

The red sun, it was always there, bloody and warm, above their head as Kai entered BloodBound for the first time in two hundred years. He looked up, his eyes bothered by the red light and he sighed. Everything seemed the same, their little kingdom was stuck in time, a place where nothing happened but at the same time, in the small alleys, in the dark homes, deep into the woods something was always going on. 

When he stepped on the hard soil, getting through the rift for the second time in his life, his eyes immediately recognized the place he met Philip for the first time. His eyes stuck on the old worn out barn, not used today. He had thought that trapping himself here would make things easier, he would be able to forget or pretend that he was trying. But as he stepped deeper into BloodBound there were so many spots that in his mind were the props for his memories with Philip.