
The System of Evil

- Do evil and become stronger. - I can't do that ... - How is it? Well, if you want to maintain a neutral outlook, then do evil, for the sake of good. - Is it possible? - I do not know. You have to show me if it is possible or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fandom: Jormungand / Black Lagoon Author: vitotitov original fan-fic: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/49224 (this is a translation and not an author's work)

3I7 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
112 Chs

Chapter 7 - Training

Back in the room, Jack started cleaning. It was a little dusty here, and things were scattered all over the place.

After half an hour of cleaning and the office became neat and clean.

- "Now you can start training." - Jack nodded and lay on the floor, taking a pose for "pumping" the press.

O'Dim didn't mind counting for Jack, leaving only mechanical work for him - "One, two, three, four ..." - the glass man did it with a smile and not without pleasure

At ten, Jack was already beginning to slowly choke and curse himself, his past way of life, and Gunther's voice, saturated with fun.

At twenty, he was already experiencing serious breathing problems, his face was sweating, as was his body, but he persisted.

- "Twenty-five, twenty-six..."

- Everything. - Jack fell breathlessly. Breathing quickly, he barely had time to speak between breaths - This. It seems. My limit.

Gunther looked at it all with a smile inside the guy's mind.

Jack mentally asked, "This was my limit. Why didn't Strength or Vitality rise? "

O'Dim threw up his hands - "Because you have not reached the limit."

Shaking his head, Jack asked, "But I was close, right? How long did I have before the limit? "

With a grin, the glass man said innocently - "About fifty ..."

Jack choked on the stringy saliva - "Are you kidding !? I almost died, and you say that my limit is eighty-sixed repetitions ?! "

- "Something like that, yes." - Gunter said with a smart look, but his grin spoiled everything

- "Are you kidding!?" - Jack exclaimed, but the embodiment of evil shook her head - "Please tell me you're kidding!"

- "No I am not joking. Did I tell you that reaching the limit is far from easy? Did I say that you raised the Will only by a miracle? "

- "How so ..." - gasping, he thought, desperately trying to find answers and rebuild his plans

Gunther saw that Jack's zeal was hit hard, so he decided to help him a little - "So be it, I'll give you some answers." -

Chubby focused on the projection of O'Dim in his head.

"You tried to push your Strength and Vitality to the limit, right? So. Strength is muscle. To raise the Force, you have to push your muscles to the limit, but the catch is that you don't even have a chance to do it at first. Now your muscle tissue is not at all adapted for long loads, you simply suffocate even before your muscles begin to experience real problems. What you just called the limit, it simply is not. There is still an option to lift heavy loads, but it will still be sadder, so you better continue with this option. " -

Frozen, Jack listened intently

"As for Vitality, you can only raise it if you find yourself on the verge of death and survive because this will be its limit. You can also train this trait by taking various damage. Something like this."

For several minutes Jack lay and thought, trying to put his breathing in order.

When this happened, he clenched his teeth and began to do the exercise again. There was no way out, he would still try to achieve his goal, even though difficulties still appeared on the horizon. However, Gunther noted with interest that Jack is increasingly thinking about getting Evil Points.

This time I managed to do a little more, thirty repetitions. After catching his breath, Jack decided to give his abdominal muscles a rest and instead began doing squats. Here, too, came out a little, twenty repetitions, which were very difficult due to the large bodyweight.

Then, lying down, he began to raise his legs until a "right angle" was formed, after which his legs dropped and so on again. He managed to lift his heavy legs ten times.

There was still an attempt to do push-ups, but having taken a lying position, Jack sank with his chest to the floor and simply could not push up, too much load on his arms ... for now.

Then again the press, squats, leg raises, and again. As a result, it turned out to do four approaches in each exercise.

Gasping, his face flushed, Jack felt the wet floor beneath him grow even wetter.

- Status.

System of Evil


Strength - [7]

140 ↑

Agility - [9]

180 ↑

Vitality - [5]

100 ↑

Perception - [13]

↑ 260

Reason - [12]

↑ 240

Will - [8]

160 ↑

Libido - [1]

20 ↑

Evil Points - [20]


(There are currently no assignments)


Resolute Mind - [Lvl - MAX]

Devil's Body - [Lvl - MAX]

Polyglot - [Lv - 1] [500 ↑]

- "Nothing changed." - Jack mentally sighed.

- "Did you hope for a miracle?"

- "Not." - Jack muttered in response, although he hoped for something similar

Looking at the libido and the number of Evil Points, Jack felt the need to spend them. His glasses were perfect for this and it made him a little unnerved.

Sighing, he overpowered himself and closed the system window in his mind.

Suddenly, absolutely without knocking, the door to the office opened.

This was Beatrice.

Looking at the wet and tired Jack who was lying on the floor in the center of the office, she gave him a scornful look and walked across the room, stepped over his body, and then put the money on the table - This is for today. - she said calmly, and then, in the same way, by the same route, she left, again stepping over Jack, as if deliberately showing her crotch

- Okay ... - at the end Jack threw, after this bitchy lady - "She is trying with all her might to show me her contempt ... Bitch ... But I can't fire her ... I don't think this is a good idea. Balalaika is unlikely to like the fact that I'm firing the most profitable whore in this brothel on my probationary period ... and also this crazy woman does not wear underwear ... "

Meanwhile, Gunther frowned, "And you intend to endure such an attitude towards yourself? Are you going to endure this degrading treatment from some arrogant whore? "

Jack was surprised by Gunther's words and tone. This was the first time he had seen such a disgruntled O'Dim.

He said in surprise - "What are you doing? She treats me like that, not you ... "

- "Not at all. - Gunter said calmly, slightly shaking his head - "You are my chosen one. You are the bearer of the Evil System. You are higher than all these base creatures, even though you were such before. You are my choice, which means that insulting and humiliating you, she insults and humiliates my choice, which I, of course, am not happy with. "

Chubby was shocked by this wording. That made sense.

Jack realized with a surprise for himself that for some reason it was pleasant for him to hear all this ... and this even though it was all the very embodiment of evil that told him. - "Maybe she's right ..."

Gunther frowned even more - "What?"

Covering his eyes with his hand, Jack smiled - "Look yourself ... I am a big fat, ugly pimply mattress, which, moreover, is impotent. And at the same time, look at her ... Strong, both in body and character, beautiful, sexy, get money by kicking peasants in the balls and generally lives the way she wants ... to me..."

O'Dim was wet for a while, pondering something.

- "Do you think so?" - asked Gunther, raising an eyebrow

- "Sure. I'm not going to lie to myself, right? " - Jack smiled

O'Dim narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly - "I see."

The rest of the time before bed, Jack devoted themself to various workouts. He tried to give a thrashing to every muscle in the body, which, among other things, he succeeded because his motivation and zeal allowed him to do it.

Finally, there was an evening light dinner in the form of a salad of low-calorie vegetables.

It is also worth noting that he got to know the brothel staff and his responsibilities better.

... In the morning ...

An impudent and shameless ray of light passed through the crack in the curtains and began to bite into Jack's eyelids.

Ten seconds later, the guy, unable to withstand the onslaught, slowly raised his leaden eyelids.

Blinking a few more times, Jack jerked his entire body as his muscles tensed.

From the chubby's mouth came the uterine howl of a dying sperm whale - Ooooooohohohohooooo ...

Gunther appeared in his mind, as always, with his invariably attractive and inviting smile - "Good morning."

However, Jack did not respond to this kind, cheerful greeting. He was far from up to him. Now his body ached or rather cried and ached.

Jaw clenched tightly, Jack slowly got out of bed. Dangling his legs, he hunched over, sat up, and froze, trying to collect his thoughts.

O'Dim threw up his hands - "You knew what you were doing."

- "I knew ..." - the guy answered dully in his mind - "I hoped that the system or modifiers would somehow help me."

"Well, the Devil's Body is helping you a little, albeit imperceptibly."

Jack suddenly opened his eyelids and with a twinkle in his eyes, mentally said - "Really?"

- "Yes."

- "And How?" He asked eagerly.

- "As it is written on the modifier, your body strives to become the embodiment of a variety of vices. It strives to become a perfect version of itself and more. As long as your body, your body, will change with training and improvement of characteristics, then your genes will be rewritten. "

Jack almost with an open mouth listened to Gunther

- "As far as I know, are you aware of adaptation when losing weight?"

- "Yes I know." - Jack nodded - "At one time I shoveled a lot of information on this topic ..."

O'Dim continued - "No matter how effective the diet is, no matter how much you try to swing and move, the human body will adapt to everything and your weight loss results will begin to decrease until they stop at all, forcing you to raise the bar. The body will spend less energy, produce fewer nutrients, begin to dissolve unclaimed muscles, and all to protect its expensive reserves of fat. So, there will be no such problem with the Body of the Devil. "

- "H-how?" - Jack asked in shock - "Am I still human?"

- "Sure." - Gunther nodded. "It's just that your body has changed, so to speak, priorities. The normal human body prioritizes survival. He doesn't care that you are unhappy with your fat belly, for him this belly is a good supply of energy, which increases your survival in some circumstances. Your body, thanks to the Devil's Body modifier, now prioritizes an aesthetically beautiful sexy figure, strong endurance muscles, quick reflexes and reactions, excellent memory, and so on. There is simply no sense in survival, you are spiritually immortal. Of course, if you find yourself in a situation where you do not have enough food, then your body will again turn on the priority of '' survival ''. "

- "There are simply no words ..." - Jack said mentally with a small smile, overflowing with motivation and joy.

- "Of course, even with this modifier, your body will not develop on its own without your efforts ..."

Although Jack understood that he had already received a lot, he still naively asked - "Why?"

Gunther grinned. "Because even building up your ass, you made the necessary efforts, that is, you ate a lot and avoided physical activity. I was consuming more calories than I was using. "

Jack sighed - "But eating tasty and sweet things is much easier than pulling iron and your fat ass ..."

Gunther shrugged. "The world is cruel and unfair."

- "Right." - the guy nodded, charged with motivation

"And yet you have no obstacles like other people. It can be compared to swimming in a river. Ordinary people swim against the current, and various stones and sharp peaks await them under the water. You go with the flow, and under the water, you have only clay and warm sand. "

Jack chuckled and then winced in pain. "Okay, enough of your lyrics here. I got it. I'm starting to train ... Now it will hurt, but after it, it should feel better. "

After a while, Jack finished training, although he was ready to drop this business a couple of times and put it off until later, O'Dim's teasing made him go to the end.

Jack then went to the shower but changed into dirty clothes. He had no other now. And finding clothes on his carcass has always been a problem, here in Ruanapur it will be even more difficult to do.

It was morning now. Jack had some savings from Phil that should have been enough to buy decent clothes.

Before leaving in search of the right store, Jack looked around the brothel and solved some small matters. Accepted a batch of alcohol and food, and then paid for it all.

Also, to his surprise, there were no candidates for the janitorial job.

"Probably needs more time. Not even a full day has passed since the poster was put up. "

After warning Lola of his ex-communication, Jack left the brothel.

- Ha ~ ha... Fresh air. - he said with a smile, breathing in the morning cool sea air

Nearby, in the same place, was Hiro, feeding the pigeons.

Jack froze and looked at the guy for a few seconds - "Well, I need a guide who will take me to the right shops ..."