
The Beginning

...Hmm The creepy house in Crystal River, Florida but the budget one so I bought it. I am Ani and I am a student in High school. As it was a new place for me I was not fond of the people, so most of my time was passed inside the house only. After few months I made many friends and started to know about the people and their thinking. I can say that I adjusted myself their. One day while coming downstairs in the school at the corner I accidentally fell on someone. Oh God she was so beautiful with beautiful eyes. As I saw her I was immensely ... No not in love but there was some feelings developing inside my heart for her. I said sorry to her and she gave a pretty smile and said no problem. Ah her voice I was like watching dreams with open eyes. After that we moved towards our respective classes. The school was over I was going on my way to my house. There I saw that girl again she was moving to the house near to mine with her parents. There again we saw each other I was like embarrassed that she may think I am following her I ran towards my house. Now it was night now I was thinking of her at that time some type of sound came from the basement I went their it was too dark I never opened it so there was curiosity inside my mind that what is there. The sound was coming from somewhere there only but I was unable to find out. I felt someone's presence there like someone is standing behind me I was afraid as I turned there was nothing the lights were turning on and of I ran out of the room and closed it. There was someone, I don't know what was happening I went to my bed and while sleeping I felt someone touching me. I was unable to understand what was happening to me. Next morning I was on my way to school and I saw the girl was coming out from her we met again. I said hi and she asked me that can she come with me. I said yes why not it was a pleasant talking. She told me that her name is Alice. We went to the school together and after the school also she was waiting for me. We again started to walk, after sometime it started raining so we went to a bus stop and sat. There we talked a lot I was like living a dream and when the rain stopped we again started to walk on our way there was a pond we went there, it was like something beautiful in my life happening when I was with her at that time I realized I was immensely in love with Alice. Finally we came to our house and the game started again unknown sounds and lights turning on and off. This time I went to the basement to face it all. This time I found a diary it was of someone who lived there before. While reading it I came to know that the person whose diary it was is dead and now his soul is there in the house to kill someone who is in love. And it was The Beginning for me.