
The Tale of Damonous

Talia Esmé De Mara is your average 17 year old teenager clueless to the werewolf community lives with none other than her mother. Her mother Esmé was a maid who worked for the most powerful family to exist in the European world, the Medicis'. But when her mother falls incredibly ill it leaves no other choice but to have Talia take her place. But the Medici household is no place for a clueless and clumsy youth like hers. Especially when the one and only Damonous Medici sets his eyes on her. _____________________________________ "Why are you here?" He suddenly asked tilting his head to the side. 'Tell him.... Let him comfort you....' There it was. The voice. That damn voice that tells me the exact opposite of what I should. I stared at his beautiful sapphire eyes. The same shade of the deepest and most mysterious pits of the ocean. If the Poseidon had a lost son. I may be staring at him right now. "Tell me-" He murmured. He took a step forward as I took one back. "Why do you stay?" He took a stride forward as I took one back. "When all we do is hurt you?" He says. His voice sent shivers down my spine. One that could easily manipulate anyone to walk into the hands of his mercy. My lips slightly part against my will and his eyes flashed. Twinkling in delight. "What's your price?" He asked.  "What makes you stay?" He pushed. He stared at me expectantly. As if something was to happen. But I didn't care. I was hypnotized. It was as if I was in some kind of compulsion. Too drawn into those royal blue eyes. I gasped slightly feeling my back hitting a wall. Damonous's lips stretched into a beautiful grin of sadistic mischief.

Makayla_Xxxx · ย้อนยุค
12 Chs

Chapter Five||Found you

||Chapter Five||

||Found you||

|| T A L I A ||

"Zayn?" I shout.

"Zayn!" I screeched again.

I swear I had been stuck on this situation for the past two hours and god my feet are killing me! I walked up around every hall, up to every staircase, visited every basement and attic and almost fell face first to the gigantic infinity pool.

I've been around every corridor and still hadn't found the giant blonde headache, and I'm pretty sure I've past that plant three times now. Groaning in frustration I lean my back on the wall slumping down to the oak floors.

Was Damonous really Damonous?

Was he the same man I've met the night I met Zayn?

Was he the same magnificent stranger I've met with those mesmerizing Alexandrite eyes?

If he was and truly did live here then how and why hadn't I seen him? Surly I couldn't miss a guy as beautiful as that? And what was I doing in his room?

Or why was he mad when he found out what 'Elisé' had done to me? If anything he had no reason to be mad. If anything I was the one who had to be behind his anger since I slapped someone in his household within my first day here.

I hung my head in the palms of my hands in complete and utter exasperation.

So many questions, and barley any answers.

And not to mention that agonizing stomach ache was back again. My head was spinning! I needed comfort. More precisely I needed his comfort.

I needed him, and I hadn't had the slightest clue why.

Why was I even obsessing over a guy I'd met only once? And by mere coincidence?!

"What the hell are you doing on the floor? Shouldn't you be busy washing and cleaning the floors? The reason you are even here?" I cringed hearing the agonizingly familiar high pitched voice.

God this day couldn't get any worse now could it?

"I don't really think you've noticed but when a higher rank talks you, you answer!" The voice snarled getting angrier.


Blinking twice I looked up to her and gave her a fakest smile I could muster. My neck was still throbbing, and it throbbed all the more by just the sight of her.

I couldn't deal with looking at her. Not again. "Yes?" I asked as sweetly I possibly could.

She sneered at me making my hands ball into tight fists digging my nails deep into my palms.

I wanted to strike her teeth with a bowling ball.

"My mother demands you to clean the blood out of her floors." She explained. She rolled her eyes. "I presume a low-life like you would be fit for the job then hm?" She said.

God, sometimes, just sometimes murder isn't such a sin compared to what I want to do to this little-

"Yes Madame" I said smiling,

She smirks, satisfied with my submission and leads me to the room.

Once she opened the doors I couldn't help but admire the spruce brown floors. The windows welcomed the sunlight which still managed to beam through the windows as the sun hid behind the French clouds.

The room was enchanting as the spotlights were dimmed ever so perfectly.

"The blood is down there"

I walked up to analyze what I had to clean, and god I wished I didn't. The blood was everywhere which was horrible since I myself couldn't stand the sight of blood.

It nauseates me.

Blinking in confusion I turned to Elisé who was busily twirling her perfect dark locks with her manicured fingers. I left the room to get the equipment for this job only to then wince at the hand which tightly gripped my elbow.

"And who gave you the authority to leave?" She asked tilting her head to the side, her eyes bright with arrogance.

"How am I supposed to clean without a broom?" I asked in an obvious tone.

Amused, she took one step forwards.

"Oh I'll teach you" She said her lips stretched into a mirthful smirk.

I stared at her, careful and alert.

I didn't trust the amusement in her eyes.

I let out a cry of surprise once she kicked the back of my knees making me kneel before her. I didn't even see her coming behind me! She then held me by my ankle and dragged her me across the floor.

"Wait! What are you-" I turned to look at the direction she was pulling me.

My eyes widened. She couldn't do it. She won't. How monstrous could one be?!

"No, wait - Elisé! Stop! Please, wait! don't-"

Ignoring me she pushed me face first to the pool of blood. Grabbing a fistful of my hair she wiped the floors using me as a broom, but it wasn't like I wasn't fighting back. She had the grip of a whale! How could she own such strength?!

I gagged once the stench of rust and metal hit my nose, and I didn't know who's blood was on the floor, nor did I know why their would be blood in the floor in the first place.

How could someone be so viciously cruel?...

Tears welled up my eyes as I thought.

'Mom did they do this to you?'

|| D A M O N O U S ||

"-has been successfully sent to South America to where Ammon resides, Samuel being the next one to have it."

I sit in the conference in silence, paying no attention to the conversation at hand.

My mind only revolved around the maid of which never seemed to leave my conscious. She made way into my mind as though it were her own property, then sat over my thoughts as though it was her throne, and now she just won't leave.

The sight of her blood alone sent me to a ravage. Wanting nothing more than to have the hands that dared to pour her delicate blood shredded into nothing but indistinguishable pieces.

Looking at her, laying in a pool of her own blood I was furious. I wanted to have her within my vision. To have her under my own protection, always within my sight and scent in this palace.

Away from all harm and foul.

However I could not do that. Unfortunately life had divided the world into Hierarchies. Even if I was mated to those leeches we call 'Humans' I still couldn't walk in the same pace as her, nor could she sit with me on the throne.

She was poor, I was wealthy.

She was a nobody, I was going to be King.

It may sound brutally unfair however it was the cold served truth.

She couldn't be my mate. My mate should be a noble woman from a wealthy family. One who is educated and fit to be Queen. Not some random girl I found in the streets.

Quite literally.

"Aren't you supposed to be the so called Alpha Damonous? Shouldn't you be focusing?" Zayn mocks me through our mind-link. He broke my train of thought earning himself a glare from me from across the table.

"They speak of the mother ring which now is in Ammons care." I calmly replied bringing Zayn to utter shame.

Multitasking. A beneficial gift to own.

"And you are one to talk since you will become beta of the family" I tell him through a voiceless tone however the anger underlying my tone was evident.

"If anything it's your main job to focus while I'm not present and it is your duty to notify me of everything afterwards" I added.

"Oh don't be a killjoy brother dearest" Zayn teased. "Your taking your father's place as king not his ego" He adds.

I look at him from where I sat, unamused.

"When is he coming back?" He then asked. All amusement vanished from his eyes.

"Two days" I answer.

Zayn's eyes widened.

"Two Days!" He yelled right into my head making my head spin.

A low growl of warning escaped my lips, and the board looked at me in fear and confusion.

Zayn looked at me sheepishly.

They were waiting for my dismissal.

"Dismissed" I nod my head once.

They all stood up leaving.

"How is she?" I asked Zayn. I knew I didn't need to ask twice. He knew exactly who I meant. He grinned.

"She's aware of a Damonous but she doesn't know that it's you." He explained brushing his hand through his blonde almost white hair.

I frowned at that. It was annoying and stupidly frustrating that she didn't know who I was. Millions did.

But to know that she didn't irritated Asmodeus.

"What's her name?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"I still don't know" He said. He then chuckled. "She still didn't tell me that her name ever since we first met" He said his eyes sparkling at the thought. My hand twitched.

I didn't like the look in his eyes.

Asmodeus growled. I shoved him to the back of my mind.

So she knew my name but not who I was and I knew who she was but not her name.

Could this get any more frustrating?

I froze straight on my tracks feeling the same set of panic jolt through me. But only this time it wasn't just panic.

It was fear, sadness... helplessness.

My wolf was now clawing to break free. To control my body. Afraid of what our 'Mate' could be suffering through.

Honestly I didn't know why I cared.

She was not my mate.

How could I Alpha of the most powerful family of this world be mated with the most powerless being on this planet? A human, and not just any human. The poorest and weakest of its kind.

Ignoring everything and everyone around me I felt my arm crack out of place. He won. Asmodeus won for control. I felt my eyes burn with fury and power in their Alexandrite fury.

Running at a speed that even Zayn was struggling to keep up with, I leaped to the air my body shifting into wolf form. My nails ripping out of my flesh turning into claws.

My hands growing dark brown almost jet black hair, then with one last rippling roar he was here.

The wolf ten times of any average wolf was now in complete control.

Asmodeus ran past the logs and trees listening with his sensitive hearing the four paws of Zayn who raced behind me.

That pathetic human had suddenly become our number one priority.

Tripling his speed the mansion finally came to view. Not bothering to shift back he continued to run the guards instantly opening the gates recognizing Asmodeus. Rushing through the doors and leaping up the stairs inhaling her mouth watering scent of warm HoneySuckle. His heartbeat thundered once he inhaled the disgusting metallic scent interlaced to it.


Worried, he rushed closer and closer breaking the door open, and I was left to stare at the sight which made Asmodeus Roar.

||N A R R A T I V E||

Asmodeus stared at the unconscious girl who laid on the floor. Then growling, he waltzed next to the girl. Examining her state. She was alive, but at the moment she wasn't living. Taking notice of her paled skin Asmodeus's eyes gleamed brighter than ever with rage. He watched the glass that stabbed her skin. Probably as defense to protect her pretty face.


She was attacked.

Mate was attacked and Elisé didn't listen.

A roar of rage rippled out of Asmodeus' throat loud enough for the walls to boom with power. The floors under him shook as the chandeliers above him swayed from side to side. The darkness which hung around him had amplified.

Everyone inside the palace had froze that moment. The maids which walked past the halls, the the chefs in the middle of cooking, the guards which marched in security. Each and everyone of them had stopped whatever their task was. Falling to their knees bowing in complete submission at the sound of the dark prince's cry.

However Prince seemed to be too small of a word to call one who could hold so much power.

His power radiated within the Palace walls and through the world.

Far away from France and in the city of New York the Alpha King had fallen down to his knees, his red dark eyes wide as he let out a cry of pain and anguish, as he felt a large piece of his power rip away from him as his wolf within had crumbled in weakness.

Daivat could feel his crown slipping through his fingers.

He could feel his son's power flourish.

Something had activated his power. Something had awakened his beast from his slumber.

And Maybe...

Just maybe, that very thing will be what makes him sit on his throne.

|| M E A N W H I L E ||

Zayn was worried. Elisé was scared out of her mind.

They both didn't understand the importance of such a worthless girl. They didn't know the powering bond between the Prince and the fragile human girl.

"Who did This?" Asmodeus demands.

His voice dangerous, deep and animalistic. Damonous was no longer in control but it was his beast within.


The Alpha to be of such an era.

They knew better than to lie.

Or to defy such a monster.

"I will not repeat myself" The monster said circling around the bleeding body. In human ears they would have heard nothing but barbaric and threatening growls and snarls of this mighty beast. However Elisé and Zayn were no human. For they understood every growl that came out of the beast's ancient tongue.

Asmodeus Bent his head down. He nuzzled his nose on the unconscious girl's bruised neck in comfort. Broken shards of glass stabbed her small hands as if it were for self defense.

Asmodeus sensed it.

The guilt.

The same fear.

He turned to his younger half sister who cowered. Not daring to face him. Afraid of how much she'd upset her Alpha. Asmodeus stalked towards her, feeding off of her fear as he intimidated her further. His eyes no longer Damonous' familiar shade of blue, but they were pure violet.

Damonous was nowhere to be seen.

The way her heartbeat quickened at a faster pace, how her breathes grew ragged and uneven.

"Didn't my human tell you?" Asmodeus growled. Elisé quivered. Her lagoon blue eyes staring at the marble floors before her. Begging for it to swallow her whole.

"I...I'm so sorry Alph-" Before the spoilt girl could finish Asmodeus claws scraped against Elisé shoulder and down to her arm, ripping the porcelain skin. The young girl screamed in agony.

She may be a werewolf, she may have healed in the span of seconds. However it would take weeks for a wound like this to heal, but Damonous was no ordinary wolf, nor was Asmodeus an ordinary beast. This was the monster who would become Alpha of all Europe. Leader of the six of his brothers of whom also feel his power from their separate sides of the earth.

Zayn's eyes widened, but this time he knew better than to interfere.

"Damonous had warned you..." Asmodeus said towering over the kneeling princess, looking down at her as if she were nothing more than a speck of dirt.

"You will face the consequences..." He seethed.

"Take her to the dungeons" He ordered Zayn.

Zayn's bright blue eyes widened as he stood in his wolf form.

"Damonous please reconsider, she is our siste-"

The Dark prince turned to face his brother. "Would you like to join her?" He asks through a challenging stare.

Zayn lowered his head to the ground in defeat.

"She will stay in the dungeons for two days, with no privilege of food or water. Consider your life my mercy... The only reason your heart still beats is because you are my humans sister" Asmodeus said.

He then turned and pulled the girl to his back. He walked slowly. His four paws walking through the marble halls. Slow enough for him not to make her fall. He led her up the stairs and to his chambers leaving the two siblings in the room.

Elisé remained on her knees tears stained eyes remained on the marble floors in silence. Zayn could only watch in pity before he complied to the Dark Prince's orders.

|| M E A N W H I L E ||

Damonous laid the girl on his bed. Staring at her paling body. With a grunt the beast's bones cracked. Shifting...

He felt as every bone, every fibre of his body transform. Turning back to human was much harder than turning to wolf. Especially for a wolf as large and powerful as this Alpha to be. Damonous fell to his knees his howl turning into a human snarl. He felt the fur leave his body. The painless part of the transformation.

He felt his insides churn back to normal, and it was done. Damonous was left kneeling on the floor with full control of his self. Tired, sweating and bare. He sighed brushing his sweaty hair out of his face and stood up to shower.

He turned once more to see the maid on his bed. With final reassurance he turned to shower. He walked inside and turned on the cold water. He felt the water cool down his burning body.

This was dangerous.


Dangerous was too little of a word to describe this situation. His mate. The Queen to be. The Prince of darkness's mate is a fragile weakling of a human. Physically weak, but brave.

He'll give her that at least.

Anyone who dared to speak to a Medici was a mindless fool. But of all people a maid was the first to insult one. Not even a wolf had the courage to slap one.

What left Damonous baffled was how she picked on the shortest-tempered of them all. He was surprised that she didn't leave. Running for freedom. Asmodeus growled. The girl leaving. He didn't like that.

He wouldn't allow it.

But at the same time he wondered why she was here. There must have been a specific reason for her to have come. Whatever it was Damonous insisted in finding out. Closing the water he walked out and dried his body off of the droplets. He shrugged on nothing but boxers and shorts which fell low under his defined and carved V-Line. Not bothered to dig out for more clothes he walked out of his dressing room.

His head instantly snapped to the direction of a faint cry. An unbearable sound to his ears. His eyes softened at the sight of his human mate. Hugging herself as she was curled into a ball.


Damonous walked over to her and placed a hand over her head.

|| T A L I A ||

I gasped quickly getting up instantly regretting it. My arms hurt. My head spun and black dots illuminate through my vision. But most of all, my heart was pounding. Quick and unsteady beats.

I was just used as a mop to wipe a floor filled with shards of glass.

Is this how she was treated?

Did they do this to her too? Did they do this to you mother? Is this how they treated you? Tears of which I was unable to stop streamed down my cheeks as my hands made way to the sides of my head. I then jumped at the feeling of a hand on my forehead.

I didn't see who it was but perhaps it was Elise.


She was back and she wanted to do more!

I crawled backwards until my head hit the headboard worsening my headache.

"Stop!" I shout my hand swatting nothing but air.

"Don't hurt me!" I hiccuped making sure my head was bowed down. I was hyperventilating. Everything scared me at that very moment as pathetic as that may have sounded.

I heard someone *tsk* at my pitiful state.

"I won't hurt you." His voice finally spoke. His voice so calm, deep and delicate. However the power and authority radiated out of it, I just had to turn my head to catch a glimpse of who could have owned such a beautiful voice.

I turned to see two cold sapphire blue eyes.

He brushed his beautiful dark locks out of his sapphire blue eyes.

I blinked twice.

Not believing the sight I saw.

The same eyes of which I was searching for hours.

It was then it all made sense. The strange man who was with Zayn, the man's hand that I have nursed.

Sparks crackled from within, the air between us had thickened. My memory gave him no justice. I seemed to have forgotten just how beautiful this man truly was. Piercing almond shaped blue eyes. Like two sapphire stones glaring into my soul. His skin glowing in their clear and milky shade. His dark locks wet however still managed to messily shape his symmetrical face.

"Damonous" I whispered.

I found you...

His jaw clenched after I'd said his name only to make his features look sharper. Much more lethal.

Something within me begged me to rush into the mercy of his arms.

But I then remembered.

These were the Medici's, and I had no place in the bed of the man who's family put my mother into the very state she was in.

I slowly got up ignoring the aching, gruesome pain of my body. "Where do you think your going?" Damonous said. His voice cold and heartless. I couldn't help but flinch at the darkness of his tone. Upset that he used it on me.

I frowned.

What did I expect?

That he would give comfort? That he would hold me and pull me close?

I rolled my eyes at my own naive thoughts.

These people were Medici's. Cold blooded and heartless, spoilt and rich brats. I spun around to glare at him. "Thank you for your help. But I'll manage" I snapped at him.

Maybe I was being rude but so be it.

I was just used as a mop to wipe blood.

Sue me for being mad.

I turned to leave but was pulled to a stop as a hand made way to my wrist. "You aren't leaving. Not in this state. Go to the bathroom and wait for me on the counter. I'll get the first aid kit" Annoyance seeped out of his tone.

I blinked twice.

A new habit of mine I've come to notice.

I was a maid. Not a princess. I was sure as hell they did not do such a thing for my mother. I snatched my wrist back missing the warmth that his touch gave.

"I don't need your help" I said, my voice cold.

My brown eyes glaring at him with pure and unknown rage which blossomed from within me.

"You dare disobey me?" He said.

He wasn't angry when he said it.

Frolic flickered within those blue irises. He tilts his head to the side allowing a strand of his beautiful silky dark hair to fall to the side. I lift an eyebrow accepting his challenge.

"We may have crossed paths before as I helped you as you were injured, but I have no reason to have you mend my wounds. I'm hurt? It's my damn problem." I said my voice firm.

I gave myself a mental pat on the back for my little speech.

I watched as his eyes twinkled in awe however it left as soon as it came, making me wonder if it was ever really there in the first place. He then stares at me in utter amusement. His blue eyes basked in them.

"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked tilting his head to the side.

'Tell him.... Let him comfort you....'

There it was. The voice. That damn voice that tells me the exact opposite of what I should. I stared at his beautiful sapphire eyes. The same shade of the deepest and most mysterious pits of the ocean. If male sirens existed I may as well be looking at one as of now.

The deep blues of his eyes were dragging me under the deep depths of his eyes as I'm completely unaware of my falling from his beauty.

"Tell me-" He murmured. He took a step forward as I took one back. "Why do you stay?" He took a stride forward as I took one back. "When all we do is hurt you?" He says. His voice sent shivers down my spine. One that could easily manipulate anyone to walk into the hands of his mercy.

My lips slightly part against my will and his eyes flashed. Twinkling in delight. "What's your price?" He asked. "What makes you stay?" He pushed. He stared at me expectantly. As if something was to happen. But I didn't care. I was hypnotized. It was as if I was in some kind of compulsion. Too drawn into those royal blue eyes. I gasped slightly feeling my back hitting a wall.

Damonous's lips stretched into a beautiful grin of sadistic mischief.