
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Valentine's Day Part Two

XiXi sits down at the table in the gazebo and Feng Tian starts to peel a few ripe Spiky fruits for her to eat..

She is curious as she watches him. The inside looks like a peach after he removes the outer spiky skin. It even has a pit like a peach. I wonder if it tastes like one ?

He hands her a piece and she puts it in her mouth and her eyes light up, the fruit has a sour apple candy flavor... like those candies are my favorite! "Feng Tian, this fruit is incredible it tastes like candy! Give me another piece!"

His mouth curls up in a smile, so cute..she is like a child sometimes the way she gets so excited about food.

He peels some more fruit and hands the juicy pieces to XiXi. After she has eaten her fill, she walks over to the stream to washes her hands. That was good but I just realized I'm getting hungry.

 "Feng Tian, are those fish edible?" 

"They are delicious."

She tilts the jug and drinks more wine. In a coquettish voice she coaxes, "Could you catch some...just a few... Sorry fish... I know I said you are too beautiful to eat but I'm starving... it must almost be dinnertime and I don't want to go back quite yet."

"Yes, let me start a fire first and find some branches to skewer the fish."

Feng Tian gathers up an armful of wood for a fire and sharpens some sticks for the skewers, while he is busy doing this he looks over at XiXi. She is staring out at the mountains with a faraway look in her eyes. He wonders what she is thinking about, she looks so forlorn. Feng Tian's eyes are full of warmth and doting, I will do whatever I can to see my little beauty smile.

It's a good thing she is staring off into space, I need to be quick to catch these Golden Eyed Dru and will need to use a palm strike to do it quickly. He stretches his hand out and four nice size fish fall flopping in the water, He grabs the fat fish out of the water right as XiXi turns around.

"You got four? How did you catch them so fast? Where is your fishing pole?"

 She asks a lot of questions, "I tossed it back in the brush. Come here and help me skewer these."

 He tells XiXi to hold one while he skewers the fat fish. He could do it himself but he wants to distract her from her thoughts. XiXi doesn't want to touch the squirming fish but walks to him.

He hands her one and the fish immediately slips out of her hands, she screams "It's so slippery ahh" and he catches it before it lands on the ground.

"That was quick Feng Tian" XiXi smiles at him and he laughs at her adorable expression. "Well, try to hold on tighter!

After several unsuccessful attempts of XiXi holding the fish he gives up and does it himself.

He puts them on the fire and they walk back up to the gazebo. XiXi is really thirsty and doesn't trust the stream water, there seem to be too many little creatures sitting on the rocks and swimming in it.

"Feng Tian ,can I have some more of your drink."

He hands her the jug and she drinks a few gulps then smiles "The bubbles tickle my nose." She scrunches up her cute little nose and giggles. "I really like this drink."

As he looks at her, the sun is starting to go down, her long blonde hair is not securely tied and falls down around her small oval face in little curls. She is lifting the jug with her small white hands and giggling, he almost can't restrain himself from the urge to embrace her into his arms. The wine glistens on her lips tempting him. I want to run my hands through her hair and kiss those delicious lips... make her mine.. only mine...

He averts his gaze to settle down his turbulent emotions.

Noticing the skewered fish looks like it is finished cooking, he goes and grabs two. He brings the slightly charred fish to the gazebo then lays it down on the large leaf and removes the bones for XiXi.

She is still drinking the Cloud Berry Wine while leaning on the railing and glances over with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Come here and sit down, take this one."

"Is that for me? Thank you Feng Tian I hate to try to pick bones out." She picks at the fish with her fingers, oh my! That is really good fish. I must say there are some unique delicacies on this island.

They sit in the gazebo quietly eating and XiXi continues to take sips of the delicious wine.

She rests her elbows on the table and puts her face in her palms. She looks up at him with a layer of mist covering her beautiful green eyes. "Feng Tian, I was supposed to get confessed to today by Qing Jun, why am I in this place" It's Valentines Day, I was going to give him chocolates and he was going to tell me he likes me. We all gathered up our money so we could have fireworks above the school that are in shapes of hearts and... "

All he can see are those pink lips with another man's name on them. His eyes are filled with possessiveness and jealousy. Who she is talking about, who is Qing Jun.

Through clenched teeth he asks, "Who is Qing Jun?"

She moves closer then leans on him shivering from the cold night air. He takes off his outer coat and wraps the heavy brocade around her. She looks so small and delicate.

He repeats his question,"Who is Qing Jun"

XiXi proudly remarks, "Jun is the most handsome striker on the soccer team at our University."

She calls his name so intimately and I am always Feng Tian! Who is this bastard she is calling handsome? She won't even acknowledge my outstanding looks. Feng Tian is starting to feel a heat boil up in him. What is this man to her? Feng Tian wants to hug her slender body in his embrace and not let go.

 I must wipe the thought of this man from her mind. "Remember I told you the Wind Whisps fly out of the cave at night... do you want to go to a place to see it?."

She nods, "I want."

" We need to go to the top of the mountain ,we will need to fly up there, so don't be scared"

"You can fly? Well, I read about that in a novel about fantasy places where men can fly using qingong" Makes sense, this is a magical island. She narrows her eyes, "Just make sure you hold on to me tightly, I don't want to fall"


He grabs her tiny waist, wraps her up in his arms and flies to the very top of the mountain. He sets XiXi down and notices she is clutching the jug of Cloud Berry Wine in her hands. No wonder she is so brave, he smiles down at her holding the jug tightly with her tiny hands.

Right as they sit on the edge of the mountain he says " Look now"

XiXi looks in front of her to see a thousand lights of many colors swirling across the sky like a fireworks display. Only they aren't fireworks but the colorful Wind Whisps lighting up the night sky. They cluster together forming various designs across the sky. The spectacular sight takes XiXi's breath away as she gazes at the magnificent array of colors across the sky.

She jumps up and grabs his robe, her eyes are sparkling as she exclaims, "Feng Tian! They are so beautiful!"

He thinks about the way she described the celebration of this Valentine's Day and the shapes the fireworks made in the sky. He used his palm to manipulate the Wind Whisp into those shapes . Feng Tian then separated all the red ones and made a giant heart she described in the middle.

In a spontaneous moment of happiness, XiXi hugs Feng Tian around his waist and buries her head in his chest. Her voice trembles, "Thank you so much for this Feng Tian!"

When XiXi gazes up at him with misty eyes and her long black eyelashes fluttering, he is filled with desire. He impulsively bends down to kiss her half parted lips then stops himself. It is too soon... but...Zhang XiXi, you will be my Princess.