
Chapter 1

( Lee Dam getting ready to go her music concert, when her manager came in)

manager kim,: We are getting late , hurry up

(she push Lee dam out before she could say anything) .

Lee dam: wait , I forgot to take my amulet , you know it's special to me . ( she ran the inside)

( manager kim stood outside waiting for her when she received a call)

voice: is she ready

manager kim: Yes but she forgot her amulet, the one that hold her power.

voice: she must not lose that amulet ok.

manager kim: she won't but when are we going to tell her about who she is .

voice : when the time come when she is fully ready to face her enemy.

( Lee dam came outside looking at manager kim who was talking to someone on the phone)

Lee dam: is everything okay

( manager kim was a little bit surprised and change the topic)

manager kim: I will talk to you mother ( she cut the phone) I was talking to my mum , are u ready .

Lee dam: yes

( they arrived to the concert , when the mark-up artist quickly get Lee dam ready for the show)

(announcer came out to talk to the waiting fans)

announcer: welcome everyone!!!! , here come the moment we all have been waiting for.

( fans screaming for their idol Lee dam ( nickname Nicki) here come Nicki!!

( Nicki came out looking beautiful , her fans were crazy about her look and was very happy , everyone on the world was looking at her performing her song and dance)

(Kang Joon a young guy who is 18 from Korean looking at her show looking happy)

Kang Joon: wow I love her,she is beautiful and her song amazing. I wish she could come and perform on my 19 birthday , I will tell father about it.

( he ran to his father and told him about it and show her picture to his father)

Kang Joon father: she will come to your party don't worry .

( after the son ran out looking happy , his father make a call)

Kang Joon father: your daughter is around , should I send some of men to keep an eye on her.

voice: yes incase of anything

Kang Joon father: when will you meet her and tell her about herself and take her back to her own world , she doesn't belong here you know.

voice: I know, when the time comes ( he ends the call)

voice: I will soon meet you shinye ( Lee dam real name).