
Flame wolf

As he turned to look behind him he saw a familiar face .

"Mark! What are you doing here."

Ezekiel looked behind as he smiled and looked at the man who was standing behind him the man had curly blond hair and blue eyes as he was looking towards Ezekiel .

" Long time no see man what you have been up to ."

Mark and Ezekiel both attended the same school together as they were quite close to each other .

" I just got recently awakned and was cashing some crystals."

Mark smiled as he was quite happy to hear that his friend was now an awakned . Ezekiel then said

" And what are you doing don't tell me you also got awakned ."

Mark's expression changed as he smiled .

" Nah ! I just came here to meet my uncle who is the director of this company regarding some personal matter."

Ezekiel nooded.

" Oh is that so."

After a while the receptionist came .she told Ezekiel that a the money had been transferred to his account and he could take a look .

"Thank you ."

Ezekiel looked happy as he asked Mark to join him on a lunch .as Mark replied .

" Sorry but I have to get something to discuss with my uncle . Why don't we meet next weekend ."

To which Ezekiel replied

"Sure man let's meet next weekend ."

After this conversation they both went their own ways.


Ezekiel was drinking some coffee in a cafè. As he looked towards his phone and smiled he saw $500 deposited into his account.

With just 15 Rank F crystals .these cystals were purchased by many awakened and rich people alike as it helped them make strong bodyguard that could protect them from any dungeon break .

As he started thinking about raiding another dungeon he took a look at the website. Where he saw a Rank F dungeon around a construction site .

Ezekiel travelled to the dungeon site . he saw a bunch of people standing as they waited for the him as a team of 10 raided a dungeon .

After strategising for how they will overcome the dungeon monster and it's field. The team consisted of four melee warriors three mages two tanks and a healer .

As the leader whose name was Bryan had golden told everyone to always be alert and staying in the formation to decrease the death toll inside the dungeon .

Soon after few minutes the party entered the portal . They entered a cave with torches on both sides . Soon the group leader shouted as he said.

" Keep your guard up . And move in formation A ."

They all took the formation as melee warriors were infront and mages took the rear as Ezekiel was behind the melee warriors.

Soon they came across a group of fire wolfs that had crimson fur , red eye with sharp claws . These monsters were quite ferocious in nature .

Bryan shouted

" Everyone get in spear formation and protect the healer."

A formation in which the melee awakned moved to the front line as they were backed by mages and tankers which tanked all the attacks. Looking from a distance the formation seemed like an "spear head" .

A fire wolf launched itself towards the tank that had blue hair as he moved to block any attack that the fire wolf launched .

" Heeeuk ! "

A melee awakned moved as soon the attack was tanked he went in for the kill as he was able to swiftly kill the fire wolf with couple of sword swings .

Ezekiel watched all this as he looked and found how these awakned dealt with monsters . As he himself moved as a melee warrior because of the skill he received from clearing a dungeon .

The skill [ Ice blade ] came in handy as he didn't had to show his necromancy skill .the team attacked the fire wolfs as the mages casted fireballs and lightning the healer buffed the tanks and the melee awakned.

Ezekiel moved as he was able to easily cut through theses wolfs because of his skill as he moved with his Ice blade.he killed a few wolfs as he now had more confident in his abilities.

After all the monsters were killed the team leader came as he corrected a few mistakes made by the awakned as it would help them in increasing their chances of survival .

"Okay everyone let's more with caution from now on. the monster will start increase."

As the team leader said. the team started to move . One guy who had black hair and tanned skin looked towards Ezekiel with ademiring look as he was quite motivated to see someone kill monsters with such ease.

The team moved with atmost care . Soon Ryan who had his one ear on the dungeon wall he was the mage of the team that also had a detection skill .

As he informed the team leader

" There are twenty fire wolfs heading in our direction."

As the team leader nooded as he gave a command.

" Every one take your positions ."

Soon a few fire wolfs were seen from a distance as the number kept on increasing until a total of twenty were there . Ezekiel looked towards the fire wolfs as he was prepared to fight .

Soon many fire wolfs started to run in his direction his heart beating exitedly as he moved his hand and conjured his Ice blade . He used slightly more mana to increase the sharpness of the blade.

As he swung his sword forward he was able to land a hit on one fire wolf as he then moved towards left to dodge the other two.

" Damn theses wolfs are quite fast."

On the other direction the tanned skin awakened whose name was lance moved with an axe in his hand as he moved and chopped limbs off the fire wolfs .

" QUACK !!"

The Earth shoke with such a mighty blow as the other wolfs moved back as they were actually were unwilling to fight him .

Lance smiled confidently as he moved forward to attack them .

The team leader who was looking towards the battle as he looked for anyone making any mistakes as soon he corrected them .

The team moved with proper harmony as the monsters were wiped with ease very few of the awakned were injured as the healer moved to heal them .

Ezekiel thought to himself.

" these people are quite skilled awakned .I thought I was strong."

As he also thought about how the team leader Bryan organized and managed the team with such accuracy.

Soon after clearing few more fire wolfs they finally reached the boss room which had a huge door that was 5 metres long with many marking made as soon the team leader got near the the door started to shake and move .

the door opened as the room lit up with blue light as they saw a huge fire wolf with red flames . The fire raged around the wolf as he opened his eyes that were crimson red .

Ezekiel looked towards the beast slightly scared as he regained his composure after few seconds as he looked forward to look at the 4 metre tall wolf with a menacing face .

After the team entered the boss room the door qaked again as it closed .

" Every make a pincer formation so the boss

can not utilise his movement skill to the fullest ."

As the awakned moved they took there spot as they were ready to battle .

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