133 Chs


"Do you really want to see who I truly am, child?" He asked. His demeanor bore that of mischief and his eyes were humorous. We stared at each other and no one refused to break eye contact.

"All I want is for you to find my friend." I spoke after a long intense stare, my voice not wavering even from all that he had just displayed.

He stared at me amused, like he didn't expect me to do or say anything or be able to hold his gaze? I couldn't quite comprehend it, but I knew he was amused.

"Very well then, I better get going before the day gets any darker." And with that he started his walk down the farm. Humming a familiar song as he goes. I picked up a stool just at the corner and sat on it wanting to wait for them. He walks fast so they will be here any minute, I hoped. But when minutes turned into an hour and the evening got darker with weird noises echoing from the vicinity, I decided to go inside.

I went in, not much was in the house to see. A mattress laid on the floor, another wooden stool like the one from outside, and some farm equipment I think. I move inside as I inspected the place. The old man was pretty neat, everything was in order except for a door which I could only assume was the restroom and a weird-looking stone, situated on the pillow. It really didn't seemed out of place in a house like this. It makes sense that he was a farmer so he can have stuff like that in here, what didn't make sense was that the stone was somewhat transparent. You can see what it's inside, the color was a bit dark like brown.

I moved closer to further scrutinize the strange object.

I picked it up and stared at it amusingly.

"Hello there" I whispered to it and when it gave a dim sparkle I chuckled.

"Put that down!"

The voice thundered, making me jump, and unconsciously dropped the stone. But it didn't break, neither was there a crack. The stone rolled to the middle of the room and it remained there.

"Put what down?" I hear Madison's voice. She came from behind and stood in between us, staring. I rushed to hug her making sure I didn't touch her even though I wore gloves.

"I'm glad you are fine, do you still feel pain? Strain maybe?" she shook her head in response to my question.

"I feel fine. I don't know what he gave me, but it worked. Thank you" Madison turned to the man to acknowledge him. Just to find the man staring at me deep in thought.

"Sir Phillip?" She called and the man shook himself out from his slumber and smiled.

"Let's get you, ladies, something to eat" He simply mumbled before walking out of the house.

I turn quickly to Madison.

"Did anything happen? Did you anything strange happen? Did anyone try to attack you?"

"Well, nothing out of the ordinary happened, everything was somewhat normal. But he wasn't the first to come and say you asked me to come with them."

My eyebrows popped up quizzically at Madison.

"Are you serious?"

"I am. The worst part is they happened to know things about you, where you went to school and how old you are. But it was the basics and I didn't really picture you having the time to tell someone that. So I refused to follow them and threatened the person till they left. I only went with him when he said you wore gloves and showed me a picture of you."

I nodded after she finished talking and for a moment got lost in my thoughts.

"Who would do that and why? Who knew me here?" I wondered.

The door open and the old man comes in with a tray on his hands, two cups with hot water brimming in both cups.

"I thought it wise to let you girls make your choices and make your own drinks. Now, tea or coffee."

"We'll do just fine," Madison muttered on our behalf. "Where's the bathroom please? I need to use it."

"It's right outside, come with me I'll show it to you." The old man spoke up. My raise my brows in confusion. If that was the case then what was behind that door? I wondered.

"I thought that door was the way to the bathroom?" I voiced out and pointing at the direction where it was situated.

"What door?" Madison asked as she squinted her eyes trying to search for it round the room.

That confused me. What puzzled me even more was the weird intense stare I was getting from the old man.

"Maybe you mistook the exit door for another, Miss." The old man finally spoke. I turn to look at Madison and seeing the agitated look on her face, I thought it wise to not make her worry any more. So I simply muttered a 'right, sure.' and I watch Madison and the old man make their way to the restroom.

I turn back to look at the spot the door was situated. I definitely saw it cause it was still standing there. My curiousity got the best of me as I started making my way to find out for myself, what was in there."

Weird enough there was no knob, so there was no way I could go in. I slowly traced the door with my hands. I find weird circles and I pressed on them and suddenly the door creaked open.

"How did you.."

This time around I didn't jump when I heard the old man voice behind me. I simply turned to match his shocked expression with a mild glare.

"You said there was no door." I let out

"There wasn't suppose to be. At least not visible to mundanes', underworlders, or any creature for that matter." The old man spoke with confusion.

"But I can see it, and you can too… Right?"

For the first time since I met the man, the look of fear settled in his face. He stumbled backwards and slowly covered his mouth with his palm, his next question surprising us both.

"Who are you?"