
The Time Travelling Girl and The War God

Thrown by a strange force through a mysterious portal Zhang XiXi and her father are catapulted into another space and time. Cast into a strange fantastical land full of handsome Immortals, Spirit Beasts, Dragons and danger XiXi meets the cold and fierce War God Yun Tai. She discovers she is a descendant of a powerful Sorceress and embarks on a journey to return to her world. During the adventure to save an ancient Dragon that holds the secret of the link between the two worlds she melts the cold and arrogant War God's frozen heart.

Daoist668476 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Feng Tian Meets With His Father

"I'm sorry Zhang Yu for overreacting, you are right, this is the most secure place. If we were being followed they would have been alerted you witnessed the meeting in the restaurant."

"I don't want to delay our return to the Island, but I need to return to my home and discuss what you heard with my brother. It shouldn't take too long."

Feng Tian uses his qinggong to rapidly arrive at the palace, he barges through the door his robes and hair hair flying.

"Where is Che?"

His father and LingLing are in the study discussing The Immortal Sect's business when they hear Feng Tian. They both rush out to see Feng Tian looking wild eyed and disturbed.

Feng Jia's eyes widen and he flicks his sleves. "What is so important you rush in here disturbing me?'"

Feng Tian quickly bows, "I'm sorry father! Please forgive this unfilial son, I have urgent business with Che."

Seeing his son's apologetic expression, Feng Jia smiles and pats him on the shoulder, "It's fine, I just worry to see you in such a state. You seemed happy and calm when you left earlier. What could make you return to the palace in such a distressed state?

Che left awhile ago, he said he had Council business in the outer district he needed to take care of this evening"

"Excuse me LingLing, I need to talk to father privately."

LingLing wants to be included, "Maybe I.." she didn't get to finish her sentence before the two men went into the study and the door slammed.

She wants to listen but a eunuch says , "Miss Yun, allow me to walk you out"

Eunuch He is the most dependable of the eunuchs that serve the Fengs and he knows the status of LingLing is not held in such high regard to be privy to Feng family matters.

Reluctantly, she leaves turning her back towards the door. What was so urgent Feng Tian forgot to bow to his father when he arrived..

Feng Tian can barely get his words out fast enough telling his father what he know.

His father does not seem surprised, "Tian, thank you for your concern, but Peng Yihong is merely a pawn in a much bigger game. We are aware of his movements against us but he is backed by someone still in the shadows we need to flush out.

I can see by your face you are hurt by the fact you were left out, but it was in accordance to your mother's last wish.

She never wanted of all her sons, for you to be involved. I needed to respect that, I loved your mother more than life itself. When the gods took her from me I raged and destroyed the people involved. Chunhua didn't want me to seek revenge but I did and blood flowed in two Kingdoms. Blood staining the mountains to the sea. I didn't respect that wish because I had to vent my anger at losing her, I couldn't be consoled.

He recalls the bloody aftermath of her death. They had to pay!

I felt the least I could do for her was respect that you remain distanced in affairs of The High Council."

Feng Tian looks at his father's face, he was once the most handsome man in Seven Kingdoms. Even now with his hair whitened with age you can see the handsome young man he was. Feng Tian has heard stories how his father pursued his mother, a Princess of the Moon Flower Kingdom.

Her beauty was unsurpassed, her eyes like Feng Tian's were green with specks of gold.

Her marriage was set with a Prince from The Night Sky Kingdom when she met his father while out riding with her friends. His father was there on his way to The Third Demon War, he was going hunting with her second brother.

They were close friends from young and he had invited him to the palace for some fun before he left to war.

Feng Jia was on his way to the hunt and Huang Chunhua was going with friends to watch. Her horse suddenly bolted, he saw and quickly caught up, grabbing her and placing her on his saddle.

The story said they looked into each other's eyes and never looked at another again.

It took him winning the Demon War and half his fortune to break the engagement she had with the Prince.

When they married he never took another wife or a concubine, even after her death.

But, the jealousy and resentment caused by the broken engagement haunted them throughout their marriage. It ultimately caused her death when she was poisoned that Spring.

Feng Tian looked at his father who seems to have aged in the last few years. He respected him and the decisions he made for the family, "I understand, but Feng Che said you agreed to allow me to use my powers now, Is that true?"

"Yes, you are going on an arduous journey and if you didn't I don't know if you would survive. In the past we kept you sheltered but Fate has brought trouble to your door,there is no avoiding it.

Your mother would not want any harm to come to you, I made this decision."

"Peng Yihong married Hong Bo's girl, Zhao Hua did you know that?" Feng Tian thinking about Peng Yihong wants to find him and kill him right now.

"Yes, she came to me and told me she felt Peng Yihong had something to do with Hong Bo's disappearance. I advised her not to get involved but she was unwilling to listen. She married him and passes on any information she obtains."

"That is too dangerous! " Feng Tian felt very protective of Zhao Hua.

"She told me she wanted to join him in the afterlife, but then decided to take revenge by bringing the people to justice. She wants to find out what happened to him, it's her reason for living. How could I argue with that, when I did far worse to avenge your mother."

"Well, I will protect the Dragon and when Feng Che meets me he can fill me in on any developments. I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore."

Feng Jia hugs Feng Tian,"I have always been proud of you Feng Tian, I know it hasn't been easy for you not being included. You do realize we were following your mother's wishes.

One last request before you leave, listen to Yun Tai, he is experienced and also your friend. Your powers you have cultivated are strong, but he is a brilliant strategist. The Beast Hunters and others you will come across are not your ordinary opponents. "

"I understand and agree with you, in time I will rise to his level but I am aware he is a seasoned warrior." Feng Tian has a deep understanding of Yun Tai's abilities and admires his friend.

"You saying that gives me confidence you will succeed. You have great gifts handed down from your mother to you. She was unparalleled in the use of those techniques but chose to be my wife and a mother setting her past behind her."

"Goodbye father, I will send a falcon to you with any news along the way."

Feng Tian bows and turns to leave, he is stopped by his father.

Feng Jia takes a pendant out of his drawer and places it in Feng Tian's hand, "This was your mother's", he hugs him once more tightly.

The pendant as Feng Tian grips it tightly in his hand begins to glow.

"Father..", Feng Tian wants to ask about the pendant, its glow is similar to the glimmering red ore of the bracelet he had made for XiXi.

Feng Jia cryptically says, "You will know when the time comes."