

When I opened my eyes...my mother wasn't beside us. I looked everywhere completely terrified. Searching for her. My father stumbled to a stop, almost dropping me. He started yelling her name. He turned and jogged back the way we came. We both searched for her. Panic blinding our fear.

Red caught my gaze. I tugged at my father's shirt, asking him to stop. Then I saw her. A large hand was wrapped around her throat. She was clawing at his hands. Trying her best to losen his grip. The creature grinned at her, blood staining his teeth and face. His dark red eyes eyes stared at her with hunger and greed. It makes me sick just thinking about it...imagining this creature so close to my mother.

I stared at her with wide eyes. Her blue eyes found mine. She smiled at me. Her little five year old. Trying to calm me as much as she could. She forced herself to move her lips. Little me didn't realize how hard it was for her.

When I dream of that event...all I can see is the pain in her eyes. The last words she spoke will stay with me for the rest of my life. I will never shake those feelings or memories.

After she managed to say her last words the creature jerked her towards him. Before I could scream or even make a sound, his fangs sunk deep into her neck. She whimpered and clawed at his face. Using all of her might to tare it away from her.

We watched in horror until her body finally went limp. The creature continued to suck her life out. His moans of ecstasy disgusted me. My father slowly turned around. Took one step at a time before running once again. I leaned back to look at him...what I saw shattered my little heart. I'm still trying to pick up the pieces.

What I saw was complete heartbreak. His expression was stone cold compared to his usual kind and silly expressions. His eyes remained straight ahead as her dodged people and creatures as he ran as fast as he could. The one thing that actually shattered me was the single tear that managed to escape.

I I turned and hugged his neck, not hard enough to choke him, I closed my eyes and held on to him for dear life. As I held on I recalled my mother's last words...

"Take care of your father. Stay safe, Grow up, Survive. I wish I could see the beautiful person you will become. I love you Dawny.." Her blue eyes were filled with tears. Her shinning face was framed by her dark red hair. Some of it was even sticking to her face. She was so beautiful...

My father caught the plague a few months later. We had been living on the streets, unfortunately a lot of corpse's did as well. He did his best to be a good father. He taught me how to survive, fight, steal. When he died I was on my own. Five year old me so tiny and fragile...

One night I was sitting on the sidewalk by this restaurant or café. Somewhere with food. I was hoping someone would have pity on me and drop food or money in my father's hat. The wheather was horrible that day. It was pouring so hard that even the vamps decided to stay home. I had managed to find a decent winter coat, in the garbage, a few months before. It was dark blue and a little ragged, but it was warm and fulfilled it's purpose.

I remember how jealous I was of the people who walked by. Almost every person had a umbrella raised over their heads. Protecting them from the rain.

I was about to leave for the day, to the little fun I decided to call home, when the rain stopped. Well...it stopped raining on me. It was still pounding on the sidewalk elsewhere. I looked up confused. A lady in a long black coat was holding the umbrella over my head. Blocking the rain. Causing the ice cold rain to instantly soak her pretty black hair.

She was gazing down at me with this curious glint in her brown eyes. I just stared up at her my expression completely blank. Yet I was consumed with curiosity and questions. 'Why is she helping me?' 'Why is she willing to become soaked just to protect me from the rain?'

"Do you have parents, child?" Her voice was soft yet stern like her eyes. I shook my head no. She made this disapproving sound before holding out her hand.

My only response was to look at her hand then her eyes. 'What does she want me to do?'

Sighing she leaned down and took my hand pulling me to my feet. "Would you like to come with me to a school?"

I just blinked up at her confused. 'Why would I want to go to a school? Only kids with parents go there.' I tiled my head. "Why do you want me to go to school?" I asked genuinely confused.

"To live of course." She smiled. Her smile was so kind and caring. So bright. Kindness like that was hard to find. "This school will educate you on everything you need to know. It will provide you with a future you do not have as of now. You will need to do a few chores to help out and pay for the shelter and education, but it aught to be better than this."

Tears filled my eyes. 'A new home?..somewhere I will be safe...not in some old shacl?' The lady rose a brow at me before she could say anything I threw my arms around her legs. Hugging her with all my might afraid that if I let her go then she would disappear. My sobs were barely heard in the rain. I knew she knew the answer because she picked me up and held me to her chest. She started walking. The umbrella protecting us both from the rain.

I cried myself asleep in this woman's arms. She appeared out of no where and offered me a new life. Changing me forever. I will always be greatful that the woman with a kind smile and gentle eyes decided to go shopping that day.

She took me to NGA, the New Generation Academy. She helped register me and supplied me with clothing, shoes, and a few other goodies. I settled into my new home.

This is my new life. Cleaning up the dorms and cooking supper after my classes and activities. Dorming with the same girls until senior year. Chores, more chores. Then sleep. This is my life...in some sense I guess my life, as I know it, will end forever. How? Well senior year marks....oh gosh, I should go. I need to hide this diary before anyone finds it...or you..whatever. Thanks for keeping my secrets.

I guess we will have to wait and see...where life takes me.

---Serenity D. Love
