
The tale of one

Nexussam123 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 4

I would wake up in my dream realm, the area around me was a new one, lots of dead trees, Rocky terrain and no life other then the tree for miles.

I wasn't afraid of this mysterious new dreamland, I was actually a little excited to be honest because most of my dreams have tried to murder me or tried to trap me there forever which wasn't the most pleasant thing ever since I had to always keep my guard up.

I wasn't sure where to start the place I woke up by, was infront of a dead tree, it seemed to be midnight atleast I thought that is what the time was, it was almost dark no light could be seen and I could see what seemed to be a beach in the distance so I thought that it was the best place to start so I could familiarize myself. It wasn't a long walk to where I was going that was where I found my first local? Or so I thought it was.

It was sitting in the water from what I could tell from what I saw, it seemed male it had short hair and he seemed to be angry at something as he roared out loud, that was when I thought it was about time to hightail it out of there but when I tried to run a thick and solid black mist stopped me from leaving when I turned back around to face the him, I realized he looked like me except he had blackish skin, horns that pertruded from his forehead, his hair was black but the tips of it had a light blue color.

That was when I said to myself if this is my first death in my dreams might aswell go out fighting, I had prepared a blast spell but before I could attack he appeared from behind me but I managed to blast him by aiming behind me, I had hit him dead on and I thought that he was finished but when I looked at him a second time I realized he was only knocked down but not out.

I had used my most powerful dream world attack on him but he just kneeled on the ground and said in a stuttered voice that I should accept my fate before lunging at me and scratching my right eye knocking me out.

I woke up in my bed with a sharp pain on my right eye realizing that apparently any damage I dealt to me in the dream world is transfered to my body which was the annoying fact after contemplating to myself that it wasn't real or so I thought I decided to go out to my living room when Dylan called.

When I answered he told me that there were two people at my house specifically werewolves almost like myself, I had asked him if one of them said their name and he told me that their names were Kurumay and kayden, when I heard those names I was filled with happiness but also with sadness because of my past and now I thought it was about time I faced my fears and talked to them it's been around 8 years since I lasted talked to my twin siblings. I had opened a portal to Dylan house as I walked through it.


Hay viewers I'm here to explain this thing about Sam's dream world, he likes to call it a dream world but in reality it's actually his soul drifting into a different dimensional plain and that his physical body is still connected to his soul so any damage his soul suffers his main body suffers too like the scratch/claw mark on his right eye