
The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Dying is a part of life and if you're lucky maybe there's some kind of heaven or afterlife, but I didn't expect my afterlife to be reincarnation. I know reincarnation is a belief already present on Earth, but meeting someone calling themselves "The Author" was totally unexpected. After making some decisions, I start my new life as the King of Knights in the world of Tensura and try to see what kind of impact I can have and maybe find someone to get close to.

BeIi4l · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Chapter 19

The situation in the village took a turn for the worse in an instant when Shizu started losing control of Ifrit. 

Rimuru and the three adventurers who were with him stood there and watched as the environment started getting worse. The sky got darker and heavily clouded with massive grey clouds. The temperature was rising and the wind was carrying some embers along with it. The world seemed to gain a slight red tint.

Shizu was struggling, but there was nothing she could do anymore. She stopped struggling only to start floating in the air. Her mask fell off and two red eyes as if they were on fire could be seen instead of the black eyes she normally has.

'Great sage what's happening to her!' Rimuru panicked and asked his skill what was happening.

[Answer. The Greater Elemental Ifrit is forcefully taking over Shizu's body.]

"Shizu what's happening to you! Are you ok!?" The blond and green-eyed adventurer, Elyun, or her current alias "Ellen", shouted out towards her. 

"Ellen that's not Shizu anymore. Get ready for a fight!" Gido, an adventurer with short brown hair who was tall, and had a little more sense than his other teammates, quickly warned Ellen about the situation that was happening. 

"What should we do then Gido!?" Kaval, the leader of the group, who had short to medium-length dark blonde hair asked his teammate Gido. 

Gido who was used to his leader's "un-leadery" traits just shouted back at him. "You're the leader! You should be telling us what to do not me!"

"Guys, now is not the time for this!" Ellen talked back to them before it could devolve into an argument at the worst time possible.

The adventurer group were bracing themselves to fight possibly the most dangerous opponent they've faced so far. Rimuru was there with them ready to fight as well. He sent out a thought communication to Rigurd and other goblins to start evacuating everyone in the village in case of the worst. 

'Where is Artoria when I need her? I could really use her help here.' RImuru, while ready to fight, was wondering about where the strongest fighter and person in the village was.

[Notice. The perso-]

'Not now Great Sage, unless it's related to Ifrit and how we can beat him can you please give more relevant information?' 

Shizu was still getting higher in the air. Any moment now ifrit would get full control over her and start wreaking havoc on the environment around it. 

The three adventures were trying to put on a strong front, but it was clear they were nervous and a little scared. They put their trust in their teamwork to keep them alive and safe through this ordeal. 

All of a sudden, the sound of a galloping horse could be heard from far away and it was getting closer. 

The three adventures looked toward where it was coming from and saw an armored figure that was clad in silver and blue armor with dark yellow fur lining it. A helmet that resembled a lion with a large mane. They were riding a strong and majestic white horse that seemed to be going as fast as it could.

The only thing on their mind was if this was someone who could help them or if this was a potential enemy.

Rimuru on the other hand was very happy right now. "Artoria! Over here! You couldn't have had better timing! We need your help!" He shouted as loud as he could to get her attention, but it seemed she was dead focused on Shizu instead.

'Great Sage why didn't you say anything sooner about this?' RImuru got no response from his Great Sag. 

"You know who that is?" Ellen asked RImuru about this new person she hadn't seen or met before. Her teammates were also paying attention to any information he would say.

"Of course I do! She wasn't here when you guys arrived, but she is the other person I was talking about. The other leader of this village along with me. Although, her riding on a horse is new."

"That's the Artoria you were talking about? Is she strong?" 

"Oh yeah, she is super strong! She's the strongest person I know in this village!"

Ellen and her teammates were relieved that this was an ally and even more so knowing she was strong.

Artoria was riding on Dun Stallion going as fast as she could. 

'Dun Stallion, how high can you jump?'

'As high as you need me to master.'

'Good answer. I need you to jump to where that lady is. I'm planning on grabbing her and taking her away from this village.'

'Understood, just tell me when to jump.'

Artoria was getting closer and closer waiting for the right moment to jump. When she did get to the right moment she gave the signal to Dun Stallion. 

'Now! Jump!'

Dun Stallion, with a running start, leaped into the air. Artoria leaned to the side and held out her arm ready to grab Shizu. 

When she was close enough, Artoria grabbed Shizu with her arm by the waist and held onto her until Dun Stallion landed back on the ground coming to a stop in front of RImuru and the adventure trio while kicking up a dirt cloud. 

"Artoria you're back! Do you know how to save her?" Rimuru asked Artoria since she seemed knowledgeable about many things.

"I do and you're going to be the one to do it Rimuru."

"What do you mean me Artoria?"

"There's no time to explain. Follow me now. You three adventures as well. Especially you girl, we'll be talking after this." Artoria took off with Dun Stallion at a very fast speed out of the village. 

"Come on, let's go guys. Just trust in her. She'll have a plan." Rimuru told the adventures and they quickly followed after Artoria.

Ellen was anxious though. Not because of the following battle, but because of what Artoria said to her. She was sure that she knew about her secret or at least had some suspicion of her true identity. 

She shouldn't have been so surprised though. She felt something very different about Artoria. She knew she was a spirit, but she didn't "feel" like any of the spirits she'd encountered before. The closest thing she could think about was what she read in books back home, but those stories were hardly considered "fact" or "reliable" they were the equivalent of myths and legends.

She would think about it later though since the life of her new friend is on the line right now.


Rimuru and the adventures eventually caught up to Artoria who was in a clearing in the forest. She was still holding on to Shizu, but somehow, Ifrit still hadn't taken over. 

Shizu's body was catching on fire spontaneously at some points. Sometimes her hand would catch fire, her arm, her leg, and sometimes her head, but Ifrit couldn't take over.

"It took y'all long enough. Get ready." Artoria threw Shizu's body in the middle of the clearing and before it could hit the ground, her body started floating in the air rapidly while catching fire. 

Ifrit finally took over her body. Ifrit was horned, muscular, had dark brown skin, gold eyes, and deep red hair.

The temperature in the environment turned scorching hot. Rimuru and Artoria were completely fine. Dun Stallion felt some heat, but he would manage just fine. The three adventurers though, were really in the worst of it. They were sweating as if a waterfall were on their forehead. 

"Well Ifrit, you would make a good fire to cook some barbecue and brisket, but unfortunately, you don't seem to be much of talker or listener."

Artoria summoned her lance ready to use it in this situation. 

"Finally. I can use this weapon properly. Remember everyone, use magic or anything 'magical' against Ifrit. Nothing physical will have much of an effect on him."

Ifirt didn't give them much time to talk as he launched a stream of fire from his hand toward Artoria. The stream of fire hit Artoria head on making her seem as if she was swallowed up by the flames. 

Rimuru and the adventures panicked and shouted out to her thinking about the worst.

"Hey, Dun Stallion, you felt that?"

"I was feeling a little cool, but that warmed me up nicely."

"That was cute Ifrit, but I've felt summers in Texas hotter than that."

Artoria looked back at the others sort of confused. "What are you guys staring at? Get moving and start attacking!" Artoria shouted to them and immediately rode off into battle.

"Uh, yeah, you're right! Come on everyone, we have to save our friend!" RImuru got out of his shock as did the others and started to fight with more purpose.