
The twin blades

On the last chapter Arcid met his twin brother while going to a kingdom.

Arcid "brother is that you!",and then the guy who looked like Arcid's twin brother replied back with "so you also got into this game Arcid",he said with a sad and a worried tone and the tone made Arcid confuse and curious and also worried and then Arcid replied "what is wrong brother",and his brother replied "you really joined a game which is worse than death",this reply made Arcid shock and worried and later Relia asked "what you two are speaking and Arcid did you say that the new famous guy is your brother?",and they both remembered about Relia and then said nothing which made Relia curious and also feel suspicious about thesw two because she heard something like death game even though she didn't heard them well because they weren't speaking loud and she thought to herself "are they brothers seems like it but why did they said some game or something?",,and later they all went into the kingdom and then took a place to live and the two brothers booked seperate room for them and Relia and Relia asked them "why you two took separate room from me?",and the two brothers said "it's because your a girl and we are guys", but the real reason is not because of gender its because they want to discuss about this world and the death game and players and then Relia asks "Arcid is the famous adventurerer Sarhin is really your brother?",and Arcid replied "yes ofcourse Sarhin is my twin brother",and Relia got shocked and asked "really!?",and Arcid replied "really really",and later Arcid and Sarhin the two twin brothers went to their room and Arcid starts the chat by asking Sarhin "brother what do you mean by death game worse than death?",and Sarhin replied "we are in a another world as players and of we die we can't reincarnate or go to heaven or hell like normal we will just be wiped from existence" and Arcid questions"you said this is death game right and how it works", and Sarhin replied to Arcid "only one player can win this game or a duo",and Arcid understands that only one player in this game can survive make out alive or a duo and Arcid remembers something and asked "brother do you got same system like me?

",Sarhin replied "each player has different systems brother",this statement made Arcid wonder each player's has different system but do they evolve like what the player wants because while Relia got injured Arcid needed healing stuffs and his system gave him it as rewards.

Later Arcid and Sarhin went outside because they usually don't sleep that much and get bored so they decided to train and take this as a video game because they are professional gamers in their old world and they are into fighting games and they always dreamt to get a system and now they have it but it's useless if they don't use it so they decided to do missions from the system as training.

On Relia's room.

While Relia was sleeping she heard a loud noise coming out,she decided to check it so she went outside and she saw Sarhin and Arcid fighting and and Relia got confused why they are fighting so she decided to stop it.Relia went in the middle of the fight and used a ice magic and froze them both and asked them why they are fighting and then they both relplied

"we are not fighting we are just training",

And Relia yelled and scold them because they broke alot of things while fighting and they are in Relia's house.

Later they stopped it and calmed down and there was a silent but Sarhin decided to break it by saying "hey how about we go and do missions to earn money and also get stronger",and Arcid replied

"yeah let's do it and lets leave Relia for now",

and Relia was not happy that they are going without her and leaving her for no reason and she also got suspicious of them because she heard what they were talking for a bit but not clearly,so Relia said

"I am coming too",but the brothers refused and ran from Relia and escaping her because they know she doesn't know about systems and their secrets.

Later the brothers went to a forest where dangerous monsters lurk because finding monsters to complete the missions would be easy in there so they went there but they didnt know at that time that,it was their biggest mistake.