
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

In The Hut By The Lake

Yun Tai looks around the small room, there is only the girl and Siyu. Where is Feng Tian? He wonders, why would he leave the girl here with Siyu. Wouldn't she be afraid alone with a fearsome beast?

Siyu gets up and stretches his legs then walks over to Yun Tai and nods in greeting. Since he is still in beast form can't explain anything to him only acknowledge his presence. Siyu stares at him with wide eyes. Isn't that the little beast that was scratching at the door earlier, why is Yun Tai holding him?

Giving the little beast a warning glare, Yun Tai sets him down. Ignoring them, Zhen curls up in a corner to watch the show. He is curious also, Feng Tian seems to cherish that girl why would he leave her in this tiny hut in the woods.

While they are all staring at each other full of questions XiXi begins to stir on the bed. She wakes up feeling very hot and thinks the room is unbearably stuffy. When she kicks off the covers, a pair of soft looking slender legs are exposed. All three are caught off guard by the movement on the bed and look that direction.

Surprisingly, it is the little beast who runs over then jumps on the bed, pulling the covers back over XiXi with his little fangs. A girl shouldn't show her legs with three men..well..one man and two beasts present.. although in reality I am human in beast skin.. handsome king at that.

XiXi looks at the little beast through half closed eyes, where did the little beast come from? So cute!

She doesn't notice Yun Tai's intense gaze falling on her disheveled appearance.

XiXi as a wide grin, a Corgi? She looks at Zhen's stumpy legs and grabs a paw. "What a cute little dog! Look at these chubby paws you have!"

Zhen doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, I'm not a dog!..but at least she thinks I am cute and from this angle her chest.. Heshakes his head and looks away...Feng Tian would kill me.

Siyu's eyes narrow, why is she awake? The Old master said she would sleep all day! Well, at least Yun Tai is here.

Yun Tai's eyes flicker as he gazes at XiXi petting the little beast. His mouth twitches wanting to ask her where Feng Tian is and to pull up her dress that is slipping down way her snow white arms.

XiXi rubs her temples, so groggy....

She widens her beautiful green eyes stunning Zhen, no wonder Feng Tian wants this little girl, she is quite a rare natural beauty.

This king wouldn't mind having her in his harem, glancing once more at the two creamy white ..stop Zhen.. control yourself..But, please girl don't continue to stroke my back. Zhen comes to his senses to looks over at Yun Tai who has an unusually gentle look on his face staring at XiXi.

Before Yun Tai can utter a word, XiXi looks around and mutters, "What stinks in here?"

XiXi looks straight at Yun Tai then scrunches up her nose then pinches it.

"Where is this place, where is Feng Tian? Her voice sounds funny because she is still holding her nose. Knowing the odor comes from Yun Tai, Zhen wants to laugh but he knows if he did it would be instant death from a palm strike.

Yun Tai realizes he had rushed down to the lake before he had cleaned off the residue from cultivating. The stench must be assaulting her senses, it is quite pungent. 

He feels his ears burning, "Sorry, Miss Zhang, I rushed down here because I was concerned, no one was at the house. I just returned from cultivating, give me a moment to assess the situation and I will take my leave."

She removes her fingers from holding her nose, pulls up her dress, and smooths her hair. She blinks her eyes, they are watering from the smell. a few times trying not to be rude. I don't want to insult him, he is our host at the bamboo house she thinks, but, wow he reeks!

"Oh... you are Feng Tian's friend, where is he?"

He backs up to lengthen the distance between them. "I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me."

She looks down at Siyu and recalls the last thing she remembers, holding onto that mane for dear life when she got sucked into the water wall.

In a moment of impulse XiXi jumps off the bed and hugs Siyu's neck, ruffling his bushy red mane and planting kisses on his head. "Thank you..Thank You..you saved me! I would have drowned without you!"

Siyu is caught off guard by the sudden hug, he was resting, he had been up all night watching her sleep. He opens his golden eyes wide staring at this girl crying, clutching his neck. If I move my body could hurt her, she is so delicate and frail. But, this is inappropriate her sleeves are up and her white arms are encircling me. He looks up at Yun Tai with a pleading look.

Yun Tai steps over, gently takes her arm and says "Miss Zhang, the Panthera can be unpredictable."

 Siyu's hair stands up, Hmmph! That is all you could come up with.. I'm unpredictable!

She stands up and looks Yun Tai directly in the eyes, "I'm not afraid of the Panthera, he is kind and gentle, he saved me from certain death...was it last night, I don't know..."

Being so close to Yun Tai, she waves her small hands in front of him. "Could you go wash up, I will get my thoughts together while you are gone and tell you what I know, maybe Feng Tian will be back."

In a barely audible voice XiXi mutters to herself, not knowing they can hear," Where is that damn pretty boy?"


In a commanding tone, Yun Tai says, "I will go to the bamboo house and change. Siyu will watch over you, this little beast can lay in the corner and wait for me to return."

He sends a threatening look to the little beast. " I will be back shortly."

XiXi holds onto his arm, "Could you bring some of that calming tea of yours, just enough for a cup? Feng Tian told me you were saving until the next time the merchant came to the island, but I am feeling a bit anxious."

Yun Tai inwardly curses Feng Tian. It is not Calming tea! It's Interrogation tea! Now she is going to think I am stingy when I say no.

"Miss Zhang, I apologize but I had the last cup when I returned. " I HATE TO LIE ****FENG TIAN! 

" I have some Chrysanthemum tea that is equally as relaxing."

"Thank You, you can call me XiXi, now hurry." She waves her arms towards the door. "I want to figure out where they all have gone when you return."

Siyu and the little beast stare at each other in disbelief, did the flimsy girl just wave her tiny arms and order The God of War around like a servant? 

As soon as he leaves XiXi runs over opens the two window and the door then walks outside for some fresh air. Whew!

In Myriad Cloud City, Feng Tian and Zhang Yu are hurrying around the city looking for the supplies they need. They split up planning to meet at the Heavenly Cloud Restaurant at three o'clock.

Feng Tian explained which streets Zhang Yu should visit and the shops that would carry some of the supplies. He gave him the gold and silver banknotes that they had agreed upon earlier on the boat.

Feng Tian decides after they part he has two things he must do by himself, one get the bracelet from Sung Wu. Secondly, get a servant girl from the palace for XiXi who is well versed in martial arts.

She will need someone by her side while she sleeps and who can take care of her needs on the journey. He has one particular girl in mind. He grew up with her in the palace, her name is Huiqing. The only problem he can't just take her, he will need to ask his father.

Sung Wu is sitting in his lunch spot at the end of the street with the food stalls. He is savoring a juicy pork bun when Feng Tian arrives, he looks up, "Brat, couldn't you have waited until I finish my lunch?"

He wipes the grease from his chin with his sleeve. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a carved wooden box made of Celestial Cedar. No extra charge but be sure and tell your brother, Feng Che.

"I don't have much time today, if you want regular appointments, open a shop on Merchant Row.", Feng Tian sees the box carved with lotuses, that man has ungodly talent with a carving knife he thinks admiring his skill.

"Let me see it!"

"Shouldn't you compliment me first on the workmanship of the box first".

"Will it cost me extra?",


"It is quite beautiful and the aroma of the Celestial Cedar box is really a nice touch, thank you Sung Wu, I appreciate your extra effort." It's because I'm a member of the Feng family, right?

"May I see the bracelet now?", Feng Tian is very excited to see Sung Wu's creation, if the box is an indication of the old man's craftsmanship the bracelet should be stunning. The old man furtively glances around to see if anyone is watching and indicates for Feng Tian to step behind the wall behind them.

Sung Wu opens the box and as he does a faint red glow comes from inside. An aroma of red lotuses floats in the air emitted from the bracelet. Feng Tian looks at the bracelet with an expression of bewilderment on his face.

The red lotuses carved on the bracelet are so unbelievably lifelike he can't believe his eyes. The bracelet is not red but the color of moonlight. The beautiful bracelet is absolutely breathtaking with red lotuses covering it as though he carved it from the red moon. 

Feng Tian gazes at Sung Wu and is about to say something when Sung Wu grabs his sleeve. "Shhh!" He quickly closes the box and shoves it intp Feng Tian's pocket.

"Go boy, I hope the little Sorceress wears it for a thousand years..."

Feng Tian is still standing with his eyes fixed on Sung Wu. I never said who the bracelet was for..

Cold sweat forms on his forehead as Sung Wu impatiently pushes Feng Tian."Leave now or I will take it back, GO!,"

Feng Tian uses qinggong to fly away, he touches the wooden box in his pocket and looks back at the old man pulling out another greasy meat bun...strange old man.