
The Tale Of A Golem Master

This is a Fan-fiction of the Korean Novel 'Overgeared' The Cover is not mine, I will take it down if the owner ask me to do so. English IS IN FACT My native language, so if you see spelling errors, let me know through comments because I will fix them. Synopsis: What if Grid wasn't the 5th miracle player of Satisfy, but rather, the 6th? What if Agnus wasn't fully insane? What if Agnus had an older brother? What ripples will this cause in the world of Satisfy? Find out next time on dra...... I mean, read the novel and find out! Every character depicted in this is over the age of 18+ for all intents and purposes. Hit me up on discord: Under Construction Check out my patre0n: Under Construction

Oshimura · วิดีโอเกม
25 Chs

Chapter 5

These Cameagles were created for the purpose of observing their targets for a long period of time. Once they find a target, they will do everything in their power to follow them, no matter the danger. Were created by initial 'D', that chose to remain anonymous.

For now this should be able to serve the purpose I need. I decided to use iron and black iron ore in order to make them. I waited until Torva finished making armor for Martimer before I took over the smithy for a bit, and made five of them to serve my purpose. The only bad thing about them is that the only stat they could increase with level is health. However, this is countered by the fact that they could level through observing.

I sent a message to Agnus to ask for his location, then I sent one of the Cameagle's to their so that it could follow him and possible observe any NPCs that would be good to make a golem out of. I sent one to observe Grid since I feel like there would be users that would do everything they can to recruit a Legendary class, and for the last three I had them follow me on standby for now until I find a target I want them to follow. I don't think it is a good idea to send them to where any of the seven guilds stay, Ares is a no go, I don't know where Krugel is but I'm going to constantly check online for updates on his position, and right now I don't have enough information on the top players.

Once Martimer, Torva, and I were outfitted in some equipment that was mostly normal rating, outside of Martimer's sword and Torva's armor. I decided to use a bow for now since It would be over it I go down, but Torva, and Martimer can tank damage just fine since they have much better stats than I do. Torva also outfitted herself with a rare great-sword because she stated that "It felt right."

We headed out to hunt some nearby mobs for a while. It mostly consisted of boars, wolves, and rabbit. Martimer couldn't find anything suitable to absorb or use for undead, she stated that the ideal would be humanoid creatures, or powerful monsters. I could have her make undead out of these weaker mobs, but that wouldn't be a good idea since she has a limited amount of undead she can make at her current class rating.

While we were mindlessly farming, I decided to check on Grid to see if he has any progress on learning any new skills. It looks like my Cameagle is currently in a smithy and I can see that Grid is currently working on some arrows. I don't know why he's working on arrows specifically since I haven't seen any arrows above normal rating before, but let's just keep an eye on him just in case. After a while of him quenching and smelting, he finished around 100 arrows. His eyes widened in surprise so I decided to observe the arrows myself with the Cameagle.

[Special Jaffa Arrow]

Rating: Epic

Attack Power: 35-42

An arrow made by a craftsman with great skill and potential but, lacking in experience and reputation.

Due to the effect of combining jaffa with steel, it has extremely high penetration, and ignores some of the enemy's defense.

* Has a certain chance of ignoring the enemy's defense.

Weight: 0.1


I managed to say that out loud as Torva was finishing off a wolf. Both of my companions stopped in surprise, but continued their train of aggroing and fighting dire wolves, while I continued to observe. Since when were consumables able to have a higher rating than normal? This discovery is absurd! I should have Torva start to make arrows. I'll need her to disassemble and reassemble them in order to learn how to make them just like Grid did but it will be worth it if I can get even more powerful arrows.

Although she probably won't be able to make epic arrows anytime soon, just rare would be fine, heck, even normal would be fine since she increases the stats by 4%. After that debacle, I heard noises in the distance and realized we came very far from the hideout and were near people who were doing a raid of the Guardian of the Forest. In the distance I see the Tzedakah Guild finishing off the boss. It looks like I found a few ideal targets to be observed.

I sent one of my Cameagles to observe Jishuka the guild leader, due to her amazing skill with the bow and I sent another to follow Faker around who I only managed to catch a glimpse of in the background the the guild users. I'll hold onto the last one for now and decided that we should head into town since I wanted to bid on those arrows.

I had both Torva and Martimer put on clocks to cover their bodies, along with the custom mask I had made. I donned the same attire as well. I wanted us to pass off as NPC's since our names would be hidden with the mask on. When we arrived to the auction house I noticed that Jushuka had placed a bid of 35 silvers, I decided to ignore the bid from that point on since the bid started rising very quickly.

I could just have Torva make arrows when she has time between crafting weapons and armor. I looked through the auction for any good materials that could be used for blacksmithing. I decided to buy up the materials needed for a jaffa arrow from the auction and the nearby smithy before they go up in price. I also bought a tone of ores for making weapons, armor, sheaths, and the like. After we went out, I equipped a woodcutter axe and started cutting wood for the smithy, bows, and arrows.

I started to get much better at multitasking since I was chopping wood, while giving out commands to Torva and Martimer, along with observing Jishuka and Faker. I decided to send Torva back to the base after giving her all the materials I bought so she could continue to develop her skill in smithing and let Martimer to continue solo hunting. My level was steadily rising from Torva and Martimer. While chopping wood, I started to use Golem Understanding on Jishuka.

[Scanning Target....]

[Target has a normal rated class that has developed to a good extent, due to this, the golem created would receive the same skills as the user chosen as a target by leveling up. However they will be able to go down the same or a different path of the user being observed. Would you like to use golem understanding to create a golem production method of user 'Jishuka'? Please not that after this point, if the user develops further, the golem or golems created may or may not obtain the same skills or class progression.]

It looks like this one isn't limited on the amount of golems I could make. I finally can obtain a production method that I could start grinding out in order to make higher rated golems and possibly upgrade my class overtime. I will have to adjust the appearance a bit once I start making them though so they don't resemble her. Eh, shouldn't be too difficult to do.


[User 'Daz' has chosen to use Golem Understanding on User 'Jishuka'. A normal, humanoid type golem with the normal class of archer production method will be obtained. It will take a full 3 hours and 30 minutes of observing to obtain. Do you wish to proceed?]


Once the timer started, I continued to chop wood, while observing her. It seemed like Jishuka was searching for Grid since she had a very crazed look in her eyes as she pulled out the jaffa arrows she got from the auction. I didn't really care what guild Grid joins as long as he continues to grow. I found out that Torva could grow in her class on her own but not until her class at least reached unique rating.

Right now I either need to focus on raising my own rating so that she can get to unique rating without being limited by me. I took a break from chopping wood and started to head back to the hideout with Martimer. She managed to reach level 50 with me getting to level 20. There wasn't anything special that happened, other than an increase in stats.

When we got back, I heard the sounds of a hammer hitting an anvil so I decided to let Torva be and headed deeper into the cave. I decided to start expanding on the cave so I equipped a picaxe and went to work while still keeping an eye on Jishuka. She was currently searching winston, the village connected to the end of this forest for any clues of Grid. After mining for a few hours I got the production method for the archer golem.

I decided to take a break, have Martimer either solo hunt for a bit near the cave or mine out some more, and I logged out. As I stepped out of my capsule, I took a moment to get a good stretch in and relax my body before heading down my long line of stairs, down to the first floor. I started to cook myself some steak, mashed potatoes, and broccoli, while browsing the online forums of Satisfy.

Right now, all the buzz was about the top seven guilds and how 'Awesome' they were. Right now I was looking up information on Krugel to see where in Satisfy he was currently so I could send a Cameagle to observe him. Sadly, it all came up as dead ends, so I would have to wait until he somehow makes a public appearance or someone attracts his attention. The main reason why I know about him, was because Agnus had a run into him before.

After eating and taking a shower, I got back into my capsule and logged back into the game. When I took in my surroundings, I noticed that the cave was slightly larger at the end. I noticed that Martimer was still mining so I didn't stop her. After seeing that Torva was still working as well with a few swords and bows sitting on a rack to her side, I realized I needed to expand my workshop or make another part of the hideout a second workshop. I'll probably be going with the second option, rather than the first. Welp, it's time for some manual labor. I rolled up my non-existent sleeves, and got to work on mining out another area.