
The Texan Billionaire Heir

Most would grovel just at the thought of being the sole heir of the billionaire, Newton Bishop, but not Justin, even after the discovery of his paternity. He is unwillingly drawn into a life he wasn't prepared for. It did come with it's perks, but it sure does have a price. Does Justin know what it costs? Does he have what it takes to pay the cost?

Kaci_3540 · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs



Justin woke up bright and early the next day. It sure seemed to look like a beautiful morning. 

He stood up from his bed and walked close to his window and slightly opened the curtains. He looked through sighting the rising of the sun, as his window faced East.

"Indeed I see better days ahead," he said, as he took a deep breath in and out, smiling.

He headed to the bathroom, and took his bath, getting ready just in case Mr Bishop would require him to follow him to the office again.

Shortly after, he was done taking his bath, and he quickly dressed up nicely and walked towards the door. Attempting to open the door, he heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, come in," he said, shifting backwards.

Frank opened the door and entered the room and greeted, "Good morning, master Justin."

"Good morning, Frank," Justin responded. He noticed Frank holding a bag from a Zara store.

"I trust you slept well?" Frank asked.

"Yes, I did, thank you," Justin replied.

"I can see you are already dressed," Frank observed. "But these dresses are for you, your father asked me to give them to you."

"Oh, thank you," Justin said, politely receiving the bag. He finally knew what Frank held in his hands.

"Breakfast is ready. It'll be served whenever you're ready," Frank said.

"Okey dokey."

Frank nodded his head respectfully as he exited the room.

Justin looked at the clothes, he picked one from them and changed into it. He looked at himself in the mirror. He nodded, pursing his lips, amazed at how Mr Bishop knew he size of clothes. The clothes were a perfect fit.

He then made his way to the dinning area. As he got to the dinning table and saw that Mr Bishop was already seated there.

"Good morning sir," Justin greeted Mr Bishop.

"Good morning Justin. I trust you had a good night rest?" Mr Bishop asked.

"Yeah, I did," Justin responded, as he sat down. 

"You should stay home today. You did one hell of a job yesterday, so I think you should take the day off, and recuperate," Mr Bishop said as he was rounding up with his meal.

Oh, okay..." Justin voice trailed off, as he furrowed his brow.

"But recuperate? What did I do?" 

"Oh you did a whole lot. Trust me," Mr Bishop nodded.

"I would have loved you to come with, but I have an important meeting today, so it's best you stay home," Mr Bishop said.

"Okay then," Justin said and nodded his head in agreement.

Mr Bishop got up and tapped Justin on his shoulder, as he left the dining area and walked through the living room as Gomez awaited him at the main entrance.

They walked out of the house and Mr Bishop was led into his car, and the driver drove off. Gomez and the other men had drove ahead with the SUV.

Mr Bishop had called for a board meeting regarding his son Justin.

Gomez had reached out to the board members of the Cap Industries, informing them about the urgent meeting with the boss himself, which was scheduled for 9am.

As they drove down to the office complex, the driver parked the car at the parking lot.

Mr Bishop was ushered into the building walking through the main entrance, and headed to the private elevator heading to his office, accompanied by Gomez, and a few guards, in a certain formation.

They got to his office, he met Agnes's absence. He proceeded into the office. 

He walked towards his seat and he sat down, putting together the itinerary for the board meeting. And this time, the meeting was solely centered around Justin. 

"I will be outside sir," Gomez said as he exited the office and shut the door. 

"Good morning Gomez," Agnes greeted Gomez as she was on her way to Mr Bishop's office.

Gomez looked behind him, it was Agnes. "Good morning Agnes. I trust you are good?"

"Never been better."

She got to the entrance of Mr Bishop's office, she pressed the button on the control panel once, requesting entry. Mr Bishop unlocked the door and she walked right in.

"Good morning sir," she greeted, as she stood before him. 

"Morning Agnes," Mr Bishop responded as he raised his head and looked at Agnes.

She walked towards Mr Bishop's office table, she dropped some files on the table as she moved back ward a little.

"What else do you need me for, sir?" she asked.

"Just a cup of coffee would be okay," Mr Bishop replied, even though he already had breakfast. 

"Alright sir," she responded as she quickly made him a cup of coffee, with the coffee machine in his office.

"Here you go sir," she placed the cup of coffee on the table.

"Is that all sir?" she asked.

"Yes Agnes, that will be all for now," Mr Bishop said. "I will call you if I need you."

"Alright sir," she responded as she exited the office.

It was already some few minutes to the board meeting.


Justin was seated on the couch in his room wondering if he was asked to stay home due to the feed back he hadn't given Mr Bishop yet. 

"No, it can't actually be because I overworked myself. I barely did anything. So, why ask me to stay home?" Justin wondered.

"I mean, who can resist such an offer? Phew!" Justin reasoned, "Infact, the offer was accepted even before I got here."

Justin laughed at himself, for being so ridiculous.

"I will definitely make it clear to him when he returns," Justin said.

He sat and thought for a while, then he spontaneously grabbed the keys to his Bugatti and exited his room shutting the door behind him.

"It's been days I been to my apartment. I don't think my stuff are safe, without me there," he said to himself as he headed out.

One of the guards informed Frank as he noticed Justin walking out heading to his car.

Justin noticed how the guards where looking at him, but didn't care.

He sighted Frank walking towards him, but he wasn't worried this time.

"Master Justin, it looked like you're heading out?" Frank asked respectfully.

"Yeah, I thought to check my apartment. It's been a while," Justin answered.

"That's okay sir," Frank responded. 

"But for safety purpose, why don't you go along with one of the guards?" Frank advised.

"Alright then," Justin agreed, evading any argument.

Frank called one of the guards and asked him to watch over Justin as he drove out.

The guard offer to drive Justin, but Justin calmly declined the offer. "I will like to drive myself."

Justin got into his car and the guard stood there wondering where he'd sit. Justin gestured that he come sit beside him.

The guard got into the car and Justin drove off. 

As he drove, he could only wonder what it was like there, how the neighbors would react when they see him. 

He made ready his heart, for whatever reaction he'd encounter.