
The supernatural academy: The demon and the hybrid

Well who would have thought I would end up in a supernatural academy ? I'm so excited for the new experience. (Note the sarcasm). Why the hell do I have to go to a supernatural academy. I'm currently in my room coming up with various strategies to make my Dad change his mind about me attending the academy but I immediately discard that plan cause knowing the kind of person my father is, there is no way out. "Well it's official my life just made a turn for the worst" I said to myself before sighing again for the hundredth time today. "Yo princess I heard you would be leaving the empire to go to the so famous academy" my best friend Brenna said while giggling after staring at my sulking face. "Don't be mean Brenna, stop making fun of our sulking best friend" my other best friend kaida said while chuckling obviously being sarcastic as always. "If you guys aren't going to help then could you atleast shut up" I snap at them "sorry" they both said in unison realizing I was in a bad mood. "But you know there's nothing we can do" kaida said and I had to agree with her cause she's right. I sighed heavily before saying "supernatural academy here I come". My name's is Aurora and I'm a princess of the fire dragon empire and last child of the Royal family. And I'm also an hybrid. A very powerful one but there is a catch, I can't control my powers. I'm not just a fire dragon but a witch.

isabelle moner · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs


Lucian's Pov

I have been sitting in this class room for over an hour and half or two now and I honestly like the silence and wish the rest of that fucking dumb group I was forced into won't arrive. I actually ditch mate history because what the hell am I going to do there, not like I want a mate or anything like that and I'm pretty sure when I eventually find my mate, I am going to kill her myself cause why not, I haven't even found her yet but she has caused me alot of pains and I'm going to have my revenge, I'm going to make sure she suffers for all she has done, I just can't wait, I'm going to make sure she curse the day she meets me, she is going to regret ever coming in contact with me, she is going to wish she was rather mateless than being my mate. I was always taught that mates are just weaknesses and told the day I find my mate I should kill her and I was always pleased with that idea because I actually had a girl I loved so much and I was ready to die for her or do anything just to please her, she was my first love, My girlfriend, my life, she still is my girlfriend but I'm not so sure if I feel the same way I felt about her anymore, she is no longer the reason why I want to see a brand new day, now I only have one reason to live and that's to have my revenge. I can't break things with her cause even if I refuse to admit it, a part of me is still madly in love with her and she has always been there for me no matter what. After all she is the only girl I have ever loved but the trust isn't there again, I only want one thing now and that is to exact my revenge.

"I really hate this" my two stupid and annoying roommates walked in grumbling, as if being my roommates weren't enough now I have to be in the same group as them. And the worse part is that I even got an angel as a roommate much to my dismay but we don't interact much and I won't have to hurt him as long as he minds his business and stays in his lane.

Shortly after, the witch girl walked in with a frown on her face. If there was one specie I hated apart from dragons then it is witches, they're so cunning and evil. By just mere looking at her I had the urge to burn her to a crisp. Almost immediately four girls walked in and by their smell, I could tell what species they are. The one with red hair was a demon she has tanned skin and a petite figure. There was nothing special about her, she just looks like an average demon. The rest all had blonde hair. One of the blonde with dark brown eyes is a mermaid and she is also very attractive. The other two are dragon shifters, how disgusting I thought to myself. One with gray eyes and the other with brown.

About five minutes later teacher demitrey walked in followed by some more people in the group.

"Where's your sister Damien?" I heard teacher demitrey asked the brown haired vampire.

"Don't know" he mumbled before walking away.

"Here I am" The vampiress said strolling casually into the class. "And what's up with the arrangement, are we in some sort of conference meeting?"

"Take your seat Amber" principal demitrey said and proceeded in saying some other things I didn't care to listen to before walking out of the class.

After about an hour and half, from the corner of my eyes I saw the brown eyed dragon shifter standing up and walking towards the window and shortly she came back looking shocked and seems to be panicking. She then asked the red head demon to follow her. From where I was seated I could make out what they were saying and apparently she isn't only a dragon shifter but a witch as well. My two most hated creature making me have an instant dislike towards her and she has somehow ended up turning the garden to dust much to my amusement. After some time they both walked back to the table and started talking to the hazel eyed witch. At this point I stopped listening to their conversation because it was becoming pathetic. A witch who don't have control over her powers how useless.

After some time they all walked back to the table and from the look on her face, I'm guessing they have solved the garden problem.

"Ok I can't take it anymore, if this continues we all are going to face an even greater punishment, and as much as I would prefer not knowing anyone of you, i have no choice and so I feel we should all get to know each other because I have more important things to do than to be stuck in detention throughout the entire year with you guys" the hazel eyed witch said.

"Well then keep feeling" the vampiress said smirking.

"My name is Sabrina, I am a witch and the dumb vampire over there is my roommate" she said pointing towards the vampiress making me wonder who asked her.

"Who you calling dumb?" The vampiress asked.

"Do you seriously want me to answer that?" Witchy said.

"You know what, I'm going to....."

"My name is Lilith, I'm a demon" the red head demon said cutting the vampiress off much to my satisfaction. I am already getting fed up of those two and I'm no longer sure if I can resist the urge of killing them. They argue like kids, disturbing everyone with their baseless argument.

"My name is Jace, I'm a werewolf" a boy with blonde hair said. And this went on till it got to the hybrid's turn.

"Aurora" she said without saying what she is, like every other person did. Guess she is ashamed of her specie. Well who wouldn't be. She is as good as useless, she can't even control her powers how pathetic. I refused to introduce myself because I don't actually give a damn about this stupid group and I don't see how introducing oneself would help the group in any way.

"And what are you exactly?" The vampiress said staring at her intently. "I asked you a question" she said after not getting a reply.

"And she chose not to reply" the demon said.

"Whatever" said the vampiress.

"Yh just back off" The demon said glaring at the vampiress. Shortly after the demon stood up and was talking to the hybrid about ditching detention.

"Let's go detention is over " The demon said to the hybrid.

"It is?" She asked looking around.

"Well for the both of us, it is" said the demon.

"How?" The hybrid asked. Not only is she pathetic but dumb as well what a shame, I thought to myself.

"Well don't tell me you prefer staying in this boring class looking at irritating and smelling faces other than doing something else. Because I'm quite fed up of this graveyard" The demon said getting on my nerves because it's all her fault we are here in the first place.

"If we leave now, we would be in trouble, so why don't we just wait for a while" the hybrid said calmly looking like if persuaded further she would give in. So not only is she useless and dumb but she is also a weakling what a disgrace to the entire dragon and witch specie. By just mere looking at her you could tell how fragile and weak she is. She looks like someone who can't stand up for herself and cries about everything and let other people fight for her.I hate such girls because they bring trouble everywhere they go and someone else ends up cleaning their mess while they play damsel in distress.

"Nobody is interested in doing anything nor getting to know each other as asked. We only just got to know each others name and some people aren't even cooperating, so either way we all are getting punished so I think she's right, rather than being here in a class that's no better than a graveyard we can just ditch detention, not like teacher demitrey is coming back anyways" the hazel eyed witch said nonchalantly.

"Well this is the very first time you said something reasonable witchy. " The vampiress said staring at her fingers.

"In my opinion this is a bad idea" the Angel said.

"No one asked for your opinion your holiness" The demon said looking at him with hatred.

"Exactly" The vampiress said smirking. "And with that said see you all at dinner" she said before strolling out of the class

Gradually everyone started leaving the class. We were only four remaining in the classroom the hybrid, the witch, the Angel and I.

"You have something to say, spill it out" The witch said staring at the hybrid.

"What?" She asked.

"You stayed back cause you wanted to talk to me, so talk I don't bite" the witch said smiling.

"Well I just wanted to say if you don't mind that is, I would really love it if you could teach me some spells" she said nervously making me groan internally at how weak and pathetic someone who isn't a human can be.

"Ok, I don't mind cause that would mean having someone to talk to, I'm always bored and my roommate isn't the best person to talk to". The witch said.

"Ohk" said the hybrid still looking nervous.

"Let's go, we'll start from the basic" The witch said pulling her out of the class looking excited.

"How pathetic" I muttered before walking out leaving the Angel alone in the classroom.