
Beyond the walls

Land of Dawn is a magical land where all magical and skillful creatures dwell. But there is only one thing this land fails to siege, every single one who lives in this place wants to conquer it and claim it as its own.

Creatures from different parts of the world travel to the Land of the Dawn to exhibit their might and skills so to claim the land and reign as god among men.

This land was once claimed by the elven clan. With their powerful King Estes, the elves succeeded in driving out the monster and creeps lurking on the farthest jungles of the land. They called this "The Elven Era". Estes marched to the Land of the Dawn together with his best warrior Miya, to find the worthy king who shall permanently end the age of orcs on the land.

Thousands of years has passed that the elves took care as guardian of land the Land of the Dawn. Still unsuccessful to find a worth King for the Land, Estes and Miya spent the rest of their lives pinning down any unworthy claimant of the Land.

On the far west of the Land rises the Baroque Family. There they built their Castle and fenced the western boarders as their kingdom.

Under the nose of the Elven king, the Baroque Family lived as true kingdom in the land. They gathered their people and created their own land where no one under the strict rule of the King should go beyond.

The Prince of the Castle was mostly notable by all. Adored and glorified for his skillful swordsmanship and outstanding performance in fencing. Lancelot was deemed the perfect guy all over the kingdom. No woman denies adoration over him. His own mother even amuzes over the lovely creature that is her son.

"You shall be the most beautiful lad, this land has ever known"

Lancelot's mother would always tell him. Right when he was young, Lancelot would always be reminded of this before he sleeps.

One day, The king, after days of tiresome struggle to the unsaturated parts of the fenced kingdom, brought home a lonely girl who, according to her wanders the boarders for days without food or drink. She claims to be a daughter of a pheasant who died without riches and left her nothing but a purple pendant that she wears since then.

"Who allows dirt on my palace?" says Lancelot's mother the moment the girl steps on the doors of the castle.

"She's a pheasant and I intent to claim her as foundling" replied the king. He ordered his men to bathe her and clothe her with the gleamest woven dress they could provide. As chosen by her, She wore a purple corset that matches her purple pendant. The king named her Guinevere.

Since her arrival, the kingdom acquired a lady who possesses no interest over Lancelot. Instead, Guinevere sees him as an annoying brother who is fond of himself and celebrates the cheer of the crowd. Guinevere would always mock Lancelot and stain his pants with hamster blood to humour him but he always finds a way to convert it into boast.

One day, while preparing for a fencing exhibition, Guinevere sneaked into Lancelot's room intending to pull another prank. She gently pulled out Lancelot's sword wanting to replace it with jester's sword when Lancelot arrived.

"What do you think you are doing?" Says Lancelot while drying his body with a piece of cloth and wears nothing.

Guinevere quickly turned to see Lancelot only to find out his brother fresh from bath with nothing for clothes. Guinevere felt shocked seeing Lancelot's toned body and tight abdomen. She held loose the sword and it immediately fell on the ground.

"Uhm I was trying to see if you have properly cleaned and sharpened your sword. Clothe yourself Lancelot. Your image makes me want to puke"

She immediately left the room and went straight outside the castle to catch some air.

Frustrated with so much annoyance for her brother, Guinevere felt too confused with how she reacted back at Lancelot's room. She knows inside her that no feel of admiration is there for him but how come she feels startled with how he appeared. Clenching her pendant, she felt the surge of power from it. She felt the power crawl her palms to her veins. Suddenly she was reminded of the true heirship she had with her pheasant of a parent.

Unknown to the King, Guinevere is not truly a plain human. She is an offspring of a human mother and a powerful mage who died on the hands of the Darkness Queen. Before his death, he imbued Guinevere with all his power and made the pendant to serve as a channel for her power.

Guinevere went to the chamber of the king as she came up with a sinister plan to get rid of Lancelot.

"Fantastic day is it Father?" said Guinevere as she approached her good for nothing king of a father.

"Is it? my Daughter. Your brother truly marks this day a special one. He really is one of a kind. Is he?"

"Oh yes he is. But don't you think we have more pressing issues to attend to that fencing?"

"What do you mean my child?"

"A war has been waged outside the walls father. An unforeseeable danger has come upon the kingdoms of the Land of the Dawn. A queen known to be the Necromancer has come from the dead to raise an army and claim the Land of the Dawn and she is winning."

"From where have you heard of this Guinevere?!"

"Oh Father I have not come beyond the walls. Before you found me, I had befriended some creatures outside. My Felina friend told me everything about the dangers of this war. We are far from it but soon, Vexana will reach our land and lay waste on it. Nana told me Vexana raised a vengeful knight to be her watchdog and killer. He comes to the name Leomord."

"Then let her come here. We are prepared for what's to come."

"Hah, why wait if we ourselves can stop her. Arrange an assault to cut her attack father. shock her at het most vulnerability. Why don't you send your most glorious knight to pin this woman down?"

"Lancelot is not going anywhere. So is my elite army. That is my rule. Today is your brother's birthday exhibition and that is all that's happening today."

Guinevere can't help it but feel outraged with her father. How could he rather sit and watch his son boast on his fancy sword than fight for the land he claims to be his. But moreover, she felt desperate to press harder to send an army to kill Vexana. She knows that with her power alone, she will fail to the hands of Vexana but how could she have this moment pass. She must do something more than just convince his father to send an army outside. She must avenge the dead of his true father at all cost, even if it would cost her, her most hated brother.