
Chapter 120: Mariana, Part 2

Peeking through the peephole, all I see is a fancy coffee cup. Being that my old-school coffee machine isn't even done brewing yet, that's all I need to see before I'm convinced to open the door. Surely a madman wouldn't bring me coffee before killing me.

"Good morning," I hear as I swing the door wide. A smile crosses my face.

"Marcus. That coffee better be for me," I jest with a smirk.

"Of course it is." He shoves the cup into my hands and lifts up a Shipley's bag and waves it in my face. "I brought something for the kids, too."

"Donuts. You sure know how to bribe them for love. Come in."

My next-door neighbor makes his way past me, into the small eating area and greets the kids with a smile.

"Hi, Marcus!" Myra chirps brightly, while Lina grunts her hello. Theo doesn't say anything, just keeps his eyes trained on the bag. He may be young, but he's no dummy.

"Good morning, kiddos. I heard you guys get up, so I figured you'd like some donuts for breakfast," he singsongs.