
The Third Reich: The Return of the King

On November 11, 1918, when the unconditional surrender agreement was handed over to the French Marshal, the Second Empire became history. When the Allies were sharpening their knives and planning to feast on the corpse of the Second Reich;When the Kingdom of Bavaria, Württemberg, and Saxony tried to split the empire;When all Germans are worried about the dark tomorrow. The German army in the Bastogne area fired the last shot of World War I!Standing on the front line strewn with corpses of French soldiers, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of thousands of soldiers behind him, Lin Yu vowed to rebuild the empire in this life and restore the honour of the empire with iron and blood! (from Faloo)

DaoistLbwMKl · สงคราม
220 Chs


"The Sun Never Sets people are essentially just a group of businessmen. What businessmen value most is profit. As long as we can make the Sun Never Sets people understand that once force is used, the benefits they get from us will be far less than the price they pay. , they will not continue to insist on using force!"

Mainz saw that President Hindenburg's attitude had softened a little, so he explained.

"Therefore, we must use all our strength to prove to those on whom the sun never sets that we are serious and not joking.

In this way, it will become possible for them to withdraw from this war and give up their attempts on our country!

After all, the First World War had just ended, and it could be said that all European countries were exhausted from the fight.

For example, allies such as Gaul, where the sun never sets, even lost their blood in the war and killed an entire generation.

If it really happened, If there is another all-out war, they will definitely not agree!


Hindenburg agreed with Mainz's words, and he also knew the truth.

However, he always felt that this matter was done a bit recklessly.

"However, if we do this, the sun never sets and the Gauls will be more wary of us, and it will bring us more trouble in the future. Have you ever thought about it?

Mainz nodded:"Indeed, if we expose our strength too early, it will indeed make the two countries more wary of us.

However, peace must not be based on the enemy's charity and sympathy.

We must use our own.

" Therefore, even if our true strength is exposed, as long as we can use this opportunity to break through the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles and become a normal country, then our military strength will be enough to protect our own security.

In the face of our country's powerful military strength, no one dares to use force against us easily!


Mainz's words were eloquent and extremely confident!

Hindenburg closed his eyes and sighed.

He knew that it was impossible to stop the other party's actions.

Because he could not find any reason to convince the other party!

This young man has his own ideas in his mind, and his old-fashioned methods are completely out of step with the times of young people!

Thinking of this, Hindenburg said tiredly:"Okay, since you insist on this.

, then I won't say anything more, but, Mainz, you have to remember your identity.

You are the prime minister of our Deutschland.

You represent the interests of the people of Deutschland.

You must not do it because you are The commander-in-chief only represents the interests of the military.

The Junker aristocracy has been ostracizing our country for too long.

I don't want to see the restoration of a new military aristocracy again!


Hearing President Hindenburg's words, Mainz also breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that this was probably the opponent's final bottom line.

As a Juncker noble, Hindenburg knew very well that the existence of this military interest group had a great impact on Hans.

The negative effects brought about by the Junker nobles are attached to the entire country, turning the interests of the entire country into their own interests, and even destroying the interests of the country in order to realize their own interests.

Competing for meritorious service and making achievements in war is the fastest way for them to be promoted, so the Junker nobles have always wanted to tie the entire Hans to their war carriage and want to provoke war!

Hindenburg has experienced several wars, There were victories and defeats, but no war taught as profound a lesson as the First World War!

The destruction brought to Hans by the First World War can be said to have impacted Hans for decades, or even for an entire generation. People!

It is not worth the loss to make a generation of a country pay such a heavy price for a group of benefits!

Therefore, Hindenburg, who was born in the Junker aristocracy, is very wary of the Junker aristocrats. He does not want to see Hans being raped again. The military nobles kidnapped and got involved in unnecessary affairs!

And the tendency shown by Mainz at this time is no different from that of the Junker nobles!

And the most disturbing thing is that Mainz's power is comparable! The Junkers are much older!

Hindenburg is old, he is 76 years old this year, and he doesn't know how long his old bones can last, so he may not be able to see the seeds that Mainz has planted at this time. , what results will be gained in the future, that's why Hindenburg wants to stop Mainz, because he is afraid!

He is worried that his country will lose control after his death, and then be involved in an unwinnable war again. Go in the war!

Dezhi can no longer withstand such devastation!

However, Hindenburg is a little relieved that there is still a difference between Mainz and the Junker nobles. The Junker nobles are harming themselves for their own interests. The interests of the entire country, and everything Mainz does is for the interests of Hans as a whole!

This gives him some comfort. Perhaps, with his wisdom, he will not be able to do anything in the future. , He will rein in the situation in time and stop the war, right?

Mainz nodded. He understood the old marshal's concerns, but he was not a Junker noble, and he never intended to replace the Junker noble's status!

"Go down. Since the general mobilization order has been made, it must be carried out to the end. You must not give up halfway. If something happens, I will clean up the mess for you! Feel free to do it boldly! Levinsky! Hindenburg rubbed his forehead tiredly and waved for Mainz to leave.

Mainz stood up, saluted the old president, then turned and left without any hesitation.

He watched the major general leave. With his back, President Hindenburg secretly made up his mind. I must participate in the next presidential election, and I must win. Before I die, I must see with my own eyes to see what this guy is going to do. Where is this country going?


After leaving the President's Office, Mainz immediately left Bolin, headed to Hamburg, an important town in the northwest, and returned to Wolfenstein!

"General, our two hundred thousand troops are ready and can be dispatched at any time!"

Colonel Manstein, Chief of Staff of the Army, was very excited at this time. Although there were obvious dark circles on his face and he had stayed up for several nights, his spirit was still full of energy!

"Well, after recruiting troops from various places, we will immediately use our current army as the backbone and expand it on the original basis. I have already drawn up the new organization. Have you read it?"

Mainz looked at his brother, ready to confirm his attitude.

"Well, I've seen it, General!"

"Very well, then, Colonel Manstein, please tell me, would you like to stay at Wolfenstein and continue to serve as Chief of General Staff, or would you rather go to the front line and serve as Army Commander?"

Manstein is a master of strategy, and it is very suitable for him to serve as the chief of general staff. But Manstein is also a master of tactics. It is completely fine to let him go to the front-line troops to command a group army.

So, for this The problem is that Mainz did not make an arbitrary decision for Manstein. Instead, he handed over the choice to the other party. He wanted to hear Manstein's own opinion.

"I am willing to join the frontline army!"

Manstein did not hesitate and directly chose to go to the front-line army.

Although he could only serve as the commander of the group army in the front-line army, and his official position was one level lower than the German Chief of General Staff, Manstein did not care about it.!

What he cares about is first-hand information about commanding a group army in combat. He wants to accumulate practical experience, which is extremely important for his future development!

"Very good, in that case, then I appoint you as the commander of the Third Army. Your defense area is Silesia, Manstein. Silesia will be the key point of this war. Are you ready?"