
The Systemic Anomaly: Reborn with Unorthodox Powers

"The Systemic Anomaly: Reborn with Unorthodox Powers" follows the journey of Liam,a 15-year-old boy who is transported to a magical realm after a fatal encounter with a truck in his own world. Reincarnated as a hero, Liam discovers a unique system that grants him unorthodox powers. He hones his abilities and with the fate of the realm at stake, Liam must overcome challenges, navigate treachery, and make difficult choices to fulfill his extraordinary destiny and save the world.

Demi9000 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Final Sacrifice

Chapter 1: The Final Sacrifice

The city streets hummed with their usual energy as dusk settled upon the urban landscape, casting long shadows on the bustling sidewalks. Amongst the sea of pedestrians, a young boy named Liam Anderson, aged 15, walked briskly with purpose, his mind filled with dreams and aspirations beyond the ordinary.

Liam had always been captivated by stories of magical worlds and epic adventures. Lost in his own thoughts, he yearned for an extraordinary life where he could wield incredible powers and make a lasting impact on the world around him, even though he knew things like that we're all fiction, he still found it fun to think about".

As Liam approached a busy intersection, his gaze fixated on a book cover peeking out of his backpack. In that moment, his peripheral vision caught sight of a young boy, no older than five, darting recklessly into the street. Panic surged through Liam's veins as he instinctively realized the danger that lay ahead.

Without a second thought, Liam sprinted toward the unsuspecting child, his heart pounding in his chest. His intentions were clear—to reach the boy in time, snatch him away from the oncoming truck, and escape harm's way.

With every ounce of strength and agility, Liam managed to push the young boy out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding a devastating collision. However, his own footing betrayed him, and he stumbled, his body crashing to the unforgiving pavement.

Time seemed to slow down as the world around him transformed into a chaotic blur. The blaring horn of the truck grew deafening, drowning out the anguished cries of horrified witnesses. Liam's vision blurred, a mixture of pain and regret flooding his senses.

"I... I tried," Liam gasped, his voice barely a whisper.

In that fleeting moment, as his body absorbed the full impact of the truck's relentless force, Liam knew that his life was slipping away. His final thoughts were laced with sorrow and acceptance, knowing he had sacrificed himself to save another.

The world faded to darkness, and Liam took his last breath.

In the aftermath of the tragic incident, the city carried on, oblivious to the profound sacrifice made by a young hero. Liam's lifeless form lay on the cold pavement, a symbol of selflessness and the price paid for the protection of another.