
Chapter 21: The Night Of The Ball

Harper's POV:

After a couple hours of cuddling in bed with Ollie we finally started getting ready for the ball. We lost track of time and we only had half an hour to get ready. I went down to Eliza's room where she said we'd get ready together. "Hey, where have you been? We were supposed to start getting ready twenty minutes ago!" With a guilty look on my face I replied, "I'm sorry Eliza, Ollie and I got carried away watching tv in bed!" Eliza rolled her eyes with a smiled and yanked me down on the seat in front of her vanity. She began curling my hair into tiny ringlets. Once we were done I put on some lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara, I've never been a fan of loads of makeup. Now, Eliza and I only had to put on our dresses and meet our dates downstairs. Eliza met a man a few days ago, he's come around a couple times, but he's human so I keep my distance. I carefully put on my dress and Eliza did the same, we walked down the staircase with our arms linked with one another. Oliver and Anthony (Eliza's date) awaited us at the doorway. We walked over to them and Ollie held out his hand for me. Since Michael's the black sheep of the family he decided to stay home, he's never been one for going out, he likes keeping to himself. Anyway, we entered the limo and headed to the ball...

At The Ball-

Oliver's POV:

We got to the ball and all of us started walking in. We were greeted by some old friends, but the majority of people here were human. After a few hours and several drinks we were all out of it. I was tipsy, Harper was drunk, Eliza and her date went God knows where, and it's already midnight! "Are you tired yet dear?" I asked Harper. She quickly replied, "I might be after one more dance!" I smiled and gave in. I'm not the best dancer, but Harper still makes me. We got on the dance floor and shared a slow dance, once we finished Harper looked at me and said, "I'm not tired by the way, I just wanted to get another dance out of you!" We both laughed. After a few minutes a bartender came to Harper and I with a note, he handed it to us and left. I unfolded it and read out loud, "I'm watching you, don't think you can fool people into thinking you're with that slut standing next to you, we all know the truth Oliver, and I will come for her if you don't end things between the two of you. Remember, I'm always watching! -B"

I looked at Harper with a frightened look as she said, "Who the hell was that?" I thought for a moment and replied, "I don't know, but that bartender might, come on!" Harper followed me out to the terrace where the bartender went. He turned around when he heard us behind him, I was about to ask him a question when suddenly Harper ran up and grabbed him but he collar on his shirt and aggressively demanded, "Who the hell gave you that note?" He smiled and answered, "That I will never tell you!" Harper was getting annoyed as her eyes glowed and she pulled out her fangs and said, "Change of heart yet?" The man shook his head. Harper shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well then you're clearly no use to me..." Without another word she put the man down, I was confused and then she threw him off the terrace! I jumped since I didn't expect that. Harper turned to me and said, "We'll figure out who the 'B' is sooner or later!" I nodded my head as we walked back inside. Harper whispered to me, "Get all the doors secured. I'm gonna find this bitch!" "You sure?" I asked. Harper nodded so I ran off and locked down the entire building. When I came back I asked Harper, "What are you planning on doing now?" She smiled as she replied, "I'm gonna kill everyone here, and whoever comes back is our girl!" Before I got a word out she ran off and quickly snapped everyone's neck in at least 5 minutes. Now we were forced to wait until someone wakes...

Two Hours Later-

Harper's POV:

At this point I thought nobody would wake up, so I thought anyway. At the corner of the room I saw someone starting to wake up, it was a man though. I looked at Oliver, confused, and said, "B is a guy?" Oliver ran up to him and shoved him against the wall and said, "What business do you have threatening me and my girlfriend?" He looked confused so I tapped Ollie on the shoulder and said, "It's not him. B clearly fed him her blood so he'd turn. Clever girl!" Oliver shook his head and said, "He's not the only one B turned...look!" I turned around and noticed everyone I killed was coming back to life! Without leaving my sight from the room full of transitioning vampires I said, "They all have to die, we can't have nearly a hundred people become vampires, especially not in this city. There's to many innocent people that can die!" Oliver sighed and replied, "You're right. But how are we going to kill all of them without anyone leaving?" I thought for a moment and then said, "How about you stand outside and make sure nobody leaves, I'll take care of everyone in here!" As my eyes glowed Ollie got the idea. He ran outside and I began turning into a werewolf! After a few seconds I blacked out, I can only spectate what happened after, but I think it's pretty clear. I slaughtered everyone into shreds. Oliver came in and said, "Wow, that was fast, it only took you a mere 15 minutes!" I smiled back at him and said, "Loan a naked girl a jacket?" He laughed and took his suit jacket off and layed it on my shoulders. We started walking out and I said, "Wait, what about the bodies?" Oliver quickly replied, "Let's go back in, I'll have Michaels witch come here and burn them, it'll be the most believable cover story!" I nodded my head as we headed back inside the mansion. When we got back in Ollie must've heard something because he stopped in his tracks and said, "Someone's here!" I stopped and looked around and replied, "I don't see anyone." Shortly after we heard clapping coming from behind us and a voice say, "I'm impressed! You finally found a girl who could out-anger you!" Oliver and I immediately turned around and I saw a woman with platinum blonde hair that fell down her back. She wore black heels and a leather jacket with a pair of dark jeans and a blue tank top. I looked at Ollie and whispered, "Who the hell is that?" The woman got offended or something and said, "Wow Ollie, you didn't even tell her about me!" Oliver laughed and walked over to the woman and hugged her. It only took a short amount of time for me to piece together what was happening. I quickly whispered to myself, "Bianca..."