
The throne of the epic

**Title: The Throne of the Epic** In a land where legends and epic poems hold forgotten powers, Ivar, a seasoned gamer, finds himself in a new world, inhabiting the body of Muraka Il Themera. As the heir to a decaying kingdom, Ivar discovers the weight of his ancestor Kzarka's legacy and the mythical Ravien Sword. With the kingdom of Themera on the brink of collapse, plagued by corruption and demonic threats, Ivar must navigate a world where ancient promises and forgotten myths could be the key to revival. As he unearths the past and awakens powers long dormant, he faces treacherous nobles and relentless foes, striving to reclaim the lost glory of his lineage. **The Throne of the Epic** is a tale of rebirth and destiny, where the echoes of the past shape the battles of the present, and one man's journey could change the fate of an entire world.

godsfavperson · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 4: Crisis and Prospects

### Chapter 4: Crisis and Prospects

Ivar, seated at the head of the grand council chamber, observed the assembled officials with a measured gaze. The air was thick with anticipation and apprehension, each member of his council awaiting his guidance amidst the pressing challenges facing Themera.

Cedric, the kingdom's chief administrator, stood nervously before Ivar, his voice quavering as he delivered the dire financial report. "Your Highness, I regret to inform you that our treasury stands on the brink of depletion. The insatiable greed of the nobility has crippled our tax revenues, leaving our coffers dangerously bare. Moreover, our populace suffers from widespread illiteracy; only a small fraction of our people possess basic reading and writing skills."

Ivar's brow furrowed as he processed the gravity of the situation. In his former life, such issues had been distant concerns, but now they were harsh realities demanding immediate solutions. He motioned for Cedric to continue.

"Our coastline, though rich in potential, remains largely untapped," Cedric continued hesitantly. "Fear of the sea permeates our society due to ancient legends of monstrous sea creatures and treacherous weather."

Ivar nodded knowingly. "Legends often hold fragments of truth. Despite these dangers, we must harness the maritime resources at our disposal. Building a dock would not only alleviate these fears but also open crucial trade routes that could significantly bolster our economy."

Cedric's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by Ivar's resolve. "I will see to its immediate construction, Your Highness."

Turning his attention to agricultural matters, Ivar addressed the council. "Our overreliance on wheat as our primary crop is unsustainable, particularly given our diverse climate with its four distinct seasons. We must diversify our agricultural practices."

Elric, a young and eager advisor, interjected, "Your Highness, we should introduce crops such as potatoes, rice, and corn that are better suited to our varying climate. I propose dispatching scouts to neighboring regions to glean insights into advanced agricultural techniques."

"Excellent suggestion," Ivar affirmed. "Initiate preparations without delay."

Shifting focus to economic concerns, Ivar queried, "What is the current price of salt in our markets?"

Cedric hesitated, clearly uncomfortable delivering more bad news. "Salt remains prohibitively expensive, sourced from distant lands where it is mined from sand. Regrettably, we lack the expertise to extract salt from our abundant seawater."

Ivar's frustration simmered beneath his composed demeanor. "This is unacceptable. We possess an abundance of seawater—an invaluable resource that could provide us with ample salt. Assemble experts from coastal communities who possess knowledge of salt production. Summon them to the palace so that we may establish local production immediately."

The councilors exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the weight of Ivar's directives.

General Varg, a seasoned military commander known for his steadfastness, rose solemnly. "Your Highness, we face escalating attacks from demonic creatures and savage beasts. Our defenses are strained under relentless assaults, compounded by the indifference of neighboring realms."

Ivar's countenance hardened with resolve. "This isolation cannot endure. Summon the ambassadors of neighboring kingdoms for an urgent meeting tomorrow night. We must negotiate alliances and forge agreements to fortify our defenses against these relentless threats."

General Varg saluted crisply. "It shall be done, Your Highness."

As the council adjourned, Ivar remained seated, contemplating the monumental challenges that lay ahead. The weight of Themera's plight bore heavily upon him, yet he harbored unwavering determination. Armed with the memories of Kzarka Il Themera and the mystical power of the Ravien Sword, he envisioned a future where Themera would not only survive but thrive once more.

Amidst the hallowed silence of the council chamber, he resolved to restore honor to his kingdom and usher in an era of prosperity and strength. Tomorrow would bring new trials, but Ivar stood resolute, steadfast in his commitment to reclaim Themera's rightful place among the realm's great powers.

As Ivar made his way back to his chambers, his thoughts were consumed by the weight of responsibility and the challenges ahead. Yet, amidst the corridors, he caught a glimpse of Levina, his wife, her presence a welcome respite from the gravity of the council meeting.

Levina, ever perceptive of his mood swings, greeted him with a playful smile. "Well, my lord prince, it seems you've inherited a realm in quite the state of disarray."

Ivar chuckled softly, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly at her light-hearted approach. "A bit more than I bargained for, indeed. Seems I've got my work cut out for me."

She tilted her head, her gaze softening with concern. "Are you alright, Ivar? It must be overwhelming, everything happening so quickly."

He nodded, appreciating her understanding. "It is, but I have to make this work, for Themera's sake."

Their conversation meandered through lighter topics, tales of court intrigue and the eccentricities of council members. Levina's wit and warmth brought a fleeting sense of normalcy amidst the turmoil of governance.

As they reached the grand memorial palace, Ivar's steps slowed. Here, amidst solemn marble, lay the tombstones of his ancestors, a lineage now entwined with his own fate. He led Levina to a secluded corner where a modest stone marked the resting place of his family.

Silence settled between them as Ivar knelt before the weathered stone, tracing the engraved names with his fingertips. Memories flooded his mind, of a distant past on another world, now melded with Muraka Il Themera's legacy.

Levina stood quietly beside him, her presence a silent comfort. The weight of responsibility and the ghosts of the past hung heavy in the air. For a moment, Ivar said nothing, allowing the emotions to ebb and flow, finding solace in the stillness of the memorial.

In that sacred moment, amidst the echoes of ancestors' deeds and dreams, Ivar felt a glimmer of peace. The burden of leadership, though daunting, was shared with those who came before him. With a silent prayer for guidance, he rose from his knees, a resolve renewed.

Levina squeezed his hand gently, her eyes conveying unwavering support. Together, they left the hallowed grounds of remembrance, bound by a shared commitment to shape Themera's future.

As they walked back to their chambers, the weight of duty remained, yet Ivar's spirit felt lighter, fortified by the memories of family and the steadfast presence of his beloved Levina.

I dont know how to do it. I still learning. Every support and suggestions from you guys means a lot for me

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