
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

LingLing's Plan Is Delayed

Feng Tian arrives at the bamboo house to find Zhang Yu ready to go. He tells him he wants to find LingLing first he has to speak with her for a moment.

LingLing is practicing martial arts in her courtyard. She sees Feng Tian coming so she immediately stops swinging her sword, with a beautiful smile she greets him, "Feng Tian are we all going to Myriad Cloud City together, where is XiXi?"

He looked at her quizzically, if she was the woman at the lake she would know of XiXi's condition. Well, I don't have time to worry about it I will ask her later.

"She isn't coming today, but I would appreciate it if you would accompany us. You are supposed to go see Feng Che today aren't you? Then you could go to those seamstresses you mentioned and have them make Zhang XiXi some clothes. Do you think you could do that? Of course, I will pay so get traveling clothes and several dresses of the finest quality."

It never occurred to her that Feng Tian would remember her telling XiXi about the seamstresses. What is she going to do now. She was going to rush to take care of Sect business, then come back to exterminate the pest. Finest quality? I will tell them to make loose stitches so they fall apart as she walks down the street... If she even gets a chance to try one on...

LingLing's mind quickly assesses the possibility of exposure of her plan if she moves too swiftly. Also, if she accepts his request she could spend time with Feng Tian if she goes with them to Myriad Cloud City on the boat. She hasn't a measurable amount of time with him since she arrived from Cloud Mountain.

" I would be happy to do that, we are about the same size."

Feng Tian interrupts with "I think she is a bit more delicate and petite than you..so be sure and tell them. More delicate..more petite..? no, on second thought I will stay behind and smash that 'delicate and petite' bug.

 Of course if something happens to Zhang XiXi while Feng Tian is gone and I remain he might become suspicious. How did he see me by the hut anyway?

LingLing is cursing XiXi in her thoughts. Damn you little fox! Now I can't kill you today and I need to get you new clothes! I am going to add extra Misery's Breath Blossoms to that poison! I want the little slut to writhe in pain, her features distorted, her skin mottled in every shade of purple there is!

She deftly lies, "I will go with you to Myriad Cloud City and find her beautiful clothes. I wish XiXi could have come I was looking forward to spending time to get to know her."

LingLing pictures Feng Tian leaning on the railing together with her, his beautiful eyes looking only at her, flirting and laughing.

Feng Tian's next words snap her out of her little dream, bursting her bubble, "No, I think you should use your qinggong and meet with Feng Che. It will take too long if you come on the boat and still need to meet with Che. This way you can have your meeting then join us at Heavenly Cloud Restaurant in the afternoon."

Although unwilling she agrees," Very well...Give me a minute to get ready then I will go to Myriad Cloud City. I will meet you at the restaurant at three in the afternoon."

Feng Tian leaves to get Zhang Yu. When he is out of earshot, Ling Ling screams and stomps her feet. She swings her sword around in chopping motions with brute force, then stabs it into the ground. You..you..Zhang XiXi..Bitch, you need to die!

The ground begins to shake disturbing the little beast sleeping under a shrub nearby. What the hell was that? He opens one eye to see a beautiful exotic looking woman swirling around in a white robe, her arms raised in the air causing the leaves to blow off the tree by the gate.

Who is she? This woman has strong martial arts and looks much more elegant than that XiXi girl but is exuding an evil aura right now. Zhen decides to walk over to get a better look. He stretches his stumpy little legs then saunters out from under the bush.

LingLing notices Zhen and glares at him. "Where did you come from you ugly little beast?"

Is she calling this King ugly?

"You shouldn't have trespassed in my courtyard, I don't like ugly things."

Zhen then realizes he should have stayed under the shrub, he feels a strong killing intent directed towards him.

He immediately attempts to run away. I am reduced to running from a woman, I will kill you Fourth Crown Prince when this spell is removed, I swear on all my ancestors.

 Before he could let out one more curse she has him by the scruff of the neck.

She thinks for a moment... what if this unsightly beast is Yun Tai's, I can't kill it. What a frustrating day!

Instead of instantly killing him she swings the little beast around then flings him into the air sending Zhen flying over the wall in one swift motion.

Feeling her stress momentarily relieved she uses her qinggong to leave the island to meet Feng Che.

Zhen lands on his head on the Plum Blossom Cliffs. He stumbles around disoriented then lays down. He passes out for a few hours and when he wakes up he considers how he is going to get back to the bamboo house. If Feng Tian alerts Lou Wan I went missing there goes my chance to become human again.

He takes a paw and rubs the nasty bump on his head. What a crazy bitch! That venomous woman was so powerful it was disturbing. I did nothing to bother her, except hurt her eyes with my ugliness. If I were in my human form she would be dazzled by the perfection of my perfectly carved features and body. They call me the Demon Monarch because of my strength and domineering aura. I wouldn't even spare that evil woman a glance!

He looks down at his present condition and sighs then dejectedly walks to the edge of the cliff and looks down at the lake.

The little beast looks at the crystal blue shimmering water, this must be Night Pearl Lake or something like that. I heard that Yun Tai's land had some very beautiful scenery but this is extraordinarily breath taking.. How did that bastard obtain this vast area on this island I wonder.

 Even as a King I don't have such a mystical vacation spot. Oh, I miss being the King, I'm really getting tired of people pushing me around because I am a stumpy little beast. He smooths his ruffled fur with his paw, I think the crazy bitch pulled out some of my fur when she threw me here.

Zhen wanders down to the lakeside. I'm really hungry I wonder if I can catch a fish, but how would I cook it, dammit! I will go look in those woods and see if I can find some berries or fruit.

After walking a short ways he notices the hut, Hmm,maybe if there is food in there, I see a crack in the door maybe I could squeeze through. He peeks through the crack to see XiXi on the bed and the Panthera lying by the bed.

What is Feng Tian's girl doing in this cheap little hut? She looks unconscious, Feng Tian what did you do to the girl?

Siyu hears the little beast scratching at the door and walks over to check it out. They are almost eye to eye through the crack in the door.

In a cold sweat, Zhen immediately scurries away. I don't want to be that monstrous beast's lunch, I will go look for some berries, maybe there is a grapevine.

As Zhen randomly kicks pebbles along the way, he wonders why do the Panthera's golden eyes look like someone eyes I used to know ? I haven't seen golden eyes in over one hundred years, since The Lord of The Falcon Knights disappeared with the pretty little concubine of the Fourth Crown Prince.

The little beast draws in a deep breath while reminiscing. What a mess that was! If I would have known the Fourth Crown Prince's power was going to grow after the Lord disappeared...well..what could I have done ? Lord was my friend so I helped them leave together.

How could I know my complicity would eventually come to light as my power over the Kingdom was slowly deteriorating. The corruption of the officials, my army without the Lord leading them became fractured allowing his faction to eventually undermine me.

 Ultimately, that the Crown Prince would exact his revenge in such a devious way, he glances at his stumpy legs and chubby paws.

 Well, when Lou Wan figures out how to undo this spell this King will rise to power again and crush those bastards.

 Are those grapes there! The little beast rushes over with his stumpy legs to a vine growing by the Bending Birch tree.

Unaware of the chaos by the lake, Yun Tai exits the Cave of Seclusion feeling like a new man. Although he didn't spend the amount of time planned, surprisingly he had a huge breakthrough to the next level, The Heavenly Cloud Dragon Stage.

The qi flowed through his Eight Extraordinary Meridians during this closed door cultivation at maximum levels continuously ignoring his Meridian Clock. The qi flow is balanced and harmonious allowing his energy to replenish tenfold.

In the last day as he broke through, he was able to implement a style of cultivation in which the qi circulation paths resembled a dragon. During this portion of his cultivation the energy depleted from The Demon War was restored by one hundred and ten per cent.

His body also received other health benefits of regeneration, all of his scars disappeared only the one on his face and chest remained. His facial scar he decided he would keep as a reminder of his family's death, and the chest scar to remind him to be vigilant at all times.

His skin had been covered with a black substance, it flowed off of him as he finished his cultivation revealing his skin with a healthy radiance making his handsome features once more unworldly.

Yun Tai feels energized, only two more stages and I will reach Immortality. If I didn't have to continuously fight for The Righteous Order I would have increased my cultivation, and already achieved Immortality along with Feng Tian. Unfortunately, he thought without any envy, I had my duties unlike Feng Tian. 

As the sunlight hits his face walking away from the cave, Yun Tai remembers the situation at the bamboo house and uses his qinggong to fly there immediately.

The bamboo house is deserted but the evidence proves they are all still residing there but now are gone. It appears LingLing was also staying there. He misses his sister and would have liked to come home to find her sitting in the courtyard waiting for him.

His two spirit animals, the Gemini Twins roll quickly towards him then leap into his arms excited for his return. They rub their furry bodies in his hands as he pets them.

It feels good not to have negative energy he needs to pour into their little bodies. He sometimes wonders how they are able to digest all of his darkness when he returns from fighting.

They begin squeaking ..Squeak,..Squeak... as though they want to tell him something. Yun Tai just wants to have a cup of tea and relax. His body right now is so light he wants to savor the feeling, it's been too long since he didn't have intense pressure weighing on him.

They jump out of his arms and roll towards a basket of herbs that has been thrown to the side in the courtyard. As he follows them he walks by his favorite peonies and notices an entire section is missing. Feng Tian!

He says aloud, "Aren't these herbs from the woods by the lake?" The spirit pets are bouncing up and down on the herbs. What are they trying to tell me? They roll to the gate of the courtyard. Is something going on down by the lake?

Squeak..Squeak..Squeak..If we had heads we would be nodding! We have been helpless, we want to know how that little Sorceress is. They jump into his pocket. Let's go see!

Yun Tai leaves his tea on the table and decides to investigate. Those strangers, Feng Tian, LingLing who knows what's going on here.

He uses his qinggong to go to the lake and doesn't see any trace of anyone. I'm probably overreacting, my array formation none of my enemies can enter my land. Siyu wanders around and he appears formidable, he shakes his head.

He is about to head back to the bamboo house when he sees a little unfamiliar beast eating a grape sunning himself by the lake. He raises an eyebrow, where did that beast come from? Could it be LingLing's. No, he is too ugly... the last spirit pet she had almost blinded me with its ethereal beauty.

The little beast has his eyes closed soaking up the sun's rays in his mind envying Yun Tai. Suddenly he is picked up by the scruff of his neck, startled awake, staring into black eyes with a storm brewing in them.

Yun Tai asks in a deep stern voice, "Whose little beast are you" 

Zhen takes his paw and wipes his grape stained face. Holy **** that's the God of the Demon Wars, Yun Tai!

"Can you speak?" It must have some talent, no one would keep this little beast for his looks.

Zhen nods his head... No.

"But you understand language?"

Zhen furiously nods his head YES!

Yun Tai sets it down and says threateningly "Don't run, I'm not going to hurt you. If you do run you are dead before a paw hits the ground"

 Zhen shudders, I bet he could kill with just a look from those fierce murderous eyes.

Yun Tai gazes at he frightened expression on the little beast's face and inwardly laughs. Don't worry little beast, I am in an excellent mood right now. I don't feel like killing even a fly.

"Have you seen any people around this area lately? Are any still here?

Zhen nods... Yes. I could write the entire details I know about this ***** up place, especially that beautiful witch, with some serious anger issues, that sent me flying to those cliffs. If her aim had been a little to the left, he shivers thinking of it. But I'm far too lazy. Let's leave it- I can just nod .

The little beast points his chubby paw in the direction of the woods then Yun Tai picks him up.

This King being carried princess style in the arms of the great Yun Tai, like a little pet! No one would believe this! Well, of course when I am human again I will never speak of my life as a little beast.

Yun Tai walks into the woods and thinks about the hut where Siyu stays. In a couple moments he arrives and opens the door. It's daytime Siyu should be in the form of the Panthera, no reason to knock.

What he sees almost makes him drop the little beast. Siyu is laying by the bed and in the bed, is that Feng Tian's girl?