
The Third Son

Duke Allen Vince, the ruler of a strong dukedom is known to be humble and kind as well as respected by his subjects and ministers. His life was like a dream for anyone....if not for one single thing. "SAMUEL!!!" his third son Samuel Vince, who is neither talented in 'art of war' like his first brother Cedric nor kind and gentle like his second brother Ray. "pack your stuff." "you are disowning me oldman?" "no! you idiot ..... you're going to schnitzel academy!!" "father!! give me one reason to go THERE!!" "son give me one reason not to disown you!!" ".........So when am I going?" . . . follow the journey of spoiled rich brat in 'the third son''. A/n: the cover art is not mine, please contact me if you want to take it down.

Novel_Soup · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

chapter 1

the Chronos Academy was a really prestigious academy where only the most talented children could take admission...or if they have connections like me.....but that wasn't just all....once you take admission...you have to spend 6 years in this place....and that's why I didn't wanted to come here...

As I was going inside the the academy..... I saw a familiar face.....it was one of my friends, Asher Milton from the Milton family.

'well...this guy did said that he's going to attend the academy this year....'

"hey!! how's it going man?"

I called him out but he ignored me and moved forward...and when I got closer to him to see if something is wrong.....he said this....

" please, I don't want you to bother me from now on.... please stay away from me....."

and with saying that, he went away...

'son of a bitch.....did he forget that it was me who saved his ass when he slapped his fiancee because she tried to stop him harrassing another girl... whatever bitch!!! I don't need you anyways.....you were the one who always used to stick with me...'

after that I had to attend this stupid auditorium and listening to these boring speeches.....and that's why I slept... fortunately, when I woke up ....the boring speeches ended and the students were now being send to their respective classes...

Even in this prestigious academy....there were two groups....the talented commoners and the royal bloods.....both my idiotic brothers stayed neutral in their time and one of those idiots even annulled their marriage for some stupid commoner....but they don't understand, we the nobles are proud beings....and these talented bastards don't know the amount of pressure we have the moment we are born.....well I mean I never had to face that pressure....but that doesn't mean that it does not happen...

but this year....it was different....

"uh.... excuse me....it looks like we're classmates, haha please to meet you..."

these talented commoners and us high nobles were now inside the same classroom...the one who said this was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes....just by looking at her way of speech, I could tell....this bitch is a commoner....how dare she disrespect me like that...


"hey!!! Belle!!! don't talk like that!!! he's a noble!!"

"sir noble....we deeply apologize for our friends mistake.... please forgive her.."

"heh.... I'll forgive her for now....but there won't be next time!!"

'well atleast some of these bastards know their place... '

soon, the classes started and since it was the first day....our teachers only asked us to introduce ourselves and then taught us the little basics...

soon I leaned that, that bastad Asher wasn't in my class....but fortunately there were still many nobles....

And with that, my lifein this academy begin....




"wha....what do you mean??? why can't Noah come here!! he's my attendent!!!"

I soon realised that this academy had started to seperate the boundary between the nobles and commoners....and the first step for it was to not allowing any noble to keep their attendent with them..... I leaned about this after I came to my dorm...

'fuck.....does that mean I have to do everything by myself from now on!!'

well....not everything was bad though.... atleast the dorms for commoners was seperate from the dorm for nobles...

'ha.....that oldman.....he sure thought of this punishment thoroughly.....i.'

"I guess....I'll just have to live with it..... I can already see that annoying smile on that bastard Noah's face...."

(the next day)

"alright students... can someone tell me what is magic?"

the person who said this was our professor Johan... he's one the top 20 mages in the world....but I hated this guy.....why do you ask....it was because he was one of them....a commoner....

his question was answered by several students but the only two students gave correct answers....and fortunately both were nobles....one was the son of Duke Bourne and the other was our royal princess.....seeing this brought a smile to my face....

"ahem.....student Vince, what is it that you find so funny?"

"huh? oh nothing..."

"hmm.....would you like to tell us about magic..."

everyone was looking at me...

"hm....magic is magic... I guess."

after listening my reply, his expression became grim...but I didn't gave any reaction....and soo. he said..

"....you guess?.... I'm sorry for even asking the question.... please sit down...."

....and with that, I sat down....

'guess that was a good answer...'

as I was thinking, I heard a giggle...it was this filthy commoner girl who was sitting right next to me..

"ehe....magic is magic....hahaha...you're really funny..."

'is this bitch making fun of me!!!'

soon she looked at me and said...

"my name is Belle, nice to meet you...uh"

she looked at me as if she's expecting something.....oh...

"weren't you here during the introductions...or do you just have a really bad memory.....well just in case you forgot.... I'm the third son of the great Duke Vince family."

I said with a lot of pride...but her reply was a little underwhelming...

"oh.... I see....then should I call you the third son of Duke Vince..."

"just....just call me young master Samuel..."

"oh...so Sam.."


"Ah!!! young master Vince!!! please forgive her!!"

before I could say anything else.....the two guys who tried to protect her before came again.....and while they were apologizing...this commoner spoke again....

"oh...so it is Sam..."

"...forget it....fine!!! just call me master Sam..."

"oh...okay master Sam..."

hearing that I nodded.....




if there is something that I do like about this academy...it has to be this place...

"the cafeteria..."

no commoners that can bother me and I can even build connections with the nobles...and when I became powerful enough!! I'll forcefully succeed my oldman!!!

I soon took my meal and sat on the table and just as I was about to enjoy my exquisite meal.... I heard a noise...

"this is not fair!!!"

as my eyes followed the noise....it was none other than that bastard Asher.....and infront of him was some girl.....was he harrassing another girl again....fucker!! if that was the case, why did you even asked me to leave you alone....

'wait ..... it's a really good chance... I can save him for now....and then I'll make this bastard my dog forever...'

I smiled with satisfaction....and with that I moved forward...only to see that this commoner girl was being protected by two nobles boys....

"hmm.....wait.....did these bastards!!! they decided to woo this commoner girl!!"

just when one of those two boys were about to attack Asher....



all the students present in the cafeteria were speechless.....well why wouldn't they, I bitch slapped one of the noble just now...

"wah....who ar-"





"good....you finally understood, speak anything and you'll know the answer..."

soon the other guy spoke...

"do you have any idea who I am?."


"you're son of count Kleos and this pathetic piece of crap here is the son of marquis Lester.....so what of it?"

"uh....no.... that's.."

now all three of them lowered their heads..

"do you know why I just slapped you..."

he shook his head...

"it was because..."

I looked at all three of them...

"what you were doing was wrong!!! you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! and you call yourselves nobles!!!! listen here carefully!!!"

I grabbed one of them by coller and...

"listen here you little shits!!! I'm the son of the most respected Duke of this country and if I ever find you doing something like this!!! I swear to god I will come for both of you ....and you won't like what I would do next....so.."

then I let him go...

"let's keep it at that okay.."

I said as I straighten his tie....and soon all three of them ran away....

"heh....and they call themselves nobles!!!"

as I was about to turn back.... I heard everyone started cheering for me...

'haha I used to thought that these people hated this.....why are they suddenly giving me an applause...'

but the answer to my question was given to me soon....

"young master Vince.....thank you for saving me...."

'heh....when did Asher's voice became this feminine.....'

but it was not Asher who spoke.....it was the girl with lustrous black hair and red eyes, if someone look at her....they might confuse her for a noble.....but I'm different..... I can tell by one's tone whether they are noble or commoner.....and this girl right here was a filthy commoner...

"wow.....did you see that!!! looks like history is repeating itself!!!"

"hey isn't that how his big brother helped that poor commoner girl few years prior...."

"and I heard that his other brother was the one who saved several commoners from getting harrassed by nobles .....guess justice is in their blood!!!"

"I heard several bad rumours about the third son of Duke Vince.....but guess they were all just fake rumours!!!"

at this point I realised two thing...one, that girl who was shouting at Asher.....she was the 'noble' who was putting this stupid commoner to her place.....and two, Asher was protecting her.....that means.... I helped the wrong people!!!

I finally glanced at Asher, who was stunned while looking at me...but I was more confused than him....

'you fucking BASTARD!!! you said that you hated commoners!!! then why were you saving her in the first place!!!!'

and just with that, a rumour was formed in the academy.....that third son of Duke Vince is someone who deeply cares about the commoners.....

- to be continued