
The teacher at Hogwarts is a Dark Lord!

Tewell Fawley, Durmstrang's finest graduate ever, arrives at Hogwarts. "One day, Muggles will be able to use science to observe magic, see through our magic, and build a mathematical model of every spell. "What will the wizards do when that day comes?" "Be locked up in a cage like a rare animal?" "Or..."

patience9704 · แฟนตาซี
97 Chs

Daily Work of Auror Malvolio

Malvolio spent a week observing the Auror known as John DeLacy.

It wasn't until he fully learned his behavioral patterns—


Malvolio looked at Cynthia's indifferent expression and casually shrugged.

"Wasn't my nearly invisible attack worth a round of applause?"

Cynthia clapped twice, giving face, but only twice.

Then she brought out the thick stack of files on DeLacy and placed it in front of him.

"Memorize these, and you can openly appear in the Ministry of Magic."

Malvolio eagerly took them.

"Your grades are quite impressive, just slightly lower than mine."

That was a genuine compliment. Tom Riddle was practically a genius during his time at Hogwarts.

To rank just below him was to be at the top of the top students.

"Still the Minister's personal guard?" He pointed to a clause, surprised. "Fudge must have plenty of surveillance on him?"

"Only occasionally. Competent Aurors have the opportunity to become Fudge's protectors."

 Cynthia replied quickly.

"And I've tested it. As long as you don't use powerful dark magic or attempt to erode his soul, you won't be detected."

Malvolio made a clicking sound with his mouth as he continued to flip through the files in his hand.

"Now I understand why Tewell holds you in such high regard. Just from this week of contact, I know you're more capable than any of my Death Eaters."

Cynthia's face finally showed a hint of shyness.

"Take your time here, remember, be at the Ministry sharp on September 1st, or you'll attract suspicion."

With that said, she disappeared on the spot.

Malvolio casually finished going through the materials and naturally memorized them.

"Well, I'm John DeLacy now."

As he spoke, his body and appearance began to change, becoming robust, with his hair turning into short grayish-white locks.

"Just a bit slower," he grumbled discontentedly.

Soon, September 1st, a Monday, the first day of work arrived.

Malvolio timed it perfectly, appearing promptly in the Ministry's main hall.

It was a magnificent hall.

The floor was polished to a shine, made of dark wood, while the peacock-blue ceiling was adorned with glittering golden symbols.

Employees of the Ministry, or visitors, appeared here from time to time.

Malvolio calmly adjusted his clothes, strode through the crowd, and entered the Ministry's elevator.

"DeLacy?" A burly black man greeted. "Finished up the cooperation division's work?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malvolio recognized this Auror at a glance. He was also the most senior Auror currently in the Auror office.

He nodded lightly, following DeLacy's habit.

"Yes, Ms. Cynthia successfully led us to capture that batch of international smugglers."

He greeted acquaintances in the elevator, quickly arriving on the second floor—

the Auror office.

It wasn't as fancy as outsiders might imagine; in fact, it was just a series of small cubicles, each adorned with the Aurors' personal items.

Back at his workstation, Malvolio glanced at the top.

Unlike others, single DeLacy didn't have family photos plastered around; instead, it was mostly wanted posters of dark wizards.

He recognized one or two faces.

"How destitute," he remarked in a flat tone.

In general, Aurors are the policing department of the Ministry of Magic, responsible for investigating crimes involving dark magic and apprehending or detaining dark wizards.

And in the wizarding world, there's never a shortage of dark wizards.

So Malvolio hadn't been seated for long when Kingsley arrived with a dossier, followed by several colleagues from other departments.

"What's happened?" Malvolio inquired as Kingsley placed the dossier in front of him.

"According to a witch's description, her three companions went missing a month ago," Kingsley explained.

Malvolio opened the dossier.

How eerily similar this witch's description was to the one he encountered in Knockturn Alley?

He calmly continued flipping through the pages.

Sure enough, the so-called companions were the three hooded wizards he had dealt with.

As for suspects, of course, it was him and Tewell!

"If this happened in Knockturn Alley, I highly doubt the witch's testimony," Malvolio remarked.

Kingsley nodded in agreement.

"So I need you to investigate her and the two suspects. If possible, bring them all in."

Malvolio felt a sense of satisfaction but kept his expression composed.

"I'll head there now."

Swift action was characteristic of DeLacy's personality, and he wasn't one to procrastinate.

Soon, he, along with several colleagues from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, returned to the dimly lit Knockturn Alley.

Having recently stayed at DeLacy's home, returning here now gave him a sense of coming back home.

"Will that witch still be here?" a colleague named Gerard asked.

"If she's a dark witch, Knockturn Alley is her stomping ground. Unless she absolutely can't stay, she won't leave easily," Malvolio explained.

Having spent quite some time here, he knew these dark wizards rarely found safe havens elsewhere. Once they found one, they tended to stay for a long time.

Gerard glanced at their conspicuous group, estimating that if they hadn't found the person yet, the witch with her keen senses would have already slipped away.

"How do we find her then?" he asked.

"We don't need to find her; she'll come to us," Malvolio said, surveying the area.

"By appearing so conspicuously in the center of Knockturn Alley, do you think she won't notice? She might be observing us from some corner—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he appeared beside a stooped old man not far away.

"Is that so, Mrs. Elspeth?"

The old man widened his eyes in shock.

It was the first time she had encountered such a sharp Auror. But before she could think further, she hastily Disapparated from the spot.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a house far from London.

"Elspeth?" The remaining two companions in the house stood up hastily.

"What's happened to make you so panicked?"

"The Aurors are onto us!" the old woman's appearance gradually transformed into that of a middle-aged woman.

"I've told you before, don't try to outsmart the Aurors. Now, because of you, we're being targeted!"

One of the tall, thin men complained loudly, but the woman beside him held her wand tightly, speaking coldly:

"Enough of that, Elspeth. Have you leaked the address here?"

Tension filled the air, and Elspeth felt some fear towards the icy woman.

"Of course not, I intentionally took a few detours!" Elspeth replied.

The tall, thin man breathed a sigh of relief. But the next moment, his heart tensed again.

"You... who are you?" he stuttered, pointing a trembling finger behind Elspeth.

"Me?" Malvolio pointed to himself. "I'm an Auror now, so please take care of me~"

He performed a bow, a combination of elegant movements, a sinister smile, and a sturdy physique, making for a eerie sight.

In response, a Killing Curse was cast!

"Avada Kedavra!"

As Elspeth made her move, her two companions skillfully cast their own deadly curses, causing chaos in the room.

But after a dazzling flash of light, only Malvolio remained standing in the room.

Elspeth lay on the floor, her mouth open in astonishment.

Unfortunately, she would never utter another word in her lifetime.

After a while, Gerard appeared with several colleagues.

"Mr. DeLacy, I must say—"

He looked shocked at the three bodies lying on the ground. "These are?"

Malvolio innocently raised the wand in his hand.

"They turned on each other due to the exposed hiding place. Before I could intervene, they all ended up on the floor."

"What about the two suspects?"

"You can try to extract some clues from the dead, otherwise, we'll have to close the case," Malvolio smiled in response.

One colleague, after inspecting Elspeth's appearance, exclaimed in amazement,

"If I'm not mistaken, these individuals should be part of a notorious plundering gang."

"Wow," Gerard also checked and compared with his usual wanted list, "looks like we've done a great job!"

The colleagues quickly shifted from worry to joy.

Killing criminals without cause wasn't a good thing at the Ministry of Magic, but it was a different story when dealing with heinous wanted criminals. This was their achievement!

Malvolio was unusually surprised.

Turns out being an Auror not only allowed for lawful killings but also brought in accolades.

Why didn't he discover this promising career earlier?