
The Tales of the Amazon Princess

A X-Over Fanfic Memoir Imagine your-self reborn into another dimension...What kind of life would you live, the adventures and love you find along the way? (TRIGGER WARNING: RAPE!!! There will be scenes, mentions and attempts at rape; I would like to *apologize* beforehand for *any mental/emotional triggers*!)

Crystal_Bachleda · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Author's Prologue: This Memoir

The story that I am about to tell is true for I have lived a different life in another dimension and when I passed; I was returned home. Nothing had changed and no one had noticed I had been gone for years since nothing had changed; it was as if I had just woken from sleep, the memories were still clear as day and I decided to record my story in a memoir.

I've always wanted to be a writer but I always had trouble finishing a story or finding any inspiration or even have a clear idea on what to write. But what had happened to me may have been a dream or a very strong imagination and it's a story that I wish to tell.

I felt like Alice going down the rabbit hole but with a twist; a new life, my memories blank, a new form, etc. Things I learned, things I've done and everything that has happened; it still is strange.

I've read such stories before but none of the main characters ever had a physical makeover like I did. I think that makes my story different; mine is a memoir as I've lived through it and still remember every detail.

Call me crazy as you read my story...a story written by a mad woman. But give my story a chance to be read before judging it or discard it.