
Chapter 7: Welcome To The Bloody Party

Eliza and I went running back into the Compound and I said, "Michael's body is gone, along with the coffin! Someone took him!" Oliver slowly walked over to me and suspiciously said, "Are you sure someone took him? Or did SOMEONE hide him!" I scoffed and replied, "Are you seriously accusing me of hiding my best friends body from his own family." He shrugged his shoulders so I continued, "Okay, I don't know what kind of sick game you think you're playing, but I came here to make one thing clear. Your brother is dead! Now you can either help Eliza and I find his body or you can sit here like the narcissistic bastard you clearly are!" Oliver took a deep, dramatic breath and said, "You dare stand against me! Such a child!" I rolled my eyes and replied, "You know what, I am a child. And you're the one who fed from me and turned me...A CHILD! Please, do tell me how you go about living with yourself after knowing you did those horrible things to so many people, me included!" His face was shocked, as if he had no idea what I was talking about! I laughed and continued, "Oh! So you mean to tell me that you had no idea I was a 17 year old girl when YOU KILLED ME!" Oliver seemed mad as he said, "Watch it!" "Or what? Are you gonna kill me...again? Go for it! I'm sure Michael would love to see his best friend again, and I'm sure he'd be thrilled to find out his own brother killed me!" I stepped closer and said in a quieter voice, "Or is there still some sort of hope that he can come back. And then he'd hate you for all of eternity!" Oliver took a step back and turned around so I said, "Yeah, that's what I thought!" Oliver rushed over to me and choked me against the wall. I could feel the air eliminating itself from my airway. Eliza was screaming in the background at Oliver to stop. He turned around to scream back and I got the jump on him. I twisted his arm back and probably broke it! Then I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the face. He stood up but didn't come back to fight me anymore. I ran over to him and continued hitting him, but he wouldn't hit back. I screamed at him, "FIGHT BACK! FIGHT BACK!" He still didn't, and thats when a voice yelled, "ENOUGH! God, you really have gotten stronger haven't you! What has it been...4 years now?" I stopped in my tracks and saw Michael in the back of the room! How is that even possible? He died! I saw him dead! I said in a low voice, "Michael?" When I saw his breathtaking smile I ran over to him and jumped into his arms in a huge hug! He put me down and laughed as he said, "It's good to see you too! I was watching what happened just now. Nice defense, I taught you well!" I giggled and a few tears drained my eyes. Michael wiped them away and said, "Don't cry, I'm here now so there's no need to be upset." I smiled and replied, "I'm so happy to see you! What, I- How are you alive and here of all places? I thought you were dead for four years!" Michael raised his eyes brows and said, "Wow, it took them that long to get my body! We're gonna have to work on that!" Everyone in the room seemed confused so I asked, "What do you mean? Can you just tell us everything? Stop being so shy about it!" Michael smiled and called us all back to the table. We sat down and he explained everything to us, "So when I left the club that night I went to make a phone call to my witches. I have an entire coven that protects me. I never told any of you because I know how much you all hate witches. I told them I was in danger and at any moment I could be killed, or someone might try to kill me. They said they'd protect me, and they did. I was still technically alive after they staked me, I just had to be pulled out of the state where I was desiccated. I could hear everything that was being said around me, well up until you buried me Harper. Thank you by the way, for the burial place! Anyway, I heard you guys talking about coming here, and so did my witches. They could hear everything I could while I was desiccated so that they could find out where I was to 'wake me up' I suppose. When you all were sitting at the table explaining my death the witches found me and took my coffin into an alley where they wouldn't get caught waking me up. I woke up and when I came here I heard Ollie and Harper screaming at each other. Then you all saw me! So that's basically it, nothing exciting really." We were all left speechless. Then, out of nowhere, Eliza and Zack hugged him and welcomed him back, and shortly after Oliver did too. "Welcome back little brother!" I smiled seeing how happy Michael was. Eliza turned to me and whispered, "You know, I think Oliver might have a crush on you!" I scoffed and replied, "Yeah right!" She smiled and said, "No. I'm serious. Aside from right now since he's talking to Michael, he's been staring at you all night long! I was talking to him while you and Zack were talking with Michael and he said that you're beautiful and strong!" I blushed and didn't say anything back...

A Few Hours Later-

We finished dinner about an hour ago, everyone caught up with Michael, and now we were all hanging out at the table. I went and sat next to Oliver and whispered, "Can I speak to you alone for a moment?" He seemed curious as he answered, "Of course." We both stood up, it caught Zack's attention, but Eliza and Michael we're laughing to hard to notice. Oliver followed me to a hallway, pretty far away from the table. I stopped him and said, "Alright, so the reason I wanted to talk to you was because I needed to ask you something!" He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is it?" I continued, "Eliza pulled me to the side earlier to tell me that you like me. Is that true?" I definitely caught him off guard because he started blushing and looking everywhere but at me. I grabbed his face so he'd be forced to look me in the eyes. I bit my lip and said, "Because if that's true, we'd never be able to be together!" Oliver gave me a devilish smirk and kissed me very passionately. I pulled away and looked at him for a moment. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. After a few moments he picked me up and said, "Do you really want to do this?" I replied, "What could possibly go wrong?" He smirked again and said, "Well you are about to jump in bed with the devil himself!" I took a deep breath and said, "Shut up and kiss me!" He leaned in aggressively and kissed me while walking upstairs to a bedroom I presume to be his. He layed me down and kissed down my neck. He stood up in front of me and took off his shirt. I did the same with my dress. Now, only in my lingerie, Oliver stared at my half naked body for awhile...smiling. Shortly after he pulled me up and stripped of my bra and panties, along with his underwear. I then bit my lip and kissed Oliver once more...