
Are you god?

As everyone(including me) look down to see my passive, I'm pretty sure everyone(really everyone) gasped again, as the passive is pretty op if I must so myself(Passive Power - Ability to copy the opponent's attack and use it as your own, modify at free will of the attack. And can recreate to attack back. Caution: If you missed a single part of the process needed for the new/old attack pattern, you may danger yourself.(You were given a perfect memory to counter the caution). In brief, I can literally take my opponents attack(after seeing), make it into another element(and maybe even improve it) how op is that?! I'm pretty sure combine this with all elemental, my counter-attack is god-like.

After ANOTHER minute of silence, Miss Emily coughed 'ahem, I've to bring Itto to the Principal Office for a minute' may you excuse us and please stay quiet and don't play around(as if they have would listen and do nothing, after seeing my info). As we walk there, Miss Emily may have been walking steadily, but from her face I know shes afraid. So I reassured her, 'My rank is low, Rank 2 can just pressure me if I go on a rampage', somehow that didn't reassure her, is it due to the fact I know already who to avoid going on a rampage? Damn.

As the Principal glanced at my information, I swear I hear a sound made with a mixture of a tremble and a sigh. 'I'm Principal Harris, pleased to meet you Itto, I have no idea how you gained such luck, I would only have thought Rank 1 could've possibly gotten such powers'.(Close enough, I'm Rank 0)...

After another mixture of a tremble+ a sign(Bruh, can you teach me), 'Itto, even though your rank is ...below average of this school(You mean last in a nice way?), you have such extraordinary powers, in a 1 v 1 combat, I'm sure that you may have a chance to beat Rank 50's. And such I will have to report of this 'incident' to the higher ups, I'm sure we will have to call you back in a few weeks after some meetings. Now you may go back to your class.'

As I walked back with Miss Emily, Miss Emily said 'Let me be straight, theres a reason why I'm a teacher of Class A, usually every year without fail, a person with a Rank 10-100+ will have a heartattack, when they saw their Rank, and quickly renamed to Rank 150. And I've the ability to see true ranks, afterall I'm Rank 3 Global. So I've the question, why did you disguised your rank.' As I was about to lie, I stopped myself saying 'So you can see that I'm Rank 0(it was at this moment I realised, how can a Rank 3 see a Rank 0 disguise and I knew I messed up damn) Miss Emily had a shock on a face and asked 'Are you god?' I simply replied 'No?' Miss Emily 'I'm sure that you realised with that look on your face, I tricked you, sure I'm Rank 3 Global, but I only saw you Rank 150, and I couldn't believe so I made a small trap(winky face), as I have to, I would rereport this to the higher-ups so I'm pretty sure you would get a call not from power but by rank. But your Rank will not be shown to others, Rank 0 isn't even a MYTH. We'll see what to do with you, so please don't go expose or change your rank to a higher one.

I nodded understandably.