
The teacher: my lover

DaoistJFbNyM · ไซไฟ
9 Chs

Unwell sorry

" Sir vlax!! " someone called my name while I was walking through my car in parking lot " ow! Loraine...what are you doing here? " I asked her our of curiosity. " nothin'...I just see you pass by so I call you. " she said then smile here my heart again pounding at her smile " you want me to ride you? " I asked out of nowhere " what? " she said like she was shock " I said..I will drive you home " I said i am bit shy " are you sure?...in that case I can save money...thank you in advance " she said the smiled again she always smiles when someone did a good thing to her " yeah. " I answered and press the control key to open my car " wow... sir vlax Is this yours? I guess it cost 500,000 " she said so I laughed " don't call me "sir" when we are not in the room,you know I'm not professor I am just student teacher for meanwhile " I said and open the door for her " thank you " she said while my hands covering the upper part of the door to protect her head " it's okay.. " I said then ran in the other side " okay...seat belt on " I reminded her and drive safety. While I was driving I see kleny in bus stop looks like she's waiting for the next bus " stop " Loraine said the open the window " kleny..hop in let me drive you home " she said while removing the seatbelt planning to go to backseat " but l-loraine wait.. " I said but she smiled and tap my shoulder " drive her safety okay? " she said and kleny hop in but Loraine is just standing beside the car and looks like she's waiting for me to drive " Loraine? hop in...make it faster " I said but smiles and wave. she seat at the bus stops so I sigh and decided to go. " How are you? " kleny said so I was shocked that she asked me now " im fine...I just worried about Loraine " out of nowhere I said her name " ow sorry. I didn't mean that " I said but she smiles too but my heart didn't feel something exciting " it's okay. Can we talk? " she said while playing her fingers that was her habbit when she feel nervous she plays her finger " yeah sure.. talk about what? do you want me to stop in café? " I said and she nodded means she was agree. My time with her was so quite boring unlike when I'm with Loraine I feel so excited and never experience dull moment. We are now at the café we always use to chill " can I get your order? " the waiter said " two caramel macchiato please " kleny said " wait I want cafe Americano " I said " so one macchiato and one Americano " the waiter make it clear and we nodded " you always drink macchiato..I didn't know that I don't want na macchiato now,I'm sorry " she said " no...it's okay,Loraine made me drink Americano and I find it delicious so I wanted to try it again. " I said " what do you want to talk? " I asked her " nothin'...I just want to know what are you doin',and what is your plan why did you choose to become student teacher " she said straight " Ahm...In that case I need to be student teacher to complete my research and also I find this university pretty interesting I didn't know that you are enrolled there...I'm sorry to bother you and also I want to court you again if that is okay? " I said,she look at my eyes and said " I loveyou so much but that feeling was in the past now...I don't want to break you heart like you did to me... I don't want you to suffer like what I feel so stop this nonsense courting of yours please?" that words make my heart break into million peace and start to fall my tears " how many times did I need to tell you I didn't cheat on you... just give me chance you don't need to mind me just give me a chance to court then if you feel that you already love me again then tell me please " I beg while holding her hands but she didn't respond " I already told you... I don't want you anymore " she said left me behind without giving a chance to explain my self again. I decided to go back where I left Loraine is but she's not there so I drove home and drink until I drunk. I feel dizzy and my eyes was sleepy too my voice is a little bit shaky when my phone rings " heyow " shaky voice I said " vlax? why your voice is a bit shaky? what happen? " she asked and I looked at my screen and I see Loraine's name I sobbed and said "nothing happen. I beg her but she didn't want me anymore and never give me a chance to explain " I said while walking to my room when my flower vase fell and and break into peace " oh! what happen " she said her voice look like she was really care " nothing,my vase fell HAHAHAHAH I just feel dizzy " I said then lay down I was talking to her until 3 am and it's like magic I didn't feel dizzy and sleep while talking to her. " Vlax it's already 3 am we have both class tommorow let's sleep okay? drink water first or take shower to remove your hang over it can help you to sleep well. Listen to you girlfriend okay? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA " she said then hang up the phone. I sleep with a smile after talking to her I feel like i sleep for only 2 hours ago when my alarm ring up I don't have a choice but to stand up and take a bath I was walking sleepy so I didn't see the broken vase I stepped into it,it leaves a wounds in my feet I can't have a shoes so I wear a slippers and a socks I am like PWD cause I can't walk straight. I am walking in parking lot when someone helps me " Hayst,I already told you to be careful but you didn't listen " I looked at who's speaking and it's Loraine who's scolding me " ahm!! I am your prof who are you to scold me? " I said while walking " you are my prof when we are in room but now I am Loraine! so listen to me... do you want me to step on your wounds? " she said while she lifting one of her feet " waaah!!!. I was joking... don't do that please... please " I was begging her but she laugh so hard at me then I stop pleasing her " you are literally crazy!!... let's go ". We are about to get in classroom when kleny saw us " what happen are you alright? " she said then hold my hands " yes I am okay " I said but I feel Loraine isn't in my side anymore so I looked for her I saw her sitting at the back she usually seat in front of my desk but now she's sitting at the back " let me help you " she said i didn't respond and walk by my own " good morning class " I greet my students " sorry if I am a little bit late as you can see I can't walk straight and that makes me slow... get your notebook and write this... secretary please write this " I said and Karlene take the notebook. I was just staring at my class but Loraine didn't look at me and kleny still look worried about me. I walk and check if everyone is writing " psh... look here " I whisper at Loraine's ears but she didn't look " Loraine " I loud my voice but still she didn't look at me so I just sit beside her " I'm sorry for being insensitive.. I know you can't see some words if I seat in front so I seat here for a while " I said and Loraine glares at me " why? " I whispered " what are you doin' here? " she said while writing " you didn't even look worried about your boyfriend " I said then laugh " psh. you're not my boyfriend " she said " ouch. pain " I said then hold my breast " what's that? " she said then pointed the board the letter was big enough to see in back she stand up and move in front.

*// few hours later //*

"Loraine I am at parking lot waiting for you... today was the day to treat you,right? you didn't forget that " I texted her then wait for her " vlax...can you drive me home? " kleny said I can't understand her she said distance my self to her and now she's the one who always came to me " ha? Ahm I have plan tonight...sorry " I said she fell sad and I feel guilty so I decided to her home fastly " Loraine wait for me,it didn't take so much time " I texted her again and hop in car " kleny hop in..make it faster please " I said and start the car. I don't think but I can't feel love towards her although she's the reason why I decided to be student teacher but the situation now is different I didn't feel excited,love and even care about her. I was confused about Loraine she makes my heart pound and I don't know why. " vlax..sorry " kleny said " for what? " i am curious of what she's sorry about " stop the car " she said then I stopped and she stepped out I immediately go back to the university to pick up Loraine. " Loraine!! " I wave my hand while driving towards her " vlax...finally you're here I have something to tell you " she said then stepped in the car " get out of the car now! " I shouted and leave the car she also leave and car and stand beside it. I open the door for her and put my hands in the upper part " okay.. you may now " I said then smile " HAHAHAHAHAHA you little crazy...thank you " she smiled my heart beats so fast like it's going out right now.