
The Throne Of The Dark [LitRPG Progressive Fantasy]

Embrace your Cursed Immortality and fight for the Throne of the Dark! In the dark, mysterious world of vampires, there once lived a powerful ruler - the Vampire King. His reign was feared and respected by all, until he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a coveted Grimoire. The sudden disappearance of the Vampire King caused a seismic shift in the vampire community. Betrayals, alliances, and desertions plagued the vampire families as they fought tooth and nail to get their hands on the Grimoire.  Meanwhile, in the mundane world of humans, lived Darell Rogers - a lowly Baron's son who always dreamed of a better life. Fate, however, had something extraordinary planned for him. On his 18th birthday, Darell woke up to a familiar sound - a chime. What he saw in front of his eyes left him bewildered and terrified. He had been granted access to the Cursed Immortality System - an ability that could turn his life around in ways he could never have imagined. Little did Darell know that the Grimoire - the very object that the vampire families were fighting over - was in his possession.  With his newfound power and the Grimoire in his possession, Darell had a choice to make - succumb to the pressure and relinquish the object or rise to fulfill his destiny and claim his rightful place on the Throne of the Dark. Join him on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of vampires and humans alike and discovers the true extent of his power. ================= Check out my Patr-eon for getting access to artwork, illustrations, and extra chapters. www.patr-eon.com/aidenusmani

AidenUsmani · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Vol.01: Ch.10: The Icy Instructor - Athena's Intense Introduction

Lilith awoke with a flutter of excitement in her chest. She slipped out of bed and into the shower, relishing the cool water as it washed over her skin. After drying off, she carefully selected her outfit for the day, wanting to look her best.

When she made her way out of her room, Lilith met up with her friends Emma and Ariel, both of whom were similarly dressed in their formal attire. When they made their way out of the dorm, they saw Darell and Eric waiting for them. Together, they began the short walk towards their classroom, chatting and laughing as they went.

But just as they were about to enter the classroom, Darell stepped forward and blocked their way.

Lilith's heart sank as she saw the troubled expression on Darell's face. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was related to the conversation he had with Walter, and her mind raced with worry.

Darell's words confirmed her fears. "I'm sorry, guys, but I won't be able to attend magic classes with you," he said solemnly.

The group was stunned, unable to comprehend why Darell would suddenly have to withdraw from their classes. Emma grabbed Darell by the shoulders and demanded answers. "Who threatened you? Tell me, and I'll take care of them!" she said fiercely.

Darell's smile was gentle but sad. "No one threatened me, Emma. It's just that the academy doesn't have any instructor that could guide me in honing my ability. So, Instructor Walter asked me to work on improving my mana and spells using the resources in the library," he explained patiently.

When the reality of Darell's absence sank in, a sense of disappointment and sorrow fell over the group. Lilith, Ariel, and Eric all wore solemn expressions, but it was Emma who was most visibly upset. She had been looking forward to spending every moment of their time at the academy with Darell, deepening their bond and preparing for their future together.

Darell noticed their downcast faces and let out a small chuckle. "It's just the magic classes, guys. We'll still be together in combat classes," he said, trying to ease their worries.

Despite his reassurance, the group remained hesitant to accept the news. It took some extra convincing from Darell, who spent an additional fifteen minutes trying to console Emma and lift her spirits. Even after she reluctantly agreed, her dejected expression lingered on her face.

Finally, with a resigned sigh, Darell bid them farewell and headed towards the library.

A few seconds later, Lilith and her companions reluctantly stepped into the classroom and noticed the change in the classroom. The once-loud chatter and bustle of students faded away, and an eerie silence fell over the room. It was a common occurrence whenever they mingled with people their age, a testament to their recently formed status as prodigies and rising stars in the world of magic.

Some of the students gazed at them with admiration and respect, while others looked on with envy and jealousy. For a few, Lilith and her companions represented a goal to strive towards, a reminder of what they could achieve with hard work and dedication.

Lilith and her companions chose the front row, where they could better focus on the day's lessons. But even as they settled in, they were keenly aware of the attention and expectations placed upon them, and the weight of their reputation hung heavily in the air.

The remaining students entered the classroom later and settled into their seats as they talked among themselves. However, a hush fell over the room when they glanced at the clock on the wall and awaited the arrival of their instructor. Finally, the door creaked open, and in walked a striking figure that immediately caught the attention of everyone in the room.

The instructor was a woman of remarkable beauty, with long pink hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. Her hazel eyes were calm and piercing, and her skin had a rich, sun-kissed glow that gave her an exotic look.

The boys in the class were entranced by her beauty, their gazes lingering a little too long, while the girls looked at the boys with disdain, their expressions reflecting a mixture of annoyance and disgust.

Ariel's eyes flickered to Eric, and she notice the intense gaze he had on the instructor. But to her surprise, there was no hint of lust in his expression, just a calm and collected demeanor that made her happy.

Ariel quickly leaned in and planted a playful kiss on Eric's cheek. He was taken aback by her boldness, and his face flushed red as he looked back at her. But Ariel was unfazed, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she smiled at him.

Caught up in the moment, Eric found himself entranced by her infectious smile, losing himself in her gaze. But before he could fully succumb to her charm, a loud banging sound echoed throughout the classroom, startling them both and bringing them back to reality.

* BANG *

* BANG *

* BANG *

The instructor slammed her fist onto the table, and the sound echoed through the room like thunder, instantly silencing the students.

Her expression was icy and her gaze was piercing as she swept it across the classroom, scanning each face with a cold, calculating intensity. When her eyes landed on Lilith, she paused for a moment, a hint of surprise flickering across her features before she quickly regained her composure.

"I am Instructor Athena, and I will be your guide in the world of magic. If any of you think you're above the rest or believe you can afford to waste my time, leave now. Because once my lesson begins, there will be no breaks and no distractions. I repeat, NO ONE will be allowed to disrupt my class."

The students shuddered in fear, feeling a chill run down their spines at the instructor's imposing presence. As she watched them squirm, Athena's lips twisted into a sinister grin, relishing the fear she instilled in her pupils.

Then, Instructor Athena held out scrolls to the students and spoke with an authoritative tone, "We shall not waste our time. The scrolls being given to you contain rank 01 spells that you have to learn in a month."

She paused and then continued, "I will teach you the basics of the spells, but keep in mind that each ability has its intricacies that can only be understood by those who possess the ability. For instance, the rank 01 fire spell Fireball can only be learned by someone with the fire ability. I cannot teach you how to create a fireball because I do not possess the same ability, but I can explain how to circulate the flow of mana through the body and correct your mistakes."

The students nodded in understanding, and Instructor Athena continued, "So, let us begin."

For the next couple of hours, the classroom was filled with the sound of shuffling scrolls and the scratching of quills as the students took notes. As the lesson came to an end, Instructor Athena ordered them to start memorizing and understanding the intricacies of the spells.

As Lilith looked around the classroom, she noticed that she was the only one without a scroll in her hands. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Instructor Athena standing behind her.

Lilith stood up straight, her nerves getting the best of her. "I-Is there something wrong, Instructor?" she asked, worried she had done something wrong.

But Athena simply smiled and said, "You have the Mist ability just like me and I have been assigned as your personal instructor by the academy."

Athena continued with a grin, "Come, let me teach you a few rank 03 Mist spells." Lilith felt a spark of excitement and quickly got up from her seat, following the instructor to the back of the classroom.

As they walked, Lilith couldn't help but notice that many of the other students were so engrossed in learning their rank 01 spells that they didn't even notice the two of them leaving. Once they were in the back of the classroom, Athena began teaching Lilith the basics of the Mist ability.


In a quiet corner of the library, Darell sat surrounded by several spell scrolls. His eyes were fixed on the text as he read them with intense concentration. As he absorbed the knowledge within, he felt an unusual sensation building within him. It was as though the spells recorded in the scrolls were already a part of him, waiting to be unleashed.

Darell knew this was not normal. Even for a genius, it would take at least a week to learn a single rank 01 spell from a spell scroll. But here he was, effortlessly absorbing five of them in just a few minutes. He suspected that his unique system was the reason for his rapid progress.

A wicked grin spread across Darell's face as he contemplated the possibilities. With his system, he could potentially master any spell with ease. He had acquired five space rank 01 spells whose descriptions he could see using the system.

[Skill: Space Tear]

[Description: With a wave of your hand, tear the fabric of space around you to quickly evade enemy attacks. This spell requires precise timing and control over space mana to execute properly.

Be warned, this spell has its limitations. It will not work against enemies with MP twice that of your own. Additionally, overuse of this spell can strain your mana reserves and lead to exhaustion. Use wisely and strategically in combat.]

[Skill: Teleport]

[Description: The user can instantly transport themselves to a location within a short distance.

When the user activates this skill, they momentarily become enveloped in a shimmering aura. In the next instant, they disappear from their original location, reappearing at the targeted destination.

This skill is useful for dodging enemy attacks or escaping from dangerous situations. However, it has a short range and requires precise targeting. The user should also take care not to teleport into obstacles or enemies.

Over time as the user increases their mastery of this skill, they can extend the range of their teleportation and decrease the time required for activation.]

[Skill: Star Strike]

[Description: This skill allows the user to tap into the immense power of a star, channeling one billionth of its strength.

The user of this skill can feel the raw energy of a star coursing through their veins as they unleash its power upon their foes. But they must use it wisely, for the cost of such a potent ability can quickly drain their MP reserves as its use comes at the cost of 100 MP every 30 seconds. Only those with the will and the strength to bear such a burden can master the power of Star Strike.]

[Skill: Gate Travel]

[Description: The user can manipulate space to open gates for instantaneous travel over long distances.

This skill requires a significant amount of MP, with the consumption rate being 100 MP per every 500 meters traveled. The further the user intends to travel, the more MP they need to consume. Additionally, opening a gate requires precise calculations to ensure the user does not end up in an unknown or dangerous location.]

[Skill: Burst ]

[Description: This skill allows the user to enhance their overall stats by 100%, unleashing their full potential for a short time.

The skill continuously consumes 10 MP per second and the cooldown period is 10 minutes before the skill can be used again.]

Darell couldn't help but feel satisfied with his latest discovery. As he read through the scrolls, he discovered that they contained the spells passed down by a powerful space user from ten thousand years ago. This user had not only developed these spells but also took the time to record them for future generations to learn and master.

Darell checked the time and frowned, realizing that only an hour had passed since he began his study. He carefully returned the scrolls to their designated spots and left the library.

Darell's mind raced as he pondered the possibility of finding more space spell scrolls. He knew that if any such scrolls still existed, they would be hidden away from the public's view. As he racked his brain for any ideas on how to acquire them, he grew increasingly frustrated with his lack of success.

After much deliberation, Darell let out a heavy sigh of defeat. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't think of a way to procure any remaining scrolls on space spells. However, he refused to give up on his search. Determined to leave no stone unturned, he resolved to return to the library and continue his exploration of the archives.

While delving deeper into the archives, he stumbled upon historical records that contained tales of legendary beings whose powers had reached the apex of the world. It was a treasure trove of knowledge, and he couldn't help but feel awed by the sheer amount of information stored within the pages as he began reading them.

It was then that he came across the name of a unique existence whose powers were not properly interpreted, only a relatively blank section, devoid of any detailed accounts of it. He narrowed his eyes and murmured the name of this existence.



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