

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

I'm not Saving Anyone

Chapter 69 I'm not Saving Anyone


Amdarais' and Vaeral's voices made me open my eyes.

All those darkness was gone, replaced by those Magician folks who looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright, Rezvan?"

Vaeral keep asked me, waiting for my reply.

"Yeah… don't worries."

I answered it calmly.

Amdarais stare at me intensely without words.

He focuses on my grasp toward Yinleth's Iron Spear.

"My Daredevil, that was a relatively long time since you had gone into the meditation phase under those Yinleth's Iron Spear. There must be something you had done on that."

Amdarais guessing.

"Just a little visit. How long is it?"

I asked Amdarais back.

"About half a day. So, what the Yinleth's Miracle say about the Ice Seal? Because I can see the Red Dragon Eyes on your eyes appears faintly…."

"Yeah, it's a little complicated to tell. But the Ice Seal is no longer fully blocked by my Fire Magic Spell."


"What's the matter?"


Amdarais suddenly hug me roughly.

"Hey, it's hurt, man."

I said it in an annoyed tone.

But Amdarais replied with a chuckle.

Like always, he drowns in his pride over himself even though I have done all that.

"Is it true, Rezvan? Have you gained the blessing from the Yinleth's Miracle?"

Vaeral asked me with an amazed look on his face.


I answered shortly.

"Then, waiting time is over now! We should go back home to improve our magic spells with the Miracles, right?! It is far more than enough!"

Amdarais pointing the Magical Gate near us while holding my shoulder.

"Can we focus on Raenisa? She's the main objective of our mission! We only need a few steps to save her! "

Vaeral hurriedly shows his opinion before returning to the Amdarais' Clock Tower.

"Oh Lord… not this shit again, Vaeral."

Amdarais look stressful because Vaeral is stubborn.

"We had enough rest, Amdarais! With this condition, it's far more than enough for me! We could start to ask Venharice's Miracles and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up, Vaeral. Look at you, pal! The injury is still severe, and your breath is unstable! It would take a longer time to get you optimal condition for helping Rezvan or something useful as a Magician.

Amdarais quickly intervene in Vaeral's remaining hope for saving Raenisa.

"You, clown skull bastard! Look at me! I can stand up firmly now!"

Vaeral protests while standing up with rage, activating his Soul's Spirit to emerge into Magical Barrier.

He steps the ladder recklessly, reaching the tower's top with confidence.

In seconds he looks at the fogged temple from far away, the cold breeze spewing Ice Dust magic from the fog gushing on his body.

The cold breeze of Ice Dust easily penetrates his magical Barrier, making his body, knee, and shoulder shiver to almost death.

Before he went stumbled because of the cold, I immediately pulled him back into the tunnel.

"Gghhh… Hhhhh…."

Vaeral shivered while hugging his body.

If I failed to pull him in at the last minute, he would be frozen instantly.

"Just look how idiotic you are, pal. Be grateful for Rezvan saving you first. What a dumbass."

Amdarais seems perplexed over Vaeral's condition.

While Amdarais is reasonable at this point, I can understand Vaeral attempt to save Raenisa.

He forces himself to do that because that's the only way to save his wife from the Forbidden Ice Magic spell.

"Come on, Rezvan. Let's go home now. We could make his Regeneration Magic works more effectively if we let him rest on my Clock Tower."

Amdarais invite me to the Magical Gate near us.

However, I still stand in silence.

"What's the matter?"

Amdarais asked me with confused tones.

"Give me some time. Then, I'll still have things to do."

"What? What are you saying?"

"I want to save Raenisa."

Amdarais took a long pause while staring at me after hearing my last statement.

"Ha ha ha ha. Okay, that's a funny one, Daredevil. Now let's go home before Vaeral gone severely injured."

Amdarais not believing me.

But I still did not move, making Amdarais seem to irk me.

"You're joking, right?"

Amdarais asked in a panicked tone.

"I'm always serious, Amdarais. Dead serious."

I replied confidently.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! What the hell are you thinking, Daredevil?! Don't make things more complicated if you are getting fall from that deadly Ice Dust again like Vaeral! Don't you realize my limitation now?! I-"

"The pride in suffocating people

The arrogance of tearing out the mortals

The greed of the Souls

Let me bravely embrace it, o Great Flame!"

Amdarais suddenly stopped when I cast Fire Magic spell on my body.

The fire merges and spreads all over my body without making my clothes or skin burnt into pieces.

I hold Vaeral tightly to let the fire magic slowly embrace his cold body so the injury would not worsen.

"Y-you can use Fire Magic Spell now?"

Amdarais still look at me in amazement.

After letting Vaeral rest on my fire magic's warmth, I took Yinleth's spear.

Even the Ice Seal is not locking my Red Dragon Eyes entirely; it was damn painful to cast the Fire Magic Spell.

Sometimes, if I'm not focused on maintaining my breath and heartbeat, I feel my body is pulled out of nowhere to fall.

That's why I took a long breath with every step I took to reach Hexta Temple.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait! I said wait!"

Amdarais hurriedly hinder my way on the stairs.

"That Fire Magic Spell is unstable yet, Rezvan! You're forcing yourself! It could be massive damage if you lose concentration on stabilizing the Fire Magic Spell while you're facing the Ice Dust!"

Amdarais's explanation is rational, which I already considered when I cast this Fire Spell.

However, that does not make me falter over my decision.

"I know that. I can handle it."

I replied to it shortly.

"What?! It's too damn risky! It's a life and death situation, Rezvan!"

"Aren't we always doing that? I know the risk well. If I could cast the Fire Pillar Great Magic Spell with the Yinleth's Miracle, I could easily destroy the temple. Just as simple as that."

"I understand the Fire Pillar Great Magic Spell is well chosen for penetrating the fog of Ice Dust and the Magical Barrier that was already created by the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell. But the risk is too high for you, Rezvan! One mistake, then the death would be coming instantly!"

"I said it earlier. I know damn well about the risk. We should do this for fighting Soliana later, anyway. Now move and let me in, Joker."

"This is insane! What the hell are you doing?! Don't waste your life over this stupid Dark Elf Nobles Families commotion! They even don't care about you at all, Rezvan! Let Vaeral fix things on his own since that's his responsibility from the beginning!"

I paused for a while.

I agree that I feel endless and life-threatening regarding this Dark Elf Nobles Famillies commotion.

Do I want Venharice, Krismenar, or Yinleth's approval for solving their commotion?

Not really.

I even barely know them since I had to face the Ice Queen.

However, I need to sulk on this endless commotion to gain an Ice Magic Spell.

Ultimately, it's about making me a stronger magician than before.

"I never said I do this because I want to save them or anything, Amdarais."

I said it bluntly.

"Then, what's the reason, Rezvan?"

Amdarais asked me with a serious tone.

"Aren't you thinking I'm the one who will save your ass later for the sake of your returning as Supreme Magician? Don't be too sure about that. Because I'm the one who will be the Supreme Magician that is better than you."

I walk past Amdarais's body which becomes transparent for ending my conversation.

At first, I thought Amdarais would yell at me for keeping me inside.

But he went speechless over my last statement.

From his intense staring, I can sense he's curious about my determination on that statement, which I would prove now.

As I reached the top of the tunnel, the fog of ice on the temple welcomed me with its cold breeze of Ice Dust.

My Magical Barrier, enhanced by my Anti-Magic Ring and the fire magic spell on my body, flared up to dampen the Ice Dust effect.

I'll wait a few minutes to test my Magical Barrier endurance for facing the Ice Dust cold breeze.

So far, there's no problem since my Magical Barrier is still firm.

The only problem is maintaining my focus amidst the pain in the left side of my head since the Ice Seal's frostbite thrusting me gradually inside my head.

If I let my concentration lose in seconds because of that painful frost bit, the Magical Barrier would be crumbled, and everything would collapse.

I'm pointing out the Yinleth's Spear toward the temple and let the spear fill with my fire magic spell.

From this point, I concentrate on my Fire Pillar Great Magic Spell with the blessing of Yinleth's Miracle.

I only need one deadly strike to destroy those forbidden ice nonsense!