
Chapter 164: I am bored let us play Chess

[10 minutes later]

"haaaah! Cough, cough."  Coming out of the shadows, I started having a coughing fit.

"Sorry, ma'am but-" the shadow started explaining before stopping at me, holding my hand up at her.

"no, dont explain. I know why. They were really determined to catch us. Better than that, check if your entire squad is here." I said, getting my breath back. Looking back, I realized we were at least 20 city blocks away from our original location.

"yes, ma'am, we haven't lost one person." 

"That's good to hear. Then let's get on the roofs and run to the mansion." I said, putting Dea on my shoulder.

"Yes, ma'am. About the hostage." The leader said, sounding a bit worried seeing the limp body.

"I just shocked her, making her pass out. She isn't dead." I said, rapping her tight to me with ice wires.

'Unsurprisingly, she also had lightning magic, but then again, nothing can beat me in magic purity.' I thought, laughing.

"Okay, let's move out, ma'am. You will be in the middle." 

"No, I will be in the front. You guys are too slow," I said, starting to teleport around before she could even counter-argue.

"Right, she is Lady Stacy's daughter." The shadows said, sighing.

[ 20 minutes later.]

"Kitsu, I am sure I told you just look around," Kayda said, slamming the prison door open.

"Actually, no, you didn't. You said to go check it out. I will follow you tomorrow." I said, finishing up locking Dea up.

"Touché, well, who is this?" Kayda said, pointing at the unconscious girl.

"Dea Pendragon, apparently she is a commander of some sort," I said, not remembering what she said.

"sigh, Dea Pendragon, commander of covert operations. Her older brother is their frontal force squad commander at our borders." Kayda said sighing 

"so I caught a big fish?" I said, tilting my head.

"Do they know you took her?" Kayda asked, side-glancing at me.

"yeah, they saw me take her. And yes, they also know who I was." I said, rubbing my cheek awkwardly.

"shit, well, guess we will be expecting a visit from her brother," Kayda said, sighing again, looking at the girl thoughtfully.

"huh, so should I torture her real quick?" I said, tilting my head at her again.

"No, leave her alone and take her to a guest room. We can't do something stupid with Stacy and the dumb brute away." Kayda said, denying me before going back to think about a plan for whatever was coming.

"Ah, okay?"

"Dont worry, you did well anyways," Kayda said, bumping me with her shoulder with a grin.

"Kayda, you are talking in riddles," I said, rubbing my head and getting annoyed at her mixed signals.

"I will explain later. Just get her out of here and into a guest room also, keep an eye on her," Kayda said with a smile, making me.


"Well, see you in a bit going to call Stacy and hope she can be here in time." 

"I feel like I fucked up," I muttered, walking out of the prison while dragging Dea behind me.

"hey, dont let her get hurt, and you didn't fuck up. This will help a lot in getting a lot of info about the federations." Kayda said, tapping my cheek playfully before I got out.

"I will heal her, dont worry," I said, waving her off.

"sigh, let's get Stacy back here real quick before that obsessed man gets here," Kayda said, sighing before looking at Rebecca next to her.

"Yes, ma'am," Rebecca said, nodding.

'Well, let's see what we get out of her without torture.' I thought, walking out of the basement prison into the mansion. Going to the second floor, I took the closest guest room and walked in, freezing myself inside with Dea.

"Well, you can wake up now," I said, throwing her on the bed.

"Kyaa, dont just through people like that," Dea shouted, surprised.

"yeah yeah, whatever, miss gullible," I said, walking to the table in the room. I looked down at thoughtful.

"Lady Dea for you," Dea said, rubbing her head.

"Yeah? Then I am Master Kitsuna for you." I said, grinning at her.

"You!" Dea shouted, starting to grind her teeth.

"Miss gullible, you are a prisoner even if you aren't in our prison. Also, stop grinning your teeth like that. It hurts my ears." I said, twitching my ears, annoyed at the sound.

"Right, that's true." The girl said, slumping in defeat.

"Now come here. We going to play chess for the time being," I said, sitting on the table facing her, creating a chess board and pieces out of ice on the table.

"why would I do that," Dea said, glaring at me.

"well, if I understood kayda correctly, your brother is on his way to come and get you, but that will take some time, won't it?" I said, looking at her.

"tsk, fine." Clicking her tongue, she walks up to the table on the other side.

"Good choice."

"how do you play this game?" Dea asked, looking at the board and then at me.

"... Right, okay, I will explain," I said, explaining the rules to her.

[10 minutes of explaining]

"The king is useless," Dea said, making me nod in agreement.

"As many are in the real world," I said, knowing how many kings have doomed themselves.

"... you know that is actually true, isn't it. And as it should be, women are the strongest." Dea said proudly.

"... you ready? Seeing as you are the commander of covert operations, you should be quite good in this." I said, ignoring what she said.

"... hah, that's right, get ready to be defeated," Dea said arrogantly, moving her pawn in front of her queen forward.

"Well, good luck with that thought," I said, knowing how all this will end.

[Kayda Pov]

"what do you mean he is already on his way here? How the fuck does he already know we captured her! Fuck!!!" I yelled, looking at Rebecca.

"I dont know," Rebecca said, not knowing what to say.

"shit, whatever, we will find that out later. How long until he is here?" I said, calming myself.

"about 3 hours, kayda." 

"Hmm, okay, okay, that's enough time."

"Stacy won't make it in that time."

"She will be here in about 5 hours. So if there is a way to delay him for 2 hours, we are good." I said, nodding to myself.

"I will message Kitsu to strengthen her ice wall in the room as much as she can. That will give us at least 30 minutes. If she works on it for 3 hours." I said thoughtfully.

"Okay, so we need another hour and a half," Rebecca said, also starting to think.

"yes, we personally can do some time, but that's not really enough," I hummed.

"we can have a giant mock battle where everyone fights around the landing pads?" Rebecca said not sure.

"that that can actually work. Get all the trainees on the landing pad in two hours. You can do the team as you like." I said happily at the idea.

"Will do, Kayda," Rebecca said happily, thinking about how to entertain herself more than making it take longer.

Taking out my phone, I sent the message to kitsu. Stating she should enforce her ice walls.


"Dea has a tracker or something like that in her head. I presume it's her brother doing. He should be on the way already." I read out loud, making Rebecca stop her movement.

"Haha, she already got the answer for us," I said, laughing.

"Thank god I thought there were spies you missed," Rebecca said, sighing in relief.

"Yeah, that would have been a problem," I said, smiling.

"Well, let's get to work," I said, sighing in relief.

'But in her head, what the fuck.' I thought, disgusted.

[Kitsu Pov]

"How? How did you do that?"

"huh, what?" I said, faining ignorance.

"4 moves, you beat me in 4 moves."

"yeah, you left your king open for my queen," I said, pointing at the king.

"again." She whispered angrily.

"What was that?"

"We go again, but this time I am black," Dea said, spinning the board around.

"Okay," I said, chuckling.

"Right, go. You are first." idea said impatiently.

"yes, yes."


"so, who is Candy?"

"oh, she is my brother's right-hand woman?" Dea said, focusing on the chess game.

"like wife or something," I said, raising my eyebrow.

"no, he isn't married, but I am pretty sure those two are a thing," Dea said, smiling happily, talking about her future sister-in-law.

"well, they both are tiger demies, after all."

"That's true. Oh, I wanted to ask, what are you, a fox or wolf?"

"I am cunning. What do you think." I said, looking at her like she was dumb.

"Fox. Got it." She said, nodding in understanding.

"oh right, don't use that blacksmith again."

"Of course, we won't. You already got his tail."

"We? That's true, but he made some shit armour for you guys," I explained, taking a piece of the armour I destroyed from my storage.

"Huh, it got cut?" Dea said, looking at the armour piece confused.

"yeah, I was easy," I said, cutting the piece even smaller.

"that again, that's how you killed my bodyguard."

"Haha, think what you want."

"hmm." Humming, she glared at me, making another move.

"concentrate on the game. Check." I said, moving my knight.

"fucking bitch." She cursed, taking my knight with her queen.

"Hey, that isn't nice," I said, taking her queen with one of my pawns.

"fuck!" She shouted, making my ears twitch in pain.