

There a young man lay on the floor lifeless as if he was a corpse, he the suddenly gets up as if he just woke up from the dead, he yawns and stretches " ugh how long was I out for " he looks around his messy room, he tries looking outside but covers his eyes because of the evening sunlight reflecting from his window and illuminating his room. He gets up and walks over to the bathroom like a zombie, he opens the water facet and splashes water on his face a couple of times, he looks up at the mirror to see himself, he notices his messy red hair " I'm gonna have to get a cut soon" his eyes are hazelnut brown, he gets his towel and dries up his face and hair 



"Don't make me come up there!!"

Taiyou ignores the voice "Ahhh why does she keep yelling my name?", suddenly a lady barges in, she is young around 19 or her early twenties, blonde hair , black eye balls and a glowing skin, she is a beauty. She is dressed as if it's winter and it's snowing heavily, wearing a huge coat, jeans and finishing it of with a white canvas "Taiyou i will rip your head of your body", Taiyou turns around and sticks out his tongue like a child " shut up" he says, she gets annoyed and grabs him by his neck then puts him una headlock " I'm your elder sister and I senior you with four good years I'm twenty and your just sixteen so mind the way you talk to me, got it?" Taiyou scoffs " whatever" she squeezes his head tighter " now call me big sister yuki" she commands, " no way I'm calling you that" 

" say it or no dinner for you tonight"

"Fine fine , I'm sorry big sister yuki"

She lets go of him " good. Now hurry up and get ready for or you will be be late for your

taekwondo match"

"Crap, I totally forgot about that"

" dress up quickly I'm waiting for you outside"

She then leaves his room Taiyou gets changed and rushes downstairs. Yuki looks at him too to bottom " good you look nice, where is your taekwondo robe?" Taiyou points at the bag he is carrying, yuki smiles " good let's get going"


Taiyou gets changed and is tying his black belt on his robe, then yuki suddenly bursts in and when she sees taiyou she squeals

" my little munchkins looks so cute in his taekwando robe"

" what are you doing in the male changing room?" 

" I came to cheer my little cute taekwondo brother of course"

" can you stop"

Yuki then hugs Taiyou and kisses him on the cheek " good luck"

" thanks" he says then he smiles 

In the middle of the arena is the wring and in the middle of the ring the announcer and referee. The announcer picks up the microphone and clears his throat 

" finally for the moment we have all been waiting for the finals, coming from the right standing at 6"4, weighing 202 lbs, a black belt in taekwando also known as the monster of Jinto high school put your hands together for shinji yoshura!!!!" The crowd goes wild, shinji yoshura emerges from the right side of the arena and is roaring, he is also a black belt

"And on the left side, standing at 5"11, weighing 121 lbs and also a black belt also known as Akagami (red haired) put your hands together for Taiyou!!!!" And the crowd roars again but it's obvious yuki is the one cheering him on the most. Taiyou emerges from the left side of the arena, now both of them are at the middle looking at each other then they both bow, the referee takes over from the announcer 

" now listen up the only way to win is by knock out or disqualification, no biting no eye gouging and no hitting of private parts, understood?"

They both nod, shinji looks at Taiyou and snarls " I'm gonna end you", but Taiyou ignores him 

" fighters take your stance" shinji takes a taekwondo stance while taiyou just stands normally with no stance "begin!"

Shinji and taiyou just walk in circles at first, the arena is so quiet you can hear a pin drop

Finally Taiyou makes the first move he lunges at shinji head on, shinji smiles " you fool once you puch me I'm gonna endure it then grapple you and once I do it's over for you" once Taiyou lands the punch shinji almost loses consciousness and starts coughing saliva

"What was that? I didn't even see the punch coming and the weight on that punch, how can someone so small have such a heavy punch this bastard what is he?" Taiyou looks at him but shinji can't see clearly anymore 

" come on is that all you've got? I thought you were gonna end me?"

"Shut up!!!" Shinji roars, he rushes towards taiyou in an attempt to tackle him but taiyou dodges with ease, this time shinji tries to punch him but taiyou sees through him very clearly and dodges shinji's puch then almost immediately throws his own punch at shinji's face which causes shinji to go down, the crowd roars. Shinji gets up again "I'll fucking kill you" 

Taiyou smirks"are you just all talk?"

Shinji charges again and this time throws a

really fast punch but taiyou blocks with his forearm then kicks the back of shinji's leg which causes shinji to go down on one knee then taiyou ends the fight by kicking by shinji on the head which knocks him out, the referee goes to check wether shinji is knocked out, then he stands up " the winner of this match is Taiyou" the whole crowd applauses 

Yuki cheers at the top of her voice "wow it was over in a flash" she says still amazed " that boy could beat the crap out of me anytime he wants"

Later That Night 

They're in yuki's car driving home " wow, my younger brother is awesome" yuki says

" what do you expect?" Taiyou replies

" to celebrate today we're gonna get some ice cream before going home"


Yuki turns and gives taiyou a fist bump, " have you heard what's going on lately?" Yuki asks taiyou 

" No" Taiyou replies 

Apparently people have been dying due to unknown causes but apparently when the corpse are found it's as if their blood was drained out of their body"

"Sounds like a kid of bullshit to me" taiyou says 

suddenly the car flips over

" yuki what the hell is going o-" 

Suddenly he loses consciousness and everything blacks out. 

Taiyou regains consciousness and notices the car has been flipped upside down and there is fire, he tries getting out of the car 

"Fuck the seatbelt is stuck" he looks to his left and sees yuki unconscious 

"Yuki, yuki wake up, I have to get out of here first" he manages to get out of the car and he can't believe his eyes when he sees the scene outside, he sees people fighting other human like beings but at a glance he knew those things that had human features were not human they were something creepy, creepier than anything he had ever felt or known, the people who were fighting them were using guns and swords and other weapons, things u would usually see in movies, Taiyou quickly remembers his sister 

" shit yuki"

He goes to the car 

"Yuki, yuki wake up please wake up we have to get out of here now" Taiyou starts panicking, suddenly yuki starts moving and she opens her eyes 

"Yuki!" Taiyou says 

"Ugh taiyou what happened?" 

"It doesn't matter I'll explain later for now we need to get you out of here "

"Taiyou I don't think it's-" yuki starts to cough blood 

"No no don't say that we're gonna get you out of here"

Yuki coughs more blood "it's not possible taiyou I've already lost a lot of blood"

"Blood?" Taiyou looks down at her stomach and sees it has been stabbed by a metal piece of the car " it doesn't matter we will get you to a hospital" taiyou says as he starts to cry 

" you know it's not possible" yuki says as she puts her palm on his face " make sure to be a good boy I won't be there to protect you anymore" 

" what are you saying?" Taiyou exclaims 

"I love you" those are yuki's last words as the car explodes and taiyou flies back a few feet. Taiyou stares at the car in disbelief as it burns his sisters corpse 

"Yuki" he zones out and doesn't know or care about what's going on around him anymore, then unexpectedly one of the beings who look human drop right beside the car, this time taiyou gets a good look at it, it's skin is pale as a ghost, black hair, fangs, 

The creature cackles and starts walking towards yuki's corpse" what a nice corpse, it still has some blood left in it"

"Stop, stop" Taiyou pleades

The creature ignores him and continues moving towards her corpse 

"I said stoooop" Taiyou roars, he runs towards the creature and punches its head and taiyou hear bones break he looks at his fingers and notices that all his fingers are broken from trying to punch the creatures head, the creature stops and looks irritated

" shut up you insect" he puts his hand through taiyou's chest and removes his insides " I'll use you as desert once I'm done here"

Taiyou lay on the ground motionless as his life is about to come to an end he couldn'tcare less about the creatures and the people who are fighting them. He lay on the floor and watched as the creature feast on his sister and he could do nothing but look " why did she have to die? Why not only me?why her?" Suddenly something from deep inside him spoke, it's voice was so heavy and evil that it was as if darkness itself was speaking and it said " let me help you kill them" taiyou's wounds healed almost instantaneously, his hair turned black, had razor fangs,and his eyes turned a deep black color that its was as if you were staring at darkness itself, and as fast as light he moved and ripped the creatures head of its body, then he passed out