
The thorns that pierced my heart

# Novel written by me... Like any enmity that arose between two empires that hated each other, the weaker one would hand over her daughter as a concubine or wife to resolve the dispute, and this is what happened to me. The happiness that filled my heart I couldn't even describe. "Finally I will find freedom." The image people had outside that palace was that I was the beloved daughter of the family, it was all just a big lie. After I was taken in to marry the emperor's younger brother, that was shattered as well. I didn't really aspire to love him, he had someone else in his heart but I didn't want to be treated like trash either. I was left after all. "Does the princess agree to marry me?" The Emperor, with his greatness, who never approached women and was rumored to be gay, asked to marry me?

Mave02 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Like falling autumn leaves, like tears that rush down like a rushing waterfall

This is the way I have lived my whole life.

"I am very happy, at last there will be peace."

"Princes look very handsome."

"Aren't the two princesses the cutest?"

"I feel sad that the angel of our empire is leaving."

In the matter of the happy cheers and chatter of the people of Andromeda's empire and those folk songs and dances of pretty girls in these brocades and wide laces so sexy.

With garnishes and orchids joyfully thrown around, the proud rush towards the efforts of the royal family standing in the distance on that huge gold-encrusted balcony waving at them with measured movements.

The decades-old feud with Roville's empire was finally resolved by making the two empires related by marriage.

Of course, the weaker one would have handed over his daughter for marriage. Roville surpassed Andromeda in many respects. Andromeda had no choice but to send the eldest princess, beloved by the family and the entire people.

Or that's what everyone thought.

The intended one bit her lips with a stiff face, casting those smirking smiles on that small, pale face. She waved one hand towards the happy audience, while closing those wide red eyes.

The purple eyes of that empress slanted her sharp gazes towards Philia, whose face looked paler than ever.

"Sister, you never look well."

Signs of concern in a gentle tone came out of the Younger Prince's mouth as he arched those blood red eyes.

"Is my sister okay?"

With great kindness, the younger princess wondered, leaning her white head with silver locks, exactly like the older sister.

"Uh..I think I need to go to my room."

Maybe, I won't be able to hold on any longer.

The Emperor, who kept spreading his mouth as wide as possible, was standing next to him the Crown Prince, who was known to be as cold as a stone with his expressionless face.

The Empress and the younger princes lined up behind them. At last, philia's white face grew paler, and she left without a word.

With maximum speed, she returned to enter quickly, running around, leaving them to meet the people with an open heart.

"my sister!!"

At one pace, the princess and the prince replied with some concern.

"What's wrong with her?"

Despite the smiling face of His Majesty the Emperor towards his people, that smile shook after he noticed the questions that appeared in their faces, and the enthusiasm subsided due to the intended departure by surprise.

"I don't know, maybe she has a cold or something."

He returned with his poker face and clapped those hands in a shrill voice towards his bewildered people.

"It seems that the princess was very moved and could not bring herself to stop crying."

The two princes furrowed their eyebrows in annoyance, and their pair of red eyes and golden eyes were burning with father's false pretensions.

"Oh, my God, the princess is really so tender."

"I feel bad saying goodbye to her, too."

As usual, the people were moved by some nonsense uttered by the emperor, who had exceptional acting abilities.



Uh, I vomited for the second time.

In the bright bathroom of that room in front of the mirror, I vomited the whole previous meal

She raised those eyes toward the reversed face in front of her.

Beloved First Princess... (Philia Ordo de Andromeda)

The silver hair is like a beautiful doll and those red eyes are like a vast sea of ​​blood

I inherited it from the Emperor in one letter, with that very thin body that seemed to have not been eaten by food, and that spotless skin as a piece of cloth.

It wasn't the first time to me to feel this uncomfortable. After a while, I discovered that I suffer from panic disorder.

When I would be seen by so many people or get some unknown attention I had nothing to do but feel sick until that heart was beating to its fullest.

"When did that happen?"

She bit her lips with a frustrated face.

"Uh, that happened five years ago."

Memories of that day flooded back in succession.

[five years ago]

"I feel sorry for the princess."

"She must have done something that upset the Empress."

The sad babbling of the maids and the frustrated whisper with a full sense of pity were directed towards the youngest Princess Juliana, who was only four years old.

"What did I hear now?"

Unexpectedly, She got into the middle of their noisy conversation in the shed of the fourteen-year-old Grand Princess Philia.


The eyes of those maidservants anxiously turned towards each other, just fearing that word of mouth from the empress was already a severe punishment.

But the feeling of wanting to help the little princess outweighed that fear.

"The Empress has locked her in Her Majesty's Tower to be punished after her tea party." (One of the maids)

"What?? What happened at that party?"

Those red eyes opened with great panic, after all, the youngest princess is the last one remaining from the womb of the late empress. After the death of the mother from the weight of childbearing, the relationship between the two sisters became like that of a mother and her daughter.

"We don't know exactly that, Your Highness, but it seems the Princess kept calling Her Majesty Lady instead of Mother."


'Damn it'

She took a running charge after She caught that beautiful blue dress at full speed, leaving the maids with anxiety filling those faces.

"Julie baby.. answer"

The sound of the beating continued many times, and the room in which she was locked was the most terrifying in the tower.


The trembling voice that seemed to someone who had been crying for a long time echoed in the opposite direction. She had nothing to do but some words of encouragement that did not seek any benefit in order not to lose her composure.

"Don't worry, your sister will get you out of here."

"Oh, what courage, Philly?"

In a sarcastic tone that voice came out behind me, she is the main reason for all this happening, the current empress (Rosnet Efron d'Andormide)

"Your Majesty, please be merciful."

In spite of my rising pride, I bent down in frustration, desperately gripping that dress, waiting for a moment of sympathy from her.

"Your Majesty?...It seems that it was Philly who intended to teach Julie this way."

That ice-cold tone made my limbs shiver. I knew what that tone meant. I lifted that silver head towards her.

Her sharp purple eyes arched a look that brought goosebumps so hard it made me harden like a stone.

"Ah..I didn't mean it. I wanted Julie not to cross the line with Her Majesty, so I warned her not to cross the official line."

Ironic, don't you hate us how can we call you mother?

"Official limit? My dear Philly, since I entered the palace four years ago until now, I have not heard you call me my mother."


"Don't you know how important this party was? It was to introduce Beryl to society, and all Julie did in front of everyone was say 'My Lady, My Lady' though I am your mother now."

She placed her palm on that little shoulder and pressed it down after making these allegations.

"Y..Your Majesty, I am wrong. Please, if there is a punishment for Julie, I will take it."

My gaze continued to descend towards the ground, the pressure from her gaze making me want to vomit. Sweat poured out on the forehead in a tense atmosphere. The situation was unenviable.

"Huh? Is it really what you say?"

The empress smiled in a very cheerful voice that made me lift those frightened eyes. Her joy was indescribable after hearing that.

After all, I am the person most hated by the Empress.

"So, you won't go back on your words?"

"N..no, Your Majesty, I am the one who deserves to be punished."

I was really stupid to think that I could take responsibility.


The heavy night fell at that time on the castle, and Philia replaced Julie's place to sit in that lonely room, thinking that the punishment was only temporary imprisonment.

"It is very cold"

The light robe covering me and the coldness of the floor made me rather shudder. I'm not good at dealing with darkness.

Would Julie have suffered through all this?

I feel my heart feels a little more secure since I took Julie's place. I can never imagine her like this.


An unexpected entry for that empress, the sexy-looking beautiful woman with black hair and those purple eyes entered in a stately manner.

"I think it's time for punishment."

Philia's red eyes widened. The topic was off topic Totally expected. That empress in her lavish dress slowly approached and quickly extended that hand towards my face.

The sound was really loud. She slapped that cheek and made it so red that her finger print was drawn on Philia's little face.

"Y.. your majesty?"

I put my hand towards that swollen cheek am I dreaming?

In a stunned tone and a surprised voice, Feili said,

"It was not expected that the Empress would reach that far."

"Does Princess Philia still insist on not calling me mother?"

Her other hand returned and struck the other cheek with the same force Tears started to fall from those red eyes. The pain was so intense.

Blow ,blow.

I was slapped over and over at that place.


Yelling and wailing wasn't really helpful.


The door was opened by another guest (Beryl Millard de Valentine), the daughter of the Empress, the young girl known for her innocence and beauty.

Those clear purple eyes like the empress and golden blonde hair standing bent over that door with the folds of those soft hands and the raising of that golden eyebrow.

One year younger than Philia, there was no blood relationship in the first place. And now came the second worst individual with whom I had any good relations.

"Oh, my dear Berry, what brings you here?"

"Juliana made some noise and told everyone about Philia's punishment so that the emperor knew about it regardless of my older brother and the little prince".

jolly!! What have you done? By making a bit of a fuss, she'll get angry at her again.


Those woman's purple eyes looked up with some surprise. While some hope returned to my face with my very swollen cheek because of those slaps that were taken from every place in my face.

Will my father come to help me?

Flimsy wishes echoed in that shattered soul.

"A-ha-haah-look at your face, little Philly. Do you think that His Majesty will leave what he has in order to help you?"

"Mother Look, she's really silly, don't you know that His Majesty hasn't blinked an eye after hearing this?"

I felt so empty with those red eyes that had become so dead. The father and the only person left for me and my brothers after the death of the mother did not care at all if I was Punish or kill here.

"However, I must explain the situation to His Majesty after all"

The Empress bit her lips full of bright lipstick in some annoyance and left me, finally leaving.

Fuu, looks like I'm finally resting. "

"Oh, can you finish Berry what I started, can I count on my pretty baby?"

She turned back to Beryl and with a wry smile made me panic.

That door closed and I was left with even more fear With that crazy, sadistic, blood-loving Beryl.

"Philly, my beautiful sister, shall we continue to punish you?"

She moved closer to my face that was hurting as hell and clenched my jaw in a stern manner, meeting my pair of red eyes with a suspicious grin.

"Beryl, don't you think it's too far-fetched? Was this punishment really intended for Juliana?"

Did you bastards aspire to punish Julie in this way?

"Th.. that foolish princess if she were here I would have ripped out her pair of golden eyes.. disgusting made the atmosphere awkward at my introduction party"

Her laughing face, which had been beaming moments ago, transformed into its original form.

Beryl, the sadistic, terrifying, and extremely insane, let out her true wishes.

"are you crazy?"

I was like a meek little lamb, very docile to the empress but now is the situation very different.

Philia furrowed an eyebrow and pierced Beryl with an angry face.

"How dare you look at me like that?"

She removed her hand from my jaw and growled with anger that didn't matter since everything had become ridiculous for this moment.

She extended her hand to beat me in the face.

This was stopped by a quick grab of her wrist by Philia.

"It was indeed different with the empress previously. She is the mother of the crown prince after all, but who are you to dare hit the first princess? You are only the daughter of a duke."

"Oh, is that what my sister thinks? So if I really have no value, why does the Emperor care more about Phineas and me than his own children?"

I don't have anything to say, my father didn't even try to sympathize with us.

"Anyway,Philly ,sister, you should be punished, not because you took Julianna's place, but also because you need some discipline."

Her graceful body moved towards me, and indeed I tried to get away quickly. It seemed like the cat was chasing the mouse until Beryl pounced on my skinny body, knocking me down in the shadow of that, and started hitting that head on the ground.

Despite my ridiculous attempts to resist all the time, I know that I am in a failed battle. Beryl was capable in various fields, as she was the daughter of the late Duke Millard, known for his toughness and strength, and his children inherited this thing like him.

hit hit hit.

She was pinning my tired body to the ground and continuing to beat me more than ever.

Perhaps she brought out her buried grudges at this moment. My vision has become really blurry. I feel like my head is bleeding and tears are starting to come down.


A slight sound of the door echoed

"Who is there?"

Beryl finally looked away from me after feeling suspicious of the sound of that door.

Is that help?

I Despite the extreme pain, I gathered what was left of my strength and pushed her with all I could, hitting her head on the wooden furniture in the corner, all the way to that door.

Perhaps there is someone Who will help me. Joy crossed my scratched and bloody face until it came back to grab the hem of my dress and knocked me to the ground.

This is to be expected of Duke Millard's successor. But the crawl continued until I finally pushed that door.


That tall young man, with his elegant and brilliant innocence, stood like a tall column in the shadow of that complete darkness.

His red eyes were so bright, Crown Prince (Cassiere Ordu de Andromed) Despite the blood relationship that brought us together, the fact that we are from different mothers made The relationship is worse.

The pair of eyes of the two of them met as the situation for Beryl hardened like a stone was already feeling fearful of Cassiere.

"H..help me"

For the first time in my life, I took the initiative to talk to him, or rather ask him for something. My body was lying on the ground in a deplorable position, but I actually asked him for help.

It was the first and last time. I know you don't love me, but we're brothers, right? With his cold, expressionless face, his sharp gaze pierced me by surprise, but he turned and left the place as if nothing had happened, and as expected, the torture continued.

I got it.

Those eyes that looked down on me made me hate being looked at again. This is how my syndrome began.

For the time being, I am already getting married I cannot describe the happiness I got from this political marriage.

Philia continued walking around the glass shed, catching some comfortable air, after vomiting food a few minutes earlier.

"I think this place is what I will miss here."

The beautiful garden of the imperial palace was picturesque, as usual. Various of these rather colorful flowers. The atmosphere was beautiful and comforting.

The desire to marry increased after the realization of freedom, but... what will happen to Juliana? Lucio? I am growing worried for them.

Although the crown prince is officially Cassiere, what if the Empress thought of getting rid of Lucio so that the struggle for the throne would not take place?

Thinking about that makes me sweat.

She raised her head to the blue sky with very disappointed eyes, some gentle breeze blew and her silver locks were blown away and that was interrupted by that very unwanted sound.

"Philly? "

Oh, looks like hell is back again.

To be continued...

Instagram account: @jojochi02_