
The Three Shareholders (Secret's)

Hillwood, a small but big prosperous town in upstate New York, where you either have two jobs or two houses. A town is known for its exotic fish that came from their great lake, and maple sap that comes from their beautiful maple trees., but there are a lot more secrets to the town than meet the eye. Elizebeth, the pretty cute blonde cheerleader, Olivia the athletic strong friendly track runner, and Mia, the stern cold student body president, and heir to Hillwood's Million dollar company, Hillwood Syrup. The three-star students of Hillwood High, each had their own cunning ability and also had secrets and different flaws. Secrets that can never be shared or told, but what happens when one school party event can change all their lives forever. Please check out my other Webnovel "Glow". I tried as hard as possible to make a diverse cast so yeah here you have it.

Queen_Legend · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Part 3(Olivia)


Hello now we have one more girl we should discuss and that's Olivia Fox.

Olvia also known by her friends as "Via" is the ace of her Track Team, and took her team to Nationals last year and won. She had transferred to Hillwood High last year when she was a sophomore from New York City, and in that year was able to gain the respect of all her Track Teammates for being a reliable partner. She gained popularity from the school and Town not just for being the new girl, but for being the only black girl on the top five students of the year list.

With her fluffy huge afro and hoop earring, she loved to rock oversized vintage clothes and was always known as a bruh girl who had incredible style.

She was an introvert and enjoyed gaming and running in her free time. Oliva also had a great GPA and tutored at the local Hillwood Elementary. She was single just how she liked it, she thought having a boyfriend would be a distraction to her team and studies.

She didn't have a rich family background, she was just normal and lived with her aunt, in their nice estate close to the Great River.

Oh, and how can I forget, her secret is...lol she actually doesn't really have one, not everyone is a drama known person in this town, this story ain't that dark ok, she is known for being honest and doesn't have anything to hide,...well not yet.

Now that we went through all the main characters, let's get right into the story for real this time.


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