
Chapter 118: Santos, Part 2

I wake to sunlight in my eyes. That's weird. It never gets sunny on this side of the house early in the morning.

Peeling my eyes open more, I realize it has to be much later than I thought for the sun to be coming through the blinds like that.

It's eerily quiet in the house. I haven't heard Theo squeal yet and none of the girls have poked me in the nose or put barrettes in my hair. I think. A quick rub of my head confirms that. Exactly how drunk was I that I didn't hear them this morning? I should have known better than to take shots. It never ends well for me.

Rubbing my face, I take a deep breath and sit up. Where is my family? Did Mariana take them somewhere so I can sleep? That sounds like something she'd do. She's thoughtful like that.