
The Tale Of A Golem Master

This is a Fan-fiction of the Korean Novel 'Overgeared' The Cover is not mine, I will take it down if the owner ask me to do so. English IS IN FACT My native language, so if you see spelling errors, let me know through comments because I will fix them. Synopsis: What if Grid wasn't the 5th miracle player of Satisfy, but rather, the 6th? What if Agnus wasn't fully insane? What if Agnus had an older brother? What ripples will this cause in the world of Satisfy? Find out next time on dra...... I mean, read the novel and find out! Every character depicted in this is over the age of 18+ for all intents and purposes. Hit me up on discord: Under Construction Check out my patre0n: Under Construction

Oshimura · วิดีโอเกม
25 Chs

Chapter 8

When I logged on, I received a stream of notifications for level ups and it didn't stop until I reached level 42. One of the teams must have found and run a dungeon or defeated a field boss of some kind. Either way, it's a great boon for me. While checking the chat, I saw that Martimer's team, found a goblin dungeon hidden deeper in the forest.

The one good thing about this forest is that, even after the game being open for a year, it is largely unexplored so this would be great for my golems to gain experience quicker. The dungeon also had a wide range of levels, just like the forest itself. From what I can tell from the chat log, a few of my golems got very close to being recalled if it weren't for my priest golems. I'm thankful that I remembered about that now.

They couldn't get very far into the dungeon though since apparently the difficulty jumps very quickly from starting at around level 20 then jumping to 40. At the point they stopped, they had to fight hobgoblins at around level 70+. I'll have to send Joul's team to grind the 20+ aread then move up progressively. Martimer's team will do the same but starting from the 40+ area onward. This will provide a steady supply of equipment for Torva to break down and materials to be used.

According to Martimer, there are also mines in the dungeon and a goblin golem production method dropped. Apparently with this production method, the goblins can evolve when they reach a certain level and get a boost in power and skill based on what they did prior to evolution. I decided to use cheaper tin ore to make around six of them.

All of them came out normal in quality but that's fine since i only plan to use them for mining in the dungeon. I sent the goblin squad away after Torva made some pickaxes for them. She managed to make two rare pickaxes and raise her stats through it. After thinking for a while, I made seven more goblin golems, one of which came out with a rare quality, and had them follow the same process except I had them focus on mining down and expanding the hideout. Torva's newer batch of pickaxes came out as mostly normal quality, however she made her first epic rated item in the form of a pickaxe. Even though I wish it were a weapon, I'll just let the rare goblin golem use it.

[Extraordinary Goblin Pickaxe]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 230/230 Attack Power: 20-25

* 8% increase in mining speed

* 5% increase in ore quality

* 4% increase in attack power

* The skill 'Beginner Mining Technique' Lv 2 will be generated

A pickaxe crafted by a blacksmith that has seen the path to become a legend. Even if it will only be used for goblins, she kept her unyielding determination and produced something normally impossible with the materials provided.

With this pickaxe, any goblin can learn how to mine with ease.

User Restriction: Goblins

Weight: 30

I became amazed by the details of the pickaxe and wished I could use it for myself. Sadly I couldn't, but this isn't the time to lament over the loss but rather congratulate Torva for making an epic rated item. I asked her if there was anything that she wanted and she said she wanted to try food and receive a head pat.

I could understand food and chalk it up to curiosity but why the head pat? Oh well I just compiled and pat her head and handed her some potatoes to try. She smiled and eat as I patted her head. I didn't stop until she told me to, but even then she seemed to be reluctant to get up from her current spot, which happened to be my lap.

That said, she had to get back to crafting at some point so she got back up but, not before one more head pat and she felt 'recharged' according to her and dutifully started her work up again. Little did I know the ripples that were going on in the private golem chat that I didn't know they could set up.

After working for a while, I noticed that Euphemina was hired by the mero company to do some blacksmith competition against Khan's disciple who, from what Torva told me is Grid. She is going to lose, no doubt about it. How can she even win when she is a mage not a blacksmith? She must have some sort of card up her sleeve.

I kind of want to see it so I'll keep a close eye on her with a cameagle and watch her part of the competition while Torva keeps an eye on Grid. I've noticed that as I grind making golems, how much materials it is taking up. I just need one more growth type golem for something 'special' to happen to my class but I haven't made a single one on the build up to the blacksmith competition.

The good thing about that though is the fact that I made enough golems for another team but there isn't a growth golem to lead them so I can only hope that one can break through as they level. I sent them to wait near Torva to be geared up before seriously thinking about making normal blacksmith golems to keep up with the demand that my golems will need for gear. Sure she could probably keep up with about two more teams than the current load but, what about after that point?

I have seen some guilds with thousands of players and I barely have 40 golems. I'm sure I will make a ton of them later on, whether or not they become unique in any way they can still be used to grind and gather loot. Due to this fact I didn't make the golem population I created, entirely female and mixed in some male golems in the parties as well.

Of course all the goblin golems are visibly male, but I wouldn't be able to tell visibly if they were female anyway even if I was the one who made them. Unless I specifically made certain parts that way but it wouldn't matter anyway. The good news about my squadron of goblin golem miners is that they have made good progress on expanding and making a second floor of the hideout, it just needs to be furnished. Also the ones sent to the dungeons have regularly cleared out the 40+ and below mines in them.

What bothers me about not making any growth type golems is that I've made two rares ad one epic golem in that last batch of golems in the new team but none had the growth attribute added with it. I guess getting the first four were due to pure luck because even if there is an almost guarantee when I was making Torva, Martimer, and Joul, there was still a chance of getting normal golems or even failing.

Shade however, was 100% luck. Sadly though it seems like my luck ran out and won't come back for a while but, I should still be happy since my stats are increasing with each rare and epic golem I make. Before the blacksmith competition starts, I decided to get the production method for a beginner or intermediate blacksmith along with an alchemist, tailor, and as many more production classes I can get. The sooner I get them made, the easier things will be for me later on.

I don't think I will find a painter or sculptor since the users that play those classes are far and few inbetween. I sent out a few cameagles to search for users or npcs with low level production classes After sending them out, it was almost time for the competition so I decided to go there with Torva in person. The elite golem team(aka Martimer's team) Followed us behind for protection. We all sported grey cloaks with are black skeletal mask and some armor that Torva designed with a skull on it that was the same as the mask.

What I was trying to do would be disguising ourselves as NPCS since unless a very high level of appraisal was used on me or my golems, all that would be seen is the name and level. My golems would be treated just like NPC's anyways since they aren't classified as pets, summons, or monsters which is weird but it might just be a way for the system to categorize them since they are like on the border between NPCs and summons.

Whatever, it's too long to explain and even I don't fully understand it. When we arrived at the competition, there was a large crowd surrounding three people, the announcer Rabbit and the competitors, Grid and Euphemina. Besides them were normal blacksmith forges. The people around started cheering for Euphemia or rather 'Erina as she introduced herself.

"Thank you for your support!"

She smiled while waving at most of the male part in the crowd that was cheering for her. They mostly consisted of players that sadly had no interesting classes that I didn't already have. A berserker wouldn't be half bad to have but, I still have yet to find one of those. Grid tried to mimic 'Erina's' actions and I just facepalmed at his stupidity. Low and behold the disdain that is coming towards him.

"What is that guy doing? Ugh, I feel bad, not for him but for myself by looking at him."

"The bread I ate a while ago feels like it's reaching the back of my throat and I might throw it up…"

"He looks terrible, and he is still wearing that newbie clothing."

I kinda felt bad for him but, he should be mindful of the fact that he may be using them to work in but is currently wearing the basic clothing that players are given when they aren't wearing any equipment. However, against my expectations, the NPCs started cheering for him. Good on him I guess he must have built some reputation with them. Sadly though, the male NPCs still had perverted looks in their eyes and looked at Euphemia.

I sighed at what happened next though, Grid down talked Euphemia and called her a kid. He really shouldn't just blatantly say that to a woman and it is clearly because she hasn't met up to his 'standards'. Now don't get me wrong, I have my standards too, but I wouldn't just blatantly be rude about it. Although the way I speak to people other than my golems and Agnus might be taken that way since I either tend to stay silent or play the role of an evil villain. I still wouldn't stoop low enough to make fun of someone's body though.

I stand corrected, Euphemia retaliated back by straight up calling him gay. That right there is a big step to take, I mean seriously, does she think that just because one guy doesn't like her that they have to be gay? How big is that ego? I kind of want to deflate it a ton but sadly she probably is a much higher level than me or my golems. Oh well I really shouldn't judge others personalities when mine isn't that great either. Not long after, the host finally started speaking up.

"The two people have started the game. I will notify the crowd! This time the theme is to make a dagger. The one who produces the better quality dagger within the time limit will be the victor!"

The moment Grid started moving his hammer I swear I could feel the intense stare that Torva was giving him as she wrote in a notebook which I didn't even know she had or when she got it. It looked like Euphemia was having trouble though since she took out a hammer but couldn't equip it and was constantly staring at Grid in bewilderment.

Don't tell me, she is trying to copy his skill? No, lets not draw conclusions just yet since only my golems should be able to mimic or have greater ability to wield the skills of a legendary class so an ordinary player shouldn't be able to. What shocked me though, is the fact that she called up Khan to help Grid when he clearly didn't need it. When Khan got up and started to work, she stared at him then started to mimic his skill exactly.

She has to be some kind of skill copier or duplicator! I need to make a golem out of her class, if I do then I can think of a ton of skills that would be useful to duplicate, and since I estimate that since her class should be one of the Epic classes, considering her reaction to not being able to copy Grid, by the time I can get a production method of a golem of her I should be able to make at a minimum of 2 and at max 3 golems of the same kind. Something that surprised me was a comment made by Torva when she looked over to Euphemia.

"This girl is disappointing. She has a zero chance of winning and doesn't even have the fire of a blacksmith and yet is willing to be dirty enough to copy the hard earned skills of others in order to cheat, her way to a win. Even though I know Grid will win, from what I can tell from watching the mero company around here, they will find someway to cheat out a win for themselves. I don't feel sorry for Grid though, he is still too immature like myself but was gifted a golden goose without the proper resources to use it. Myself however have Preator and everyone else to provide everything I need to grow without stopping."

That statement may have through me off for the fact that she actually spoke about someone other than me and the other golems, but it was what she said next that threw me off the most.

"However, just from watching Grid, even if it was for a short period of time, I feel as if he will somehow get through this. I don't know how, but nobody becomes Legendary by accident. That's why, even though I will start near the bottom and he will start near the top, I won't be in anyway inferior to him!!

I looked at her and somehow, there was a bright golden glint glowing through her mask. I could swear I was seeing things so I just let it be for now. Once the competition was bout the reach the climax for when they were supposed to examine Grid's dagger, some soldiers came and falsely accused Grid for being associated with Huroi who they probably looked up for false accusation as well. I guess Torva was right about them cheating their way to victory. Grid one though since I examined the dagger from the distance and was astounded by the stats it had.

[Ideal Dagger]

Rating: Unique

Durability: 168/168 Attack Power: 378-413 Attack Speed: +13%

*There is a rare chance of instantaneously killing the target

*Agility +30

*The skill 'Wind Blast' is generated

*The skill 'Quick Movements' is generated