
The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Dying is a part of life and if you're lucky maybe there's some kind of heaven or afterlife, but I didn't expect my afterlife to be reincarnation. I know reincarnation is a belief already present on Earth, but meeting someone calling themselves "The Author" was totally unexpected. After making some decisions, I start my new life as the King of Knights in the world of Tensura and try to see what kind of impact I can have and maybe find someone to get close to.

BeIi4l · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Chapter 33

(Authors Note)

Since it's the fourth of July, I want to say happy Independence Day to anyone reading in America. Bald eagles and fireworks to you. 

If you're from somewhere else or reading on another date, then happy [insert holiday here]! 


Anyway, on to the chapter.


Me and Rimuru were standing waiting for Gazel and his knights to land. We were just watching them get closer as we waited. I know why he was coming here, but even if I didn't, I still wouldn't be worried. 

With us were Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, some goblin riders, some Kijin, and Kaijin. Of course, Dun Stallion was here. He wasn't one to miss out on something like this. This was all for show though. Yes, if necessary they could fight, but if Gazel is going to come to our town with what is basically his elite forces, we have to show them the same courtesy. 

I know he's a smart guy, so he shouldn't be scared of a fight breaking out. Is it intimidating? Yes, but it's to be expected. He should be able to recognize that we are the ones on defense and that what he's doing is almost equivalent to an act of war or at the bare minimum an act of aggression.

Rimuru was next to me and while he wasn't showing it, I could tell he was nervous and anxious. At least he's not showing it, so that's a good thing. 

"Artoria, should we be worried?", Rimuru asked me.

"No, not really. He's only here to check on our town, you know, see if it's a danger and all that. I mean, a gathering of monsters of our strength is something that was bound to attract attention.". I told him.

"If we had to fight, could we beat them?".

"Absolutely, but it's not going to go that far. Plus, we have Hakurou, so it shouldn't be too hard to come to make friends with them.".

"Hakurou? How is he going to help with building relations with Gazel and his kingdom?".

"Just wait and see.".


"Your Majesty, are you sure you still want to do this? We can still turn back. A fight with those monsters would not go in our favor. Not to mention all those Kijin, it's clear that the one next to the slime poses a much greater danger. I don't see us winning a fight even if we all went against her.". Dolf, the commander of the pegasus knights, told Gazel.

"It's something that must be done. We have to know just what kind of monsters they are and what they plan to do. A gathering of monsters in the forest isn't something that must be left alone. While the slime is important, the one next to it is much more dangerous. I have to find out her intentions.". Gazel said with a firm voice. He knew that he was entering very dangerous territory, but it was something that he had to do for his kingdom.

"My king, if that is what you wish them I will follow you all the way, as will all the pegasus knights here with us.".

Gazel nodded and made his way to the rapidly developing town the monsters had, no doubt heavily helped by Kaijin ever since he was exiled from his kingdom. 


I saw all the pegasus knights' circle above us being led by Gazel before he touched down in front of us. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem like two small elite groups about to fight, but things will be fine.

One interesting thing I noticed though, is the way Dun Stallion was looking at the pegasuses. 

'Dun Stallion, is there a reason you're looking so hard at the pegasuses?'. I sent a quick thought communication to him. 

'I'm just wondering how I would be able to help you fight and maneuver around a flying target. The only thing I can think of is jumping very high in the air, but mobility will be very limited.'. Oh, so he's trying to think of how to fight. Maybe he can evolve into a pegasus himself later or maybe something like Sleipner. Huh, imagine Dun Stallion something like Sleipner. That would be a force to be reckoned with.

'Don't think too much about it Dun Stallion. We're not going to have an all-fight. That would be very dumb of them. Just relax a little.'.

'If that is what you say. then I shall follow your command.'.

Gazel got off his pegasus and started walking toward me and Rimuru. 

'Artoria, what should we do? Some of our troops are getting ready to attack.'. Rimuru asked with thought communication. This isn't the smartest thing to do since Gazel can read his mind, which I still don't know why he hasn't figured it out himself, but whatever, while Gazel can read his mind, he can't read mine.

'Rimuru, just stand up straight and be confident. He's only going to have a small 'conversation' with us. Remember, how you act in situations like these will trickle down to others in our town and in this case our small army here. Be confident and they will feel the same. Be hesitant and they will feel it as well.'.

'Got it.'

Gazel finally stood in front of us. "So you're the slime and you're the dragon.", Gazel said in his deep voice.

There was a bit of a reaction to him saying my race, but I didn't really care. I mean at this point, I would be more surprised if anybody didn't know I was a dragon. Like I told Shuna, it's literally in the name. So, no big deal there.

I spoke up first. "You're right, Gazel Dwargo. My name is Artoria Pendragon. I'm one of the rulers of this forest and this town. I have to say, the knights present behind you are much better than the ones in the courtroom I was in during our visit to your kingdom."

That seemed to tick them off a little. Especially Dolf, the commander of the pegasus knights. He seemed to think that was a jab at him and his knights. I guess from his point of view maybe since they're being compared to some regular troops. He seemed that he was going to say something, but Gazel just shut him down with a little look.

Gazel looked back at me. "They are my elite forces so it's only reasonable that they receive more training and are better equipped. I have to say, you certainly put pressure on the guards in the courtroom. Even with your face covered I could tell you were scrutinizing them."

"Well, you can think of it as me having a certain eye or 'feel' when it comes to knights.".

"Am I to understand that you lead your own knights or knight order? You certainly have the strength, leadership, and charisma for such a role.".

"We don't have a group of knights, but maybe later I'll see who has the potential for that. I could knight those I deem worthy and have a large ceremony for it.". I said that to him, but that was more meant for the ones behind me and it seemed that my little message got to them. I could see some of the Kijin, goblin riders, and others get a little spark in their eyes.

"I don't know what your standards are, but it should be the sight to see who gets your approval for being a knight. Now, what is the slimes name?"

Gazel shifted his attention to Rimuru who, taking my advice, responded to him. "My name is Rimuru Tempest. I'm also one of the leaders of this forest and alliance. If you have doubts, just know that the dryads of the forest appointed us as the leaders.".

"The dryads? That's a bold claim. I think you would find it reasonable if I asked for some kind of evidence.".

On cue, Treyni appeared in a burst of green light and vines. "King Gazel, what Rimuru says is true. On behalf of the dryads, I have made them the leaders of the forest and alliance after defeating the orcs.". 

Her appearance and statement basically made all suspicion of us being "bad" instantly disappear. Gazel and his troops were no longer suspicious and finally relaxed a little bit. The tension from the beginning was no longer there. 

This could still go without a fight and to seal the deal, I sent a quick thought communication to Hakurou telling him to talk a little Gazel.

Hakurou came up and when was in full view, I saw Gazel immediately look at him and although he looked a little different, he still recognized who Hakurou was.

"Master! Is that you?"

"You're all grown up now. I remember the young boy you were back then when I was teaching you.", Hakurou said with some nostalgia. "I go by Hakurou now and serve Lord Rimuru and Lady Pendragon. I'm also the master of Lord Rimuru. I have to say, this looks good on my history as a teacher. First, I taught you and you became a king. Now, I teach Lord Rimuru and he seems to be on a similar path.". Hakurou let out a small laugh after he finished.

Gazel also let out a small smile and a small chuckle that eventually turned into a big laugh. "I guess you two truly don't have any bad intentions. I have a lot of respect for my master and if he trusts you two then I know I can trust you two as well. I trust his decisions when it comes to picking who he trains. I was planning to have a little spar, but it seems that is not necessary.".

I looked at Rimuru who was looking a bit surprised. It seems he wasn't expecting it to go this way, but hey, all's well that ends well. 


After getting through without a fight, we had Gazel take a little trip through our town. Of course, Kaijin was very excited to see Gazel again, and just like I expected, there were no hard feelings between them. 

It was a normal trip. He was accompanied by Dolf and Vaughn, the commander of their military, while everyone else also spent time looking around the town, but still on alert if anything happened.

Right now it was nighttime and we were sitting around. It was about to be the time when we had to name our nation and city. You know, the name that determines what we are called and our identity so, no pressure. 

It was me, Rimuru, Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, Rigurd, Shuna, and a couple of others. On Gazel's side, it was him, Dolf, and Vaughn. 

We were just eating and taking a bit. More eating for me though, since the food and snacks being offered were Japanese food, and this was one of the times I could try Japanese food beyond just sushi and stuff. It was very good, more than I was expecting, which is always welcome.

There was also tea and maybe this time it will be as I want it to be. Third time's the charm as they say. I got the teacup and took a sip and it was perfect. That sweet flavor was perfect.

"Who made this tea?", I said to myself in a whisper, but it seemed someone heard me.

"I made it. Is it not to your liking?". I looked next to me and it was Shuna who said it. 

"I love the tea Shuna, but next time instead of serving it to me in a teacup, could you serve it to me in a regular cup and make it cold with ice, please?" I told her.

"I'm glad you like it. I noticed after the meeting about the orc lord that you pushed away the tea so I assumed you didn't like it. So I made it sweet. I'll make sure to serve like how you described it from now on.". Shuna said with a little smile on her face. 

"Thanks, Shuna. You're the best.". I told Shuna and she was very happy if the smile she gave me was anything to go by. 

"Artoria! Pay attention!". Unfortunately, this sweet little moment was disturbed by Rimuru who who loudly got my attention.

Shuna went back and sat down while I looked back at Rimuru. "What is it, Rimuru?"

"You haven't been paying attention?". He asked me in surprise.

"I have been paying attention. Gazel is going to recognize us as our own nation and wants to work some agreements right now to help each other out, like a non-aggression pact, sharing technology and knowledge, and things of that nature. We also have to come up with a name for our nation and this town that could be called a city soon with how fast it's being constructed." I told him straightforwardly.

"Oh, yeah…that's pretty much it. Gazel could you give us a few moments to come up with a name?". Rimuru asked Gazel to which he just nodded while enjoying our food and beverages. 

"Ok so what should we name our nation?". Rimuru asked me.

"Do you have any fist thoughts?", I asked him.

"So, I was thinking that given who you are, I first thought of-".

I interrupted him first saying, "Is it Camelot or Avalon?".

"...So my third idea was Jura Tempest Federation. What do you think?". 

"Sounds fine to me."

"Really? I thought you would try to come up with something yourself."

"It doesn't really bother me all that much. So what about the name of our town?"

Everyone had a consensus to name the city "Rimuru". I saw Rimuru cringe at this.

"Why do you seem s against it Rimuru?". I asked him.

'Having a city named after me seems too embarrassing for me and kind of cringy."

"Why? Do you know how many famous cities on Earth were named after people? First of all, any city with 'saint' in its name is named after a person. In Texas, Austin, Houston, and Dallas are all named after people. I don't see why you'd be embarrassed.".

While we were talking everyone around us was giving their suggestions about what our capital city should be named. Needless to say, "Rimuru" seemed to be everyone's first choice, but there was one voice that went against them and it was Shuna. 

'The name of the nation already has 'Tempest' in the name. That's Lord Rimuru's last name. The name of our capital should be named after Lady Artoria.". Shuna, even if her voice was soft, was still heard by everyone.

They got to thinking and very quickly they all agreed with her. It must be the alcohol getting to them or something. I saw Shuna give me a wink and a smile. I think I might have to worry about her ability to be convincing. Nah, she can do whatever, I trust she won't take it too far.

I looked back at Rimuru and told him, "Well, there it is Rimuru. I guess the city will be named after me. Seems like you won't have to feel embarrassed or whatever.".

 "Yeah, that's good, So what do you think they'll come up with?"

"Probably, 'Pendragon'. It's normal to use the last name of a person when naming a city. So our nation will be called the Jura Tempest Federation and the capital will be Pendragon. Doesn't sound too bad in my opinion. What about you?"

"As long as it's not me."

"Well, whatever they come up with just know that we have a lot of things to do now. Mainly setting up some government stuff and new rules and laws, but for now let's just enjoy ourselves.".