
The Ultimate Plan


Adam realized he had a completely wrong perspective on love. He pondered, "What's her goal in life? She wants to be a scientist, right? And what do I want to be? The same! If I become a greater scientist than her, if she works under me, maybe I will be able to meet her regularly. But no! This time she will accept me as I will be her friend, and as our friendship grows, we will be in a relationship, then marriage, and then spend my whole life with her!" Adam giggled as he planned his future actions.

Adam fell asleep thinking about Rose and woke up the next day determined. He went to the dining table where his father was reading the newspaper. Standing next to him, Adam accepted his faults and assured his father that in the finals, he wouldn't let him down.

"Dad, I accept my fault, and I am really sorry for disrespecting you yesterday. I will work real hard for the finals and won't let you down again," Adam said.

His father, Robert, was a bit confused with the sudden change in Adam's attitude but smiled upon hearing his words. "Really!" he said with a smile.

Adam grabbed an apple and left for school. He started sitting in the middle seats of the bus and stopped being the negative person he had started to be.

On the bus, when Adam saw Daisy sitting with Rose, he said to Daisy, "I hope it worked out!"

Daisy replied, "Yeah, it worked, but sorry I couldn't call you back. My mom took away my phone soon after that."

Adam replied, "It's all right," and took a seat two seats away from them. He was back to normal, concentrated in his classes like before, and answered the questions asked, thereby receiving praise from his teachers.

Adam quit his bad friends and started moving away from them. He thought of rejoining his old friends but felt that he was not ready for that yet.

After returning from school and having his lunch, he sat down at his study table after months and started studying for the finals. With just one month left, Adam kept studying regularly and managed to pass his finals with more than 70% marks, thereby securing a seat at the Town College of Sciences.

Rose scored more than 90% and got a chance to study at the Imperial College for Einsteins. Adam was really sad when Rose left her native land for higher studies but was still happy for her success.

Adam was still determined to propose to Rose after he completed his studies and became a scientist. Daisy, scoring almost as same as Adam, took her admission at the Town College of Sciences.

With an unknown and unpredictable future, Adam's journey continued in his college life.

Will Adam be able to become a greater scientist than Rose?

Will Adam be able to propose to Rose?

Will Rose accept Adam's proposal?

Will Daisy always be there to direct Adam towards the right way?

Will Adam be able to live a peaceful life with Rose?

Read the next chapter, "The Separate Ways," to find out!
