
End of Elven Era

Meanwhile, on the southern part of the land lies the old graveyard. It is where all the damned and dishonored are buried. Estes and Miya brings their defeated here to bury them with those who are unworthy of the land. This is the place of pure sinister. No one dared to stay near the place as it has nothing more than fear and anger.

The soil in this lands is bleeding with anger of all the defeated corpses that was slain by the elves. No life stand on any of the land. It is a plain barren field with dark cracked soil smoking with breath of those slain here. Some says, anyone who stand on the soil hears the scream of the angered souls buried beneath. Not even the elves without the Blessing of the Moon dared to go to that graveyard.

As foreseen by the powerful Cyclops, the planetary alignment called the lunar eclipse came. It darkens the moon which weakens the power of the elves. The elven clan usually hide under the mountains during these times but with Estes and Miya all confident that they shall fear no one, this time they made an exception and hid no more. They treated the lunar eclipse as an ordinary planetary interaction that poses no threat to them.

Unknown to them, the darkening of the moon gave birth to a different kind of magic. A magic that was long been created by a being far worse than they have seen. On the peak of the eclipse, Vexana rose from her grave and harnessed the power of the darkness drawn by the eclipse. She gathered back all her powers and regained control over the souls of the vengeful dead. With her reborn power, she managed to muster her strength and perform the darkest of her acts, Necromancy.

She raised thousands of dead armies slain by the elves. She shared her unlimited strength to them and gave them a blood thursting hunger for war and revenge. And Lastly, she raised her greatest warrior. With the flick of her hand, Leomord and Moskov rose from their grave and stood beside Vexana. They vowed to serve her for all damnation as price for their return.

She commnded the making of new generation of orcs, more vicious and merciless than those of killed by the Elves. Their number grew larger and larger until they have conquered the grave land. Vexana planned not to build her own kingdom on one point as she aims to conquer the whole Land of the Dawn and she knew exactly how to start.

At night time, during a cresent moon, Leomord and his army marched to the Elven clan and lay wasted on it. Miya was caught defending the last stand for the king but they are seriously outnumbered by the orcs and the undead. Miya did what she can to protect the elven clan but how could she. Even her most fiercest archers can't withstand the beastly arrival of thousand orcs. Soon enough, Miya and her troops were surrounded by almost unbeaten number of orcs.

Estes however after trying to heal most of his troops ran back to his fortess aiming to pray to the Moon for strength it was once imbued upon him. But when he arrived, he was suprised to find Vexana sitting on the pedestal seat of the Moon God.

"Oh Estes you are so predictable" Vexana wears a crooked smile and a disturbingly scary aura. Estes felt goose bumps in her presence as if the whole fortress was filled with darkness.

"Get your filthy hands of the Moon shrine. You have no power here Vexana"

"Au Contraire Estes, You have no power here. Cyclops has confirmed today's crescent will do no good to you elves. And He was right, your vulnerability is laughable and your army crumbles like paper. You have been too dependent on the power of the moon that you failed to remember your true nature. And that is where you will fall"

Vexana raised the souls of the slain elven guards and had them fought their previous king. Before Estes could find it, He was surrounded by twenty dead elven souls ready to attack at Vexana's command.

He fought tirelessly but he was still outpowered. In his last surge of strength, Vexana summoned the Nether Snare and brought Estes to his knees. There she casted a damning cursed oath to Estes and gained control over him.

Seeing her good friend become a puppet of Vexana, Miya and her troops were forced to flee from the Elven fortress and wander the jungle. They strived to survive the attack and avoid orcs of Vexana but they really were everywhere.

Vexana siezed every clan that comes along their way. She built a reputation that was feared by every living organism in Land of the Dawn. She used Leomord and Moskov to build fortresses on each point of the Land.

They drived every living forces of the elves out and left nothing but dead bodies. Soon, Vexana learned to harness the power of the moon through the help of the Darkness that lies beneath the depths of the Land. She was able to crush anything with her hands and raise an army of dead with just her words.

She scoured the caves of the mountains and disturbed the long silent grave of the Vampire Queen. Alice was the last race of demon, Miya and the elven troops has vanquished during the Elven Era. They tricked Alice to sleep by having her drink an elven blood blessed by the Moon God. Since then, Alice fell to the deepest sleep and was thrown to the depth of the cave. After that, Miya slain her orcs and crushed every vampire in the lands. Until Vexana used her own blood to wake the Vampire Queen again and use her to win the war.

As her blood touch Alice's lips, dark magic defiled her and wake every dead cell of her body. Alice's head grew horns and her back grew bat wings. She felt the power of darkness mold her fangs as they grow back from long being buried in her jaw. Alice's skin is no longer pale and bloodless, it became brittle and dark as if it was still lifeless and rotten.

"You are still weak my child. Come I shall feed you" said Vexana as she guided Alice to climb out of her casket and onto her feet again.

"Who dare wake me from my long suffering" she said with her fainting voice. Her sight hasn't returned yet as she only see darkness and nothingness.

"I am the embodiment of all Darkness and Evil. I shall be called your Queen" replied Vexana.

Not only does she raise Alice. Along with her, the raise of demon orcs who were cursed to be enslaved by Alice for all eternity has risen. From the drops of Alice's blood, the land broke open and the orcs crawled up. Their mighties leader is the most vicious among them. He was known to cleanse his blade with blood of his slaughters. He bathe on their corpses and drinks the life out of them. He is Balmond. But he too was once slain by Miya and her troops.

"You have raised me from my death. I offer you my service, my Queen" Balmond went down to his knees and praised Vexana. His army followed him and hailed their new Queen.

"Balmond my new warrior, Come! I have a task for you."

"Gather your army and search every stronghold in all corners of the Land. I shall have all kingdoms fallen under my grasp before I be proclaimed Queen"

Balmond grouped his army and marched towards the outskirts of the Land. They screened every corner and discovered all races that lives under the glory of the Land of the Dawn. They mapped the land and pinpointed the strongholds but careful enough not to be caught as Vexana wants to come unannounced.

Balmond sieged the little communities and took some as captives. One of these is a bizzare feline boy who is noted for his fast moves and suppressing magical abilities. He attempted to defend the forest but was still overpowered by Balmond. Harith was held captive but in exchange for his freedom, he pionted a friend who allegedly knows the stronghold and its secret passages on the Far West of the Land.

One day, Harith was ordered to summon his friend. Though hesitant to obey as he knows that Balmond had set him as a bait, Harith's desperation for freedom grew stronger. He used his power to call upon Nana and so minutes later, she appeared.

Balmond captured Nana and broke her Boomerang. She was chained and was tortured to speak of the Kingdom on the Far West until she was brought to Vexana where she was cursed to spit out all her knowledge about the Baroque Kingdom in the West.

Nana spilled out the secret passages of the kingdom where she and her friend Guinevere usually meets. She also spilled out the story of how Guinevere was found lurking on the skirts of their kingdom and how was she adopted by their king. Nana even told Vexana about the wonder prince in their Kingdom who is the best swordsman and the most perfect lad their is in the Land.

Vexana's curiousity about the kingdom flared up. She thinks she could use the prince' charm and talent to persuade the strongholds left to surrender under her. Though confident that she will be successful over the Western Kingdom, Vexana fslt a little hestitation to sieze it. There's something about this Guinevere that makes her instincts bubble. But Vexana is a wise queen, She knows that Nana will soon warn Guinevere of the dangers that they will bring. She knows that the Kingdom will prepare for her so should she.