

"Don't you rascal! ". Hassan held the parrot as he slowly take it down like he wasn't going to harm it but raised his hand holding the parrot up so fast making Connie heart to skip a bit.

" Rascal?" He asked with a corny smile on his face as he walked to the window. He carefully push it open letting the cold air fill his nose. The smile disappeared as a dangerous expression replaced it. He was enjoying how the pet in his hand was reacting to the cold.

Connie looked at Hassan like she was not seeing clearly. ' He isn't planing to throw the pet is he? ' she thought. " Hass..." Hassan drew the pet to the window. The window which is very high from the ground as Connie little apartment is on the eight floor. She couldn't imagine Hassan will even think about doing such but seeing the expression and the how he held Rose she understood better. " Please ." She begged almost crying. After all The parrot rose was all she got left. Connie live in the small apartment alone and her only comforter was the beautiful bird which her aunt had given her as a gift. And the bond between her and her pet has grown so much she can't loss her. But Hassan wasn't ready to let go he kept tormenting the poor rose. "Please...!"

" Just say, yes please." Hassan said as he turned to meet the pleading Connie. His heart soften to see how miserable she has become all for a common bird. It was his first time to see any one cherish a bird like she did. He thought of its so hard for her to accept his proposal. He was not going to hurt her. He already promised to give her any thing if she ever asked. But she refused to date him. Hassan watched as she stared at him pleadingly to let her and her pet go in peace. He wondered if he ever did something to harm her or why she just hate to see him.

Her beautiful grey eyes were fixed on the bird and not him which made him sad. The breeze kept raising her red hairs and he swallowed hard as her hair fell back on her bronze skin. 'Beautiful.' He whispered to his own hearing.

" Scumbag.! Rascal! Hassan is a scummy." Hassan almost threw the parrot outside as it jotted him back to reality. He was filled with anger after hearing the parrot spat hurtful words at him. Did Connie really teach her parrot bad words or was it for him alone , to get even with him. He thought but shook his head and hissed as he got an answer for his own question. It wasn't the first time the bird was insulting him nor was it the last time. It seems Connie hate him for no reason. The only words she taught the parrot were curses. But he couldn't take it anymore . If he can't hurt the girl then he had to hurt the parrot to punish her.