
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Before the Ceremony

One week later and it's finally the time for the ceremony.

The maids helped Julia to chose the perfect outfit for Voltaire befitting the occasion today.

After a long argument over which clothes to choose, they finally settled down and dressed their young master, who became stressed dealing with all of this.

In the end, they chose an outfit that complemented Voltaire's both silver hair and eyes, which came from his mother, as well as the tanned skin he inherited from his father.

The ceremony will take place at the royal capital's temple.

He's waiting at the corner of Mathilda's chamber with Julia. Both of them have things going on for themselves.

Voltaire's on his little crib sucking on his baby bottle while Julia sat to the chair next to it nibbling a small piece of cake.

As one would expect, Voltaire couldn't contain his excitement, to the point that he had already drank three bottles of milks.

However, for today, he's an extra because his siblings are the main stars in this event.

Mathilda, with the help of her maid, has spent several hours getting ready and is now all dressed up.

Finally! She's done! If there's something I hate about mother, it's definitely this one. Why all women spent too much damn time dressing up?!

He exclaimed annoyingly inside his head.

Mathilda quickly turned to Voltaire's direction to carry her son. Although Vivienne stopped her moment before she could get a hold of her him.

Vivienne told Mathilda that she shouldn't carry her son while she is all dressed up, at least not until the event is over.

She pouts like a spoiled child because she didn't get her way. Like a mother to her daughter, Vivienne reprimanded her.

The two started to have a friendly-looking argument.

Mathilda, as someone who inherited the crown, learns how to be graceful and dignified at such a young age.

However, when it comes to her children... She was always like this, a woman who doesn't care how she looks as long as she can spoil her children with her 'motherly love' as she likes to describe it.

Or perhaps she reverts to her obstinate, original self thanks to the influence of her wild husband.

Voltaire watched this with a bored expression on his face. Whoever carries him, as long as he can get to the temple and see the ceremony, is fine in his book.

Mathilda finally surrendered to the more stubborn Vivienne.

"You're still way too young to win an argument against me, my lady." Vivienne proudly stated.

"Just you wait, old hag. I'm going to win against you someday." Mathilda said biting her lips.

It's decided. Vivienne will carry Voltaire and Mathilda will behave like the queen she is.

The maid standing next to the door opened it as the royal mother and son with their personal servants went outside.

A sprinting kid is seen in the hallway as soon as they went outside Mathilda's chamber.

"Hey, Mom!" called Lance with enthusiasm, "We should hurry up!"

Yeah, you tell her! Little twerp!

Volt agrees with the same enthusiasm.


Until he noticed the three people Lance had left in his wake as they also approached them.

He started to curled up on Vivienne's arms as a result.

It's the remaining members of his family all dressed up like Mathilda and Voltaire.

His father, Benedict, is smiling wildly without a care in the world.

Leisha is walking gracefully next to him while holding her father's hand.

And last but not least, his brother Luke, who's riding on his father's shoulder with a straight face as usual until their eyes met.

Voltaire doesn't hate his father, but he does get quite irritated with him. He simply doesn't want to deal with the more obnoxious version of Lance.

As for his brother, Luke, he's not sure either but there's seem to be a bloodbath going on between the two of them.

He HATES him as much as Luke HATES him.

The feelings are mutual.

And again, his sister terrified him to hell and back.

"Oh, honey. You look even better." Benedict compliments with a suave voice.

"Shut up, Dad!" Lance interrupts, "We should hurry up instead of flirting like you always do!"

"...Oh, my. Little Lance must be on his rebellious phase to talk to his wimpy father like that." Benedict responded with a crocodile tear.

Wow! I can't believe Lance had the guts to talk like that to the old man. My impression of you idiot brother of mine improved quite a bit. Good job!

Voltaire praised his older brother's audacity.

"You shouldn't talk to daddy like that, Lance!" Luke butted in.

Ehhhh... Here comes the daddy's boy... You can shut your trap too, you know?

Luke attempted to exert his big brother energy by looking down at Lance with a menacing expression.

Lance momentarily stopped in his track and looked at Luke eye to eye. After a while, he sighed and said, "Well, fine."

"Luke is right, you shouldn't talk to your father like that even though he looks like a clown most of the times." Vivienne said nonchalantly dissing the king of the Kingdom.

Mathilda sighed and Julia chuckled. It's always like this when the whole family gathered.

On the other hand, Leisha is currently staring a hole at his youngest brother's direction.

Voltaire's first instinct is to return to Vivienne's embrace. By this time, avoiding eye contact with his sister had become second nature.

Ah, fuck! There she goes again. What's her deal?! Especially in this kinda good atmosphere!

No one notices this of course, except, the two of them which scared Voltaire even more.

This continues until they go out of castle.

When they finally reached the outside, a few royal knights are standing next to two extravagant carriage.

"Thanks for your work." Benedict said appreciating the knights.

All members of the royal family went to the smaller carriage while Vivienne, Julia, Voltaire, each personal maid of the royal family, and a few knights went to the larger one.

Why is Voltaire not together with his family?

Nothing in particular. He simply sobbed aloud when they attempted to place him on the same carriage as the three people he hates dealing the most.

Volt doesn't like certain people in his family, and they have all known this for the past few months, but they still try to put him in the same small space as them because, well, why not?

Since Voltaire is in a good mood since morning and his face is all smile up to this point, Benedict thought it was a good idea to share the same carriage with him.

Of course, everyone concurs with this except for two individuals—or more precisely, two brats.

Luke and Voltaire.

Luke didn't hesitate to show his disagreement with this.

"Dad, why even bother? Voltaire doesn't like us anyway. Allow him to travel in the servants' carriage." He protested.

"Luke, don't be like that," Mathilda calmly replied,

"You know, he's also your younger brother, just like Lance."

"Your mom is right, he's your cute little brutha," Benedict agreed with a still playful voice,

"As his father, I wouldn't blow this once-in-a-lifetime chance to get close to him."

"Yeah!" Lance joined in and raised his hand, "Voltaire is cool to play with, I don't have any idea why he hates you, dad. Maybe because, you're not being a good boy like me."

"You're exaggerating dad." Leisha added.

Luke didn't dare to talk back to his mother but still expressed a bitter look on his face.

This kid... I want to smack the hell outta you but I agree. There are more people I don't like than those that I like in that carriage, so just let me ride on the other one. Also, what's with that shrilling voice of that sister?! I don't want to hear that voice, no thanks! Vivienne and Julia is there so I'm going to be fine!

...Or so he would like to say.

Since he is still unable to speak, he expresses his disgust for this notion by crying, which is what he does best.

That's why he ended up with the other carriage and returned back to his usual good mood.

On the royal family carriage on the other hand, different kind of emotion is pouring out.

There's a disappointed and dejected face of Benedict and Mathilda as the dream of having the whole family inside the carriage fell out the window.

Lance bright joyful face as he already forgot Voltaire isn't with them.

Despite the fact, Voltaire is not with them, Luke felt he lose to him for some reason.

And the usual grim expression of Leisha while watching everyone's different expression.

This is how everyone left the castle and head to the temple for the ceremony.