

"Where are we?" Ojero managed to softly mutter.

"A city." Ryan replied.

Ojero was about to ask more, when he suddenly fell to the grass beneath him.

"I shall release you for now to not have the locals raise questions. However, try to flee, and I shall capture you." The paladin stated.

Ojeros chest began to ache at these words, remembering what the paladin was able to accomplish. He simply nodded his head once, while his thoughts raced.

'I can't anger him again, I can't go through that again…'

Then his eyes widened while he looked at the paladin, and realized he most likely could read those thoughts too.

'Just what is that power? Some kind of psychic mind reading? To be able to passively read minds it must be strong!'

The paladin then started walking off, and Ojero followed behind.

In front of them was a large city gate made of a dark wood with a red Phoenix engraved into it. The walls themselves were over 300 feet tall, and made of a dark black stone.

A palpable aura of magic could be felt the closer they got to the city.

Near the gate was a line of people, all waiting to be checked by two knightley figures clad in iron plate armor. On their chest plate was another red Phoenix similar to the one on the gate.

When seeing the line, Ojero prepared himself to wait a long time, seeing that hundreds of people were already waiting.

However, Ryan simply walked past everyone. Some turned to yell at the person cutting them in line, but stopped when they saw it was a paladin.

'It seems up here they know of the paladins.' Ojero thought.

Walking right up to the guards, Ryan pulled out the sponsored ticket he gained from the All Mother.

The guards, who were currently checking the papers of someone waiting in line, immediately threw the papers back at the surprised individual before moving to take the ticket from Ryan.

With just a quick look, they returned it and without a word stepped aside for the paladin and Ojero to enter.

The moment they passed, the guards just took the papers back from the gobsmacked citizen and read them like nothing had happened.

As Ojero walked passed he smiled to himself.

'I guess traveling with a paladin has its benefits. Who would've thought?'

The inside of the city was more impressive than a hundred Lumenbecs put together. Everything was massive and radiated a magical aura.

The streets were spotless and perfect, with well dressed citizens walking on either side of a central road that had various carriages and carts being moved to and from the center of the city where the large merchant district was.

It was this specific part of the city that Ryan intended to go to.

As they walked along the neatly cobbled streets, Ojero figured it was the best chance to ask questions.

"Where are we exactly?"

"We are in Everhold, the capital of the Everentile Empire and the seat of power for Emperor Livondius II."

'Everhold? Father always spoke very highly of this city. I can't believe I am finally seeing it with my own two eyes.'

The familiar bittersweet feeling filled him once again, reminding him of his recent losses.

In an attempt to distract himself, Ojero asked another question.

"So what are we doing here?"

"The first order of business is to find a Tome for you."

'A tome? I'll finally be able to start practicing magic! And with that, I'll be able to get answers!'

As they walked along the street, the citizens of Everhold moved out of their way, averting their eyes from Ryan and the boy following him, assuming a paladin and his squire were on official Avarian business.

It was not common, but Everhold often had powerful guests from various other nations visit for official state business. Usually, they would travel in carriages or carts, but the paladins were well known for valuing physical perfection and would often travel on foot.

"What kind of Tome are you going to get me?" Ojero asked, hoping he would be receiving a Legendary, or even an Ethereal ranked tome!

"A Common one." The large paladin replied.

Ojeros mouth suddenly dropped open.

He couldn't help but yell out, "A Common one? The most basic one!? How am I supposed to do well in a famous academy with only a Common Tome!"

The paladins shook his head as he continued walking.

"A Common Tome is often better than a Legendary Tome. A Common Tome is often blank and unused, allowing its first owner to completely alter its structure to suit their needs. It will grow alongside its wielder. Other Tomes have already obtained specific powers and archetypes. Your best path of growth would be to start with a Common Tome and to absorb the knowledge of more advanced Tomes as you grow."

His words sounded logical, but Ojero still couldn't help but grow angry.

'All of this and I have to settle for the lowest Tome of all… If father was still alive he would have given me the best Tome he could…'

"Your father is not alive anymore, child. It would be best for you to remember that." Ryan spoke, shocking Ojero from his thoughts.

The boy, worried about what would happen, quickly apologized.

Silence remained with them for a few minutes after this, before Ojero spoke again.

"Do you think I will do well in the Academy?"

Without even a second of hesitation, the paladin replied.

"You have the potential to do great there, boy, but only if you try and succeed. Your fate is always in your own hands. However, I will say there are not many places as good for a boy of your age as the Everentile Academy for Gifted Magi. You will be able to befriend many your own age and develop into a great mage."

Ojero was about to comment on this, when the paladin suddenly spoke again.

"We are here."

I live! Ojeros journey is not done yet!

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