
The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

"A Villain is just someone whom the Hero failed to save at the end." [WSA ENTRY 2024] ________________________ 'Huh, I recognize this window.' A boy muttered staring at the interface in front of him. After being shot to death because of helping an old man, a teenager is brought to life by the Goddess of the Void, Zephyra. He is given the choice to reincarnate and kill the hero after he annihilates the Ghouls in the world of the very novel he loves. Torn between the choice to transmigrate or follow the flow of life and death, the boy chooses to take his second chance at life along with the power that is granted as a gift to him by the Goddess. As he traverses the world in the new body of Amon Ashford - a character who was never supposed to exist and his past unknown-, he has to use his knowledge of the future to the best of his ability. Will he follow the Goddess's orders or will he carve his own path? ___________________ Though this is my second novel, comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated for me to improve!! Join the discord server for illustrations and much more: https://discord.gg/MqHVHHzfxu Please go check out my other novel: Coming Down From Olympus Thank you!!

Tsukasa0 · แฟนตาซี
198 Chs

Clovist Training [1]


Standing at the podium, Athena quickly took the attendance of everyone before addressing them.

"Today we'll talk about electives. In a moment, I'll hand you out paper forms with various electives for you to choose from. You are allowed to choose 5 electives maximum and not less than 3. Do note that the chosen electives will remain for the entire first year and they cannot be changed unless a special reason is provided."

The whole class listened to her attentively without a noise and she continued.

"The electives are available to you in a wide range. There's mana beast study, rune theory and application, close combat training, and much more. Choose to your liking."

"However, Weapon Training is mandatory for armentists, though it can be taken by clovists as well if they want. And Elemental Training is a must for clovists, though it can be taken by armentists to get a better understanding of mana manipulation if they want." She informed and some students nodded.

Following that, she retrieved a pile of papers and pointed out to Elizabeth.

"From today you'll be the class representative, is that okay?"

The latter nodded indifferently and Athena handed her the pile of papers, asking her to distribute them throughout.

Nodding again, Elizabeth took the papers and distributed them to everyone in the class.

After getting the paper from her, Amon looked down at the paper, finding various options for electives listed on it.

At the top of the elective choice, he also found his personal information written.


Name: Amon Ashford

Rank: 2403

Category: Clovist

Elemental Affinity: Blood


In the original novel, the number of ranks only existed till 2402 and Michael was the last rank.

However, it seemed to be a different case with Amon's intervention in the novel now as the last rank was now 2403, and it also belonged to him.

His affinity was labeled as [Blood], the only element he had shown in the elemental test.

Done with his information, Amon looked at the list of electives to choose from.

Not all electives had been specifically mentioned in the novel, which resulted in him being surprised at the sheer number of them.

There was everything that one could think about on the list.

But Amon had already decided what he was going to go for before he even entered the class.

As an average guy who had no experience surviving in a harsh world like this, he wanted to learn the basic things for survival.

Therefore, his 5 electives were.

Dungeon and Wilderness Survival Training.

Basic and Intermediate Mana Manipulation.

Close Combat Training.

Weapon Training.

Strategical and Battlefield Analysis.

Looking at his 5 electives, he nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing that he was done, Michael and Ren quickly took a glance toward his electives.

"" Close Combat and Weapon Training? Aren't you a clovist?"" Both of them simultaneously asked him.

Amon nervously laughed under their stares.

"Haha, my sister recommended me to take them both. A clovist also needs to prepare themselves if anyone gets close right?"

Understanding his reasoning, both of them nodded and focused back on their sheets.

After 10 minutes, he saw that they both were done.

He quickly took a glance towards their electives, and sighed in relief when he saw them being the same from the novel.

Actually, the electives Amon had chosen were not just based on his own interests.

They were also carefully chosen with the main cast in mind. Every elective that Amon chose had at least 1 main cast member in them.

Due to this, he hoped that Michael and Ren wouldn't deviate from their original choices in the novel just because they had seen his sheet.

Fortunately, they didn't.

There was a little deviation as Amon saw Ren choosing all five electives this time rather than only 3 like in the novel.

However, Amon didn't think much of it as out of 5, three electives were still his original choice from the novel.

The other 2 were also the ones that Amon had chosen, so there was no problem.

After 20 minutes of waiting, Athena finally asked everyone if they were done.

Everyone nodded, making her signal Elizabeth to collect the sheets.

Standing up, the latter quickly started collecting the elective sheets from everyone.

Reaching Amon, he handed her his elective sheet, and for some strange reason, he saw her eyes linger on his sheet for a few moments as if scanning it.

He even saw them flicker with confusion for a fraction of a second before turning to normal in the next and setting aside his sheet as if nothing had ever happened.

After collecting everyone's sheets and sorting them out, Athena looked at them again.

"Another news for all of you is that your first FULLDIVE will be held a week later. I would advise you all to prepare well for it."

"Now that that's done, All clovists will proceed to their training areas while all armenists will move to their grounds. The directions will arrive on your watchbands in a moment."

Right at that moment, a multitude of notification sounds resounded on everyone's watchbands.

With that, Athena left the class, waiting for them to move to their specific grounds.

Since all three of them were clovists, they walked to the clovist grounds together.

The training grounds for clovists and armenists were built right next to each other.

Each of them was as large as a football stadium and though both looked exactly similar from the outside, they differed greatly from the inside.

Walking through the entrance corridor of the clovist grounds, Amon arrived in a large spacious lush green field.

He instantly felt the mana density around him increase multiple times, making his skin pores up and acclimatize to the change.

He saw a large number of students around him, including Elizabeth and Liliana, who were both respectively clovists.

It was obvious that the ratio of clovists was twice the ratio of armenists.

In front of them, the students saw 6 teachers standing to teach them, including Athena, who now donned a tight skinsuit.

Scanning all the teachers, Amon knew all of them.

They were all influential figures after all, with some of them even being retired from the Imperial Military and having fought in the Great War.

All of them were some of the best clovists in humanity.


Thanks for reading!!

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