
The true face volume 1 chapter 3

In the last chapter while Arcid is traveling with the merchant his system notified him about a new mission to kill a player if he didn't the penalty will be his death and Arcid knows he can't ignore it so Arcid.

Arcid said to Relia that he sense a enemy nearby and Relia said you may be imagining things but Arcid only knows about system and he don't want to reveal it cause the mission said to kill a player which means the players had to fight to death till the last one survived so Arcid decided to stay quiet and wait for the opponent player to do the first move.

After 2 hours Arcid Relia and the merchant decided to rest in a place so they found a place under a tree to rest but suddenly they heard the bushes moving and suddenly a fire ball attack came towards Arcid good thing Relia is strong enough to protect him from getting the hit and they knew its not good because the fire ball is a decently strong enough to give us alot of trouble if it directly hit us we would've been dead and Arcid said to himself that "it must've been the player that the system warned about and the player is pretty smart because he isn't targetting us he is targetting trees to create a fire and distract us and also giving us a huge disadvantage in fight",and then Arcid realised the merchant and Relia don't know about the opponents tactics and also about players so it might be a tough fight because Arcid isn't the only one to have these powers.Arcid decided to prepare for the fight and Arcid draws his sword for a fight even though it's extremely small and weak he can't run away because of penalty and his friend and also he had to protect the merchant and suddenly a mysterious dark figure starts to come out of the bush and it doesn't seem like a human because it has 4 arms and a tail and a mouth which splits four which looks scary and intimidating and it scared Relia and the merchant because it isn't a low rank monster and monst likely it's a unknown being and Arcid used his appraisal and saw its stats which suprised Arcid because it says


Race: unknown


Status:player and a predator

Abilities:blocked for the other users to see

Base damage per hit :150


This made Arcid extremely shocked because the creepy and scary looking creature is actually a player and the player is extremely strong and Arcids health is just 150 and the creatures normal attacks which doesn't even have cooldown is enough to one shot Arcid and Arcid knew it would be a hard time or the last time and so Arcid used a fire ball to distract the creature and used flame sword of death and dealt a direct hit on the creature's eye which made it angry and uses it tail to hit Arcid but luckily he used high voltage on its face while jumping away from it and it made the creature get knocked back and hit a tree and the creature revealed it's full size and it's atleast 8m tall and the creature suddenly uses a fire breath at the merchant's carage and the carage has healing potions and also food and medicines but still luckily the merchant escaped it and then suddenly the creature looked towards Relia and shoots a heat wave beam and Relia got hit by it and wounded badly which made Arcid pissed and get angry towards the creature so he uses his flaming sword of death skill and jumped on the creatures face and the creature decided to hit Arcid with its tail to prevent the damage but Arcid cut it and got on top of the creature's head and stabbed his flaming sword on the creature's eye for 10 times in 5 seconds means he stabbed to times under a second on the creature's eye and leaving it in pain and made it blind and the creature doesn't like it and got mad so it used it's arm to pick and squish Arcid but luckily the merchant distracted it by hitting it with a stone from far away and suddenly my system popped up and notified that Arcid unlocked a new mysterious skill and requests Arcid to use it to finish off the player who looks like a scary and a creepy abomination creature and Arcid agreed to it suddenly his sword starts to glow red and some red electric stuff started to surround him and he used it to stand the creature's head again but it created a huge red lighting and destroyed the creature's body and Arcid is finally relieved because he managed to kill the it but then he remembers about Relia is injured so he rushed towards Relia and she is in a critical state to death and the system notified they have to give a high healing potion to Relia or use a high healing magic to heal her and Arcid knew the have nothing to help her but suddenly the system popped up a message,

"Would you like to gain your mission rewards"

And then Arcid decided to get it quickly because if he got healing magic then he can save his friend Relia and he claimed the reward and it said healing magic level 3 and extra bonus reward high healing potion and Arcid took it quickly and used it to heal Relia and Relia is now alright and healthy but still she needs rest because she got tired because the creature's attack made Relia to use all of her powers to block its attack in order to prevent less damage,and then Arcid said "don't scare me again Relia", and then Relia smiled and replied "don't worry I won't scare you again" and then they saw their carage and it was burnt so they have to stay here for a bit to create another carage or they have to walk and they decided to back to the city and Arcid said "I hate these monsters but atleast we can report to guild to get more money" and Relia nodded and said "yeah we can do it or even sell the monster for money and its attack seems like it's a F4 rank monster so it will cause a huge issue in kingdom because F4 monsters like this in the safest path to travel well I hope you can get it",and Arcid nodded and said "yeah even though F4 rank isn't that high the highest adventurer in our city is just E3 so if monsters from other places came here to attack then it will cause extreme amount of problems", and then later they decided to walk to get to their city and while walking for a while the merchant got tired because he is used to travel only in carages not by walking and they have to walk 5km more to reach their city for safety but they can't take rest of the merchant is simply tired because there may be extremely strong monsters or even other players who will hunt them even though only Arcid know about players Relia and the merchant is aware of the monsters because seeing a monster which rank is atleast F4 isn't normal.

Later they almost arrived to the city gate but then Arcid remembers Relia tanked a powerful attack from that player and Arcid can't even handle a single hit from the player and then he wonders how much health do Relia have and how strong is she so to find out Arcid used his appraisal and then the system popped up and displayed.





Base damage per hit:25

Health regeneration:normal regernation(can't regenerate fast like the players or monsters fatal injuries can be only healed by potions or by healing magic).


Stamina regernation:0.5 stamina per second.


Mp regeneration:5 per second.

Abilities:fire magic,ice magic,water magic.

Attack powers:

•blaze blitz level 2


Adds burns effect deals 2 damage per second for 5 seconds.

Total damage with effects:60

Cooldown:8 seconds.


•water creation level 2

Uses to create water in emergency or to drown others.

Limited in use per day.


•absolute zero level 1.


Freezes the enemy for 5-20 seconds

Cooldown:2 minutes


This power of Relia made Arcid shock and made his jaw drop because Relia can easily defeat Arcid but she doesn't know to use her abilities properly but Arcid thinks atleast he can level up to get stronger even more and I can get more abilities and powers easily than others and he got snapped to reality by Relia and she said "what are you thinking you didn't even realised we arrived to the gate of our city" and Arcid replied back "I was thinking about how strong you are and you managed to tank a extremely powerful attack which will easily kill me if I got hit by"

And Relia replied "oh maybe it is because I'm higher rank than you don't forget" and then suddenly a guy came and cutted their conversation and Arcid looked shock at him because he know him from his previous world infact it is his twin brother in his past world.

End of chapter 3.

If you guys liked it please review about this story even if you guys disliked it give bad reviews but make sure to review about this so I can improve and give better things because I know the things I wrote isn't really that funny or interesting but if you guys give reviews then I can read it and improve these stuffs :).

LKNtherandomcreators' thoughts