
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · แฟนตาซี
144 Chs

Chapter 42 " You are a unwanted daughter! "

" How did you slap me? " Jae yelled,

" Oh! slap right, with mine right hand! " Xavia and,

Then the whole class were laughing at Jae and her friends.

" You are crossing your limit! " Jae said,

" Xavia didn't do anything wrong! it was you, you crossed your limit. " Ami said,

" Oh! Jae understands herself the boss of class, but Xavia showed her accurate place! " a girl said,

" Yes, you are saying right! Xavia interestingly took her revenge. " another girl said,

" Jae was saying bigger talk for herself but in front of Xavia, she is such bitch! which can bark behind her. " another girl spoke,

" Yes! she is lame . " a girl said,

Then all girls were laugh at Jae. Jae was burnt in her ire.

" Stop! Stop it! if anyone laughed then I'll sew her. "

Naria yelled,

" You can stop us to laugh! But you don't have dare to smash of Xavia, and I'll vote for Xavia. " a girl stood and said this all. Then so many students stood up and told, "Yes! Xavia will be our monitor, and we also vote for her. "

"You saw it, Jae! now go and weep in a dark abandoned room. " Ami spoke sarcastically.

A big smile lofted on Xavia face, and she also laughed aloud.

" It happened because of you! you can do them on your side, but did you able to coaxed your cold-hearted father? " Jae said,

"You are getting in my personal life! " Xavia said,

" Oh! I am getting personal in your life! it is not true that your father won't like you and he never came to any P.T.M of school, and function of school? " Jae asked,

" Stop it! I said stop! if you spoke more than it, " Xavia warned,

" So what? Truth is always bitter, and you are not to me, I should be pitiful on you, you are unwanted daughter !" Jae spoke,

Xavia became irritated and she punched Jae's nose, Jae fell away on the floor.

"Stop! " A boy yelled,

That boy came and took up Jae. He shouted at Xavia, "A girl like you can bully another student, you can use your power only in such a bad way! if you hit her again then I'll not let you go, hear you? "

All class silenced.

Jae started to weep. " Why are you weeping? I am with you. please don't cry. " that boy consoled Jae.

" He is too handsome yar! I can't diverge my eyes." a girl said,

"Yes! none can compete him in handsomeness! I'll make him my boyfriend. " her friend said,

" No! I'll make him mine boyfriend, don't stare at him ! " her another friend said,

" Oh! is it your property I can't try to make him mine! " else girls said.

"What the hell are you? you have no right to scold me and teach me manners! " Xavia spoke,

"it does not matter, who am I! I warned you to stay away from this girl. " that guy said,

"You came to save me until she slugged me. Thanx too much! " Jae said,

" You don't need the scare to her, I am with you. " That guy said,

"By the way what's your name? " Jae asked,

" Alin, my name is Alin! " Alin told,

"Alin! you didn't deem all truth, stop your shit for Xavia! " Ami said,

" Oh! you are her friend, you supported her to do it?" Alin said,

" No! you are understanding her wrong not Xavia, Jae is a bad bullying girl. " Ami tried to clear the matter.

" Am I a fool? I saw everything with my eyes. I saw that Your friend, What' s is her name Xavia! she punched Jae. " Alin spoke,

" If anyone scolds Jae or laugh at her then none will bad than me! I hope you all mind on it. " Alin yelled.

" Jae you come with me, your eyeliner spread on your face. I'll help you. " Alin said, Jae went with Alin out of class.

"Xavia, why didn't you tell him the truth? He is understanding you wrong. " Ami asked,

"I don't care about it, if he understands me wrong, it's his fault. " Xavia and. ,

" But! " Ami said, but Xavia cut her sentence " let's go to eat something, my stomach is craving in hunger, go with me to the canteen. " Xavia went in the canteen with Ami.

" I came in the home. " Xavia said,

" Oh, princess! what could I do for you? " Moira ( Xavia ' s stepmom) derided,

" Where's my mom? " Xavia asked,

"Oh! she? she went to meet her father. " Moira said,

" Where's dad? " Xavia asked,

" Why are you asking him! you know that he don't like you to watch your face. " Moira and.,

Xavia didn't say anything, she went into her room.

" Mom! Xavia didn't come to eat dinner? Aryan ( Moira's son) asked,

" What will you do! eat the food. " Moira said,

"But mom! she didn't eat from noon, she ' ll hungry." Lusi ( Moira's daughter),

" She heeds her, so eat the food. " Moira order,

( Xavia room) Time 12: 00 am

" Mom! you went to meet your father, here is none to wish mine 16 the birthday. " Xavia thought in mind, She became sad. She said,

" I want to escape and a vacant place. "

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