
Antariksh Paridhi

After all of these was finished a new notification window appeared in front of Neha's eyes containing the Demonic Heart and Mind Corruption and Control Sutra.

To be precise in that notification window only the image of a book is present and beneath the book it's name is written.

[Mistress please read this Sutra and acquire your first skill]

Seeing this message from the system, Neha took a full glance of the Sutra in the notification window and then she walked towards her bed.

In that naked state of her, she walked onto her bed and then she sat down at the exact centre of her bed.

And then she closed her eyes and her legs are crossed around each other when she sat down and then she placed her hands on her thighs with the thumb and index fingers of her both hands half bend touching each other.

And now in this state of her, she gave told her system, "Begin the process of learning this Sutra."

[Yes Mistress, your input has been accepted. Initiating the process of transferring the Sutra into the mind of Mistress]

[Process Initiated]

With this a glowing light combined colors of red and black began to be emitted from the notification window.

The glowing light soon began to enter inside the brain of Neha and as that light entered in her brain, Neha found the mantra which is the actual Sutra being engraved in her both conscious and subconscious mind.

And with this effect of that mantra being engraved in her mind, the entire body of Neha began to glow in red and black light.

And this process of learning that Sutra took ten minutes and after the learning of the Sutra got completed Neha opened her eyes which for a split moment glowed in red color and then it disappeared.

[The process of learning Sutra has been completed by Mistress]

[Congratulations Mistress you have gained a new skill: Demonic Heart and Mind Corruption and Control]

[Demonic Heart and Mind Corruption and Control - This skill enables Mistress to corrupt and control the heart and mind of anyone who has lower Intelligence Score than Mistress. This skill can be used 5 times a day and has a cool down period of one hour. Mistress can use the entire usable quota of skill at once or Mistress can use it at different times in one day. Every new day the skill quota will be refreshed with fresh 5 chances for each new day]

As Neha read all the information about the new skill she has acquired, her face grew a big smile which purely recked of evil and bad.

And this smile of her spiked up her negative and evil nature once again which for a few moments and then came back to normal.

But this sudden spike of her nature soon attracted the attention of an entity which is present below the ocean body.

And this entity inside the ocean body is actually an organization called "Antariksh Paridhi", which is basically a secret organization created by ancient Rishis to protect humanity from any threat.

This organization harnessed the powers of ancient Indian yogic practices and combined it with the powers of stars to create the Star Childs and other sishya of their.

Not only these two things but this organization also harnessed the modern technology to a good level which helps them in monitoring the negative and evil nature that is spread in the whole world.


The computers and alarms of "Antariksh Paridhi", began to rang at full potential after detecting the negative and evil nature which out of nowhere spiked up twice in the world.

And soon two sishya of this same organization began to search for the source of this sudden spike up but the only thing they found was the city from where it came from.

[Tracking failed. Tracking failed. Tracking failed.]

Sishya #1: "No good. No matter how hard we are trying we can't get the exact address of the source from where this sudden negative and evil nature spiked up."

Sishya #2: "We should inform Maha Guru right now. Only he can find the solution for it."

Sishya #1: "You are right. Let's go."

The two sishyas left their stations and went straight towards their Maha Guru who is the current leader of this organization.

And soon both of them reached in front of a big metal door on which Swastik and Omm symbols are carved.

And then both of the sishyas closed their eyes and folded their hands and began to chant some mantras after reciting which the door got opened up automatically and both of them entered inside.

Entering inside both of the sishyas saw their Maha Guru in deep meditation with bright lights of many lamps lightening this room.

And soon they both came near Maha Guru and folding their hands and bowing their heads down they both said, "Pranam Maha Guru."

Hearing their voices Maha Guru opened his eyes and got up from his meditation and then turning towards them he asked them about the matter for which they have come to him.

Sishya #1: "Maha Guru, just now and a few moments earlier we have detected a very strong surge of negative and evil nature. And we tried to track down the exact location of the source of that surge but couldn't find it."

Sishya #2: "The only thing we got is from the city where it is and that city is Star city."

Hearing their words, Maha Guru became serious and said, "Star city is a big city and for that reason it has been divided into four districts. And someone to be able to hide it's location so precisely from our scanning radars is not child's play. This matter is serious and the problem at hand is also serious. Sishya go and tell Sandhya that I want to meet her now."

Sishya #1 & #2: "Yes Maha Guru."

Then the sishyas left Maha Guru alone in his room and after both of them left that room, Maha Guru became tensed as he looked at the flame coming out of the lamp.

After three minutes, the door of Maha Guru's room got opened and a woman wearing traditional Indian saree of mixed white and red color entered inside the room who seems to be in her late twenties.

This woman is one of the top Sishya of Antariksh Paridhi whose name is Sandhya and soon she reached near Maha Guru and then folding her hands and bowing her head she showed her respect towards Maha Guru.

Sandhya: "Maha Guru, you were looking for me ?"

Maha Guru: "Yes Sandhya. A serious matter has arise in front of us. And this matter needs to be dealth with utter importance."

The seriousness and urgency coming from the face and tone of Maha Guru made Sandhya to understand the gravity of the situation because she has never seen Maha Guru is such condition.

So coming closer to Maha Guru, Sandhya asked him, "Maha Guru what happened tell me ?"

Hearing her, Maha Guru pointed towards a Chakra which is placed right at the centre of Maha Guru's room and showing this Chakra, Maha Guru explained, "Sandhay this is the positive and good Chakhra which is used to maintain the goodness of this entire world. But look at the top most part of this Chakra, you will find a crack at that place. This indicates arrival of a villain who has a great potential to threaten the peace and goodness of this world. So I am assigning you to track down that villain and kill it."

Sandhya: "Don't worry Maha Guru this is a child's play for me. I will complete this mission of mine in no time."

Maha Guru: "Don't take it lightly Sandhya. Someone whose mere presence created on the Chakhra should not be taken so lightly. So for now go and prepare all your things and practice your yogic sidhi and then next week you will leave for Star city."

Sandhya: "Yes Maha Guru I understand your order and it will be done."

After this Sandhya took her leave and went back to get back into her yogic practice leaving a tensed Maha Guru who is still looking at the Chakhra.

Next morning...

Shooting Star District, Star City...

Kohli Mansion the epitome of splendor and lavish lifestyle of entire Star city has once again began it's morning activity as all the maids and servants are getting everything ready before their Mistress Neha wakes.

But then all don't know that their Mistress has not slept since last night as she was busy in a secret activity of hers.

Wearing a white business suit and long white skirt a woman holding a tablet in her hands entered inside the main dining area instructing the maids and servants to do their work properly.

This beautiful woman is Kalki Sharma, the personal secretary of Neha who manages her companies, factories and house chores of the Kohli family as a loyal employee.