
The supernatural academy: The demon and the hybrid

Well who would have thought I would end up in a supernatural academy ? I'm so excited for the new experience. (Note the sarcasm). Why the hell do I have to go to a supernatural academy. I'm currently in my room coming up with various strategies to make my Dad change his mind about me attending the academy but I immediately discard that plan cause knowing the kind of person my father is, there is no way out. "Well it's official my life just made a turn for the worst" I said to myself before sighing again for the hundredth time today. "Yo princess I heard you would be leaving the empire to go to the so famous academy" my best friend Brenna said while giggling after staring at my sulking face. "Don't be mean Brenna, stop making fun of our sulking best friend" my other best friend kaida said while chuckling obviously being sarcastic as always. "If you guys aren't going to help then could you atleast shut up" I snap at them "sorry" they both said in unison realizing I was in a bad mood. "But you know there's nothing we can do" kaida said and I had to agree with her cause she's right. I sighed heavily before saying "supernatural academy here I come". My name's is Aurora and I'm a princess of the fire dragon empire and last child of the Royal family. And I'm also an hybrid. A very powerful one but there is a catch, I can't control my powers. I'm not just a fire dragon but a witch.

isabelle moner · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

A flair for drama

Author's pov

Lucian sat at the back of the class room with an irritated expression on his face. I mean that's a change, considering the fact that he never or rather hardly shows any facial expression. He felt suffocated, and angry, the petite demon, his demon's history teacher was annoying him with her stupid squeaky voice. Infact he was already angry, she was just adding to it. He knew if he didn't leave the class as soon as possible at this his current state, he was going to do something that principal demitrey won't appreciate, not like he cared though, the stupid vampire has been getting on his damn nerves lately, the unnecessary detention, yelling at them like they were his kids, Lucian felt his demons itch and fought to be free within him earlier in the office, they wanted to claw the face of that dumb bloodsucker. Who the fuck does he think he is to yell at him like he's one of his kind. The worst part was him always getting involved in the mess the stupid members of his stupid group created. Like why does he have to get all tangled up in their shit, when all he fucking does is to sit and watch. Hell he wasn't happy about the stupid pairing stuff from the very first day, he knew it was a bad idea, he liked being alone, he liked his space, but no the stupid leech had to ruin it by suggesting pairing the students in a group, and they couldn't even pair him in a sensible group, they had to pair him in a group with stupid people whom can't seem to stop fighting and causing chaos, no they actually seem to enjoy the chaos too much.

And Lucian was pretty sure that even if he explained he had nothing to do with any of their fight, the foolish bloodsucker wouldn't give a damn and would still ensure he gets punished like the rest of them, it ain't fair. Standing up, he strolled out of the class his hands in the pocket of his school pants not even sparing the teacher a glance. He hated it here, he fucking does, he doesn't even get why it was a must for him to come, infact he doesn't get why it was a must for all of them to come. He was pretty sure every student here were forced to be here by their parents. Something seems fishy or rather they're hiding something. Because hell he refused to attend this stupid academy the very day his father brought up the suggestion, but the man insisted he went. He also noticed from every kingdom/world, a supernatural was here, from shape shifter down to werewolf, angels, demons, dragon shifter, banshee, witches, vampires, necromancer, you name it, they were all here. Still deep in thought, Lucian heard a voice at the back of his head, an high pitch voice he knew too well but at this state even that voice was beginning to sound annoying.

"erm babe? Could you come to my room" the voice said timidly. "Bitch" Lucian muttered under his breath, the bitch is anything but timid. Deceitful bitch. Running his hands through his messy hair he huffed softly. "On my way" he said in his head replying the timid voice.

Walking out of the school building, he was welcomed by the cool breeze, breathing deeply he advanced towards the dormitory situated a couple yards away from the school buildings. Entering into the dormitory he went straight to the third floor. Arriving at the third floor, he walked down the quiet dim corridor, everyone was at school hence the reason behind the quietness, he wondered what the stupid bitch was doing here when others were at school. Bending into another corridor he heard a scream making him freeze on the spot, then almost immediately the door of the room close to where he stood flung open. And of course it had to be the dumb hybrid, now he's certain she has a flair for drama. She almost blew his eardrums, facing her with a glare, he noticed a terrified look on her face, which morphed into a more terrified look when she looked up at him, her heart beating loudly, very loudly. Still glaring at her, she ran back into her room slamming the door to her room loudly. He could still hear her heart beating from the closed doors, shaking his head at her stupidity, he walked away.

Aurora and hydra sat at the empty classroom, she sobbed into the arms of hydra, with Hydra patting her softly, speaking softly to her that it was all going to be fine. After a while Aurora stopped crying, her face all red and puffy. Smiling softly at hydra she spoke.

"Thanks, I needed to let out a little steam".

"It's ok I mean it's good to let it out rather than keeping it bottled up, if at all at any point in time you feel the need to release some steam, I'll always be here" Hydra said chuckling softly.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I know you must be upset at the way I treated your mate, it was never my intention to hurt him, I just wanted to stop him, but then I loosed control an....."

"Please stop, It's fine, I mean yes I was a little bit mad, but then you only tried to defend your friend, whom is annoying by the way". Hydra said with a little smile "Anyways I came to realize you'll do the same for me if ever I was in that spot, and to be sincere it wasn't a fair fight, though I must say if not that it was my mate you were attacking I would say you look pretty cool and dead gorgeous floating on the air like that". Hydra complimented with a teasing and playful glint in her eyes causing a blush to form on Aurora's face.

"Thanks, I promise to refrain from ever touching your mate again" Aurora promised.

"Yeah, that will be great" Hydra said laughing. "Though you did hurt his pride and ego more than you hurt him physically. You inflicted his pride, he couldn't accept that someone as fragile as you could toss him around like a rag doll. I'll be sure to always remind him and of course mock him". Hydra completed her face red from laughing hard.

"It isn't funny". Aurora groaned burying her face in her hands. "I'll be sure to apologize the next time I see him.

Shrugging elegantly hydra replied"If you want to, but it was funny, not at the moment, but afterwards. He was pouting and grumbling, he did look cute" laughing she continued. "Him being an alpha made it even more funny".

"He's going to definitely hate me" Aurora said burying her head deeper into her hands, wishing the ground would just open and swallow her.

"He wouldn't". Still laughing, Hydra assured her. "Let's get going, we are both already late for our next class".

Groaning Aurora trudged silently behind Hydra, they still had five more classes, then of course detention why won't she be tired, Aurora thought inwardly.. Hydra and Aurora parted ways, whilst Hydra was going upstairs to her next class, water practice, Aurora had her next class outside the school building, herbology.

Finally Aurora muttered under her breath at the sound of the bell ringing signaling the end of the class and of course the beginning of their Thirty minutes break. Walking back inside the school building, Aurora walked around in search of the twins coming to an abrupt stop when she heard the school P.A system turn on with a click. Principal demitrey spoke through the system asking all students to go to the school auditorium immediately. Rolling her eyes and turning around, she walked back downstairs since the auditorium was located on the ground floor. Walking down the hallway leading to the auditorium, she saw other students rushing passed her at the direction of the school auditorium. Sighing she followed them into the large room with several rows of seat which was big enough to contain everyone in the school, the students, teachers and staff included. Walking into the room she saw the twins seated at one of the rows at the back of the hall, while some of her group where either seated at the front row or middle row. The students present at the school were not many enough to fill the auditorium, they didn't even take quarter of the school auditorium even when they all arrived, yet they were scattered across the hall, most of the front row seats were empty same as the middle, most of them went directly to the back. Aurora walked straight to the back row and took the seat closest to the twins.

"Hey" Jake greeted while blake just nod his head a little.

"Hi" Aurora replied wincing a little, she just had a flashback of what happened at the dinning hall yesterday. Hope they weren't mad, she thought to herself

"About yesterday, I'm sorry about my friend....". She started scratching her neck softly, something she does even nervous but was cut off by Blake.

"It's nothing, not like you did anything wrong, you don't have to apologize for her, though I'm pretty sure she isn't sorry, she had it coming".

"Yh she did, she really is a bitch. Lets forget about her and talk about you, what was that yesterday". Jake exclaimed excitedly moving closer to her "you levitating on air, you looked so cool, like a superhero". He said excitedly looking like an amazed kid causing Aurora to chuckle softly at his comment. He really looked like a kid who is amazed by a new stunt his favourite superhero pulled."Remind me never to annoy you or get on your bad side, because hell, I wouldn't want to be a witch's rag doll".

Groaning Aurora was about to reply when she heard a microphone turn on, turning in her seat she saw principal demitrey was already up on the podium with a microphone in his hands.

"Settle down students". His voice full of authority resounded in the Hall ceasing all the noise and murmurs coming from the students. "Could you all move forward and fill the empty seats at the front" he calmly requested but went back to his announcement after seeing all of them not moving but calmly seated staring back at him, he really hated his job.

Sighing, he continued. "You may all be wondering why you were all told to come to the auditorium" he paused then continued. "It's about the council, they'll be coming to the academy tomorrow or the day after that. Apparently a dangerous being escaped from them, and when he was traced, it appeared he wandered into this direction, so they're coming to see if he's at the school or around". Principal demitrey announced causing murmurs and whispers to arise.

Aurora eyes instantly locked with that of blake and his brothers, the same thought going through their mind.

"So they'll be staying at the academy while they search for this being, hence I expect you all to prepare for their arrival and be on your best behavior, any stupid conduct would not be tolerated, your reckless fights should cease". Principal demitrey warned "at least till after they leave" he murmured underneath his breath, but still some students heard him due to their supernatural senses. "Though I haven't sensed any strange thing or strange presence in the academy so far, so I believe this being isn't in the school premises, maybe around this place but definitely not in the school, so you all shouldn't be worried, they're just coming to confirm".

Yikes, this is bad , Aurora thought to herself, the being they're looking for has been and is still in the school premises, heck she helped him break in, helped? She broke him in!. They all should be worried and pay no heed to principal demitrey's words. And principal demitrey could not sense anything because she had been trying really really hard to keep him hidden, apart from few of her friends whom were aware that is, and she's also pretty sure Onyx himself has also been trying to stay hidden. Principal demitrey kept talking and making more announcement but she stopped listening, she was panicking on the inside. Her head spined at the amount of things she was thinking per minute, she was so dead. She was so going to be expelled once they found out she was the one who let Onyx into the school, she thought.

"Hey" Jake poked her. Getting Aurora's attention he continued "so we all agree the black cat is the being right?" he said air quoting.

"Yh" Aurora said closing her eyes whispering "I have also been looking for you guys, there has been a recent development with the cat". She paused thinking what their reaction was going to be.

"What?" Blake whispered back worriedly.

Gauging their reaction she said"He turned human".

"What?!!" Jake whispered yell while blake looked calm just a little bit surprised. I mean they were already aware the cat wasn't ordinary, he was just surprised that the being chose to show Aurora his true form, he's certain the being has a motive